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I need the ultimate snack

plain jane

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Dd12 is hosting a slumber party. Part of the night they will watch a movie or two and I want to be a cool mom and serve the ultimate snack food. ;)


I need some inspirations, ideas, and recipes. What would be delicious and impress that age group? I want this slumber party to be a big success. Dd plans to make the snack herself, if that matters.



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Potato Sundae Bar?


I had it at a party once and it was a huge hit with me and everyone else.


A big chafing dish with mashed potatoes surrounded with smaller dishes of toppings: grated cheese, baccon bits, diced tomatoes, thin sliced green onion . . . There were quite a few toppings that I cant remember that weren't really traditional for potatoes, like ketchup.


The potatoes were scoped with an ice cream scoop into footed ice cream dishes.


Popular with the guests, cute, delicious, substantial.

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At 12 my dd was all about decorating cupcakes.  I would bake up the cupcakes and lay out a toppings bar. Assorted frosting, candies, marshmallows, etc.


She also loved macaroni bites (don't look at the vast nutritional wasteland that those are, just enjoy their cheesiness)



There are a lot of good things to be said about snacks that qualify as a "vast nutritional wasteland."  :hurray:


They are Happy Foods.  :D

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Fruit kebabs are fun. Just use a long skewer and put assorted fruit bites on. Dip is optional but fun. It makes a pretty presentation. 


When our kids had sleepovers we usually had several snacks- not served all at once, but doled out throughout the evening. 


Every suggestion I read above would have been a hit when our kids were young. You can't go wrong!

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I like the trail mix idea posted above...different cereals, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, chocolate chips/candies, gummy candies etc.


In a similar vein...

You could make different flavors of popcorn and make a mix.

Another similar idea...at our local theater they let you choose from a bunch of different flavors to sprinkle on your popcorn. I think the brand is Kernel Seasons.


You could buy cute popcorn cups.


Also, your local theater might let you buy some empty popcorn buckets and soda cups.

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Cereal station.  About 10 boxes of varying cereal, milk, strawberry and chocolate milk, cut up fruit, and then, for those who don't like to eat it with milk, that puppy chow mix made with Chex cereal.


I know, I know...spilled milk and all that.  We bought a bunch of those bowls with the built-in straw and decorated them for each kid to take home.  They seemed to be more careful with them and we didn't have any accidents!

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This is what we made last night:


S'mores dip

In a microwave and oven proof dish: 

melt 6 Hershey bars in the microwave 

add two layers (or so) of mini-marshmallows

put under broiler until marshmallows are toasted

serve with graham crackers for dipping



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Rice Krispie treat sushi/sashimi is fun. Make the balls of rice and tie a swedish fish on top with a piece of fruit roll up. Poptart sushi rolls are a bit more work. Crush a couple of different flavors of pop tarts. Then thinly layer fruit roll ups with the pop tart and change color as you roll. There must be better directions on line. :D

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