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WWYD when Santa isn't bringing the most wanted gift....


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because the Grandparents are a week later? All of December DD5 couldn't really think of what she wanted to ask Santa for.  Three days ago it finally hit her.  She wants a new Furby.  Well, that's fine, because she had expressed interest I gave it as an idea to my parents and they bought one.  However, we're not headed their way until the weekend after New Years.  I only let the kids as for one thing from Santa so they are used to getting what they ask for.  She sent her letter out yesterday.  I expressed concern about how late it was getting out but she didn't seem concerned.  I am thinking of straight out telling her that I told Santa not to bring her that because someone already bought it for her.  And yes, I do realize in the scheme of things this doesn't even classify as a problem, I'm just looking to see if there are any other ideas for how to deal with it.

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I always tell dd that what she asks Santa for are just suggestions and Santa will choose. I don't limit her asking for only 1gift so we have choices for Santa. In your case I would just tell her Santa must know she's getting it from someone else.

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Yep, Santa takes suggestions, and there are no guarantees that Santa will bring everything you asked for.  Tell her that since she sent the letter so late, Santa had already picked out a few things for her (assuming you've gotten her something you are going to say is from Santa).  Tell her also that sometimes Santa passes on ideas to others so they know what to get.


When mine were little, we even got cooperation from grandparents saying that Santa left something at their house for the child. We'd have Gramma call the child and say there was a package at their house for the child, and that they couldn't wait to see them next day/week/whatever to see what Santa had left.  Not all grandparents are will to do this though.



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One year my son asked for a Chris Kimball action figure. Chris Kimball is the host of America's Test Kitchen on PBS and he watched that show a lot with my mom. Of course, they don't make Chris Kimball action figures (and believe me I checked on the off chance they did!)


I think not getting everything you want in Christmas morning can be a good thing. It will be that much more special when she does get it later on the next week.

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At least it exists. DS5 wants a "medium Thinga-ma-Jigger" from The Cat in the Hat. Medium, specifically. Not like it matters, they make zero Thinga-ma-Jiggers.


I seriously hope he forgets about it before Wednesday morning.

That is awesome! I was about age when I asked for a "circuntry." My parents had NO idea what I meant. Turns out, I meant a toy cash register. I don't remember how they figured it out, but somehow, someone did. I also once asked for a "fithering stick." That turned out to be a battery-operated stick with colored buttons on it that played music when you pressed them (cutting edge for the 80s, LOL -- imagine my surprise when I found out that DH had the *exact* same toy). My poor parents. . .


To the OP, I would just say that sometimes Santa isn't able to get something, but that he picks something else pretty cool, or maybe hint that he passes the ideas along to other people. Or maybe just tell her that it was too late for Santa to get it for her, but maybe it will come for her birthday.

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One year my son asked for a Chris Kimball action figure. Chris Kimball is the host of America's Test Kitchen on PBS and he watched that show a lot with my mom. Of course, they don't make Chris Kimball action figures (and believe me I checked on the off chance they did!)


I think not getting everything you want in Christmas morning can be a good thing. It will be that much more special when she does get it later on the next week.


Can you find a GI Joe type doll with similar coloring and add a Barbie/fashion doll chef's jacket, or apron, or whatever your guy should wear???

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My kids have always known Santa isn't real (yeah, I know) but this year, for some reason, my 8yo dd has totally gotten into the fantasy, even to the extent of sending him a letter.  So to keep up the fun, I wrapped up a small gift, signed it from Santa, and wrote a little story in the card about how the reindeer were messing around with the gifts and broke a bunch of them, including the remote-controlled everything (including rockets!) that she asked him for!  She'll get a real kick out of that, even knowing that it's all make-believe.  She just *loves* story-telling.


Maybe the OP could have Santa write a letter to her dd, telling her that he had to deliver the gift to the Grandparents' house, due to an unexpected blizzard at the North Pole or something.  Could be fun to play it up a bit! :)

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We encourage our children to dream big. Write whatever you want on the list. But Santa usually brings a small gift, something fun. It might be something on the list, and it might not. Santa is a guy who brings you things he thinks you will enjoy. My kids believed in him and wrote him their wish list every year, but it certainly didn't harm their belief when their every wish wasn't filled by Santa. :)



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One year my son asked for a Chris Kimball action figure. Chris Kimball is the host of America's Test Kitchen on PBS and he watched that show a lot with my mom. Of course, they don't make Chris Kimball action figures (and believe me I checked on the off chance they did!)

I think not getting everything you want in Christmas morning can be a good thing.

Yeah, sure. You say that now.


But what will you say when some day your son writes that tell-all book about how he had to spend years in therapy trying to recover from that time when his rotten mother didn't get him the Chris Kimball action figure for Christmas? ;) :D


Personally, I think you should send an email to Chris Kimball and tell him the story -- I'll bet he'd get a real kick out of it!

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Can you find a GI Joe type doll with similar coloring and add a Barbie/fashion doll chef's jacket, or apron, or whatever your guy should wear???

He's moved on. He's ten now and only really wants Legos, books and robotics/computer parts. He is unscathed. I did momentarily consider a Ken doll and then the antiBarbie feminist in me was like WTF ?! I think that year he got an apron and a cookbook as one of his gifts. He loved that.

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Santa always leaves a little note for the kids here, so any potential issues can be addressed - such as "I know I didn't bring everything that was on your list, but do remember that other people who love you will also be bringing you presents!" or some such.


ETA:  If more time permitted, I would have asked my parents to trade the Furby for a different gift.  But I assume they're too far away to do a quick trade.

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He's moved on. He's ten now and only really wants Legos, books and robotics/computer parts. He is unscathed. I did momentarily consider a Ken doll and then the antiBarbie feminist in me was like WTF ?! I think that year he got an apron and a cookbook as one of his gifts. He loved that.

Your son didn't miss anything by not getting Ken. Ken is a big sissy anyway. ;)


My Barbies much preferred that macho GI Joe.


Truth be told, I'm pretty sure Ken had his eye on GI Joe, too. :D

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One year my son asked for a Chris Kimball action figure. Chris Kimball is the host of America's Test Kitchen on PBS and he watched that show a lot with my mom. Of course, they don't make Chris Kimball action figures (and believe me I checked on the off chance they did!)


I think not getting everything you want in Christmas morning can be a good thing. It will be that much more special when she does get it later on the next week.

This is the funniest thing I've ever read on these boards!!! I want a Chris Kimball action figure too!!!

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We tell our children they can ask, but Santa will not always give them what they need. I've said this since they were little because I know they will change their minds, that some things become impossible to find, or they ask for something I don't feel they need. Therefore, I've preped for many years. This year my youngest is getting both items she asked for, my middle daughter will not be getting either thing, but things better :), and both boys asked for guns and I told them no and not to expect them. So... we shall see!  I do have a rule that they can only ask for two things, one big and one small. I also don't hound the being good and Santa because I don't want them to feel they were bad if they only get a few more expensive gifts, or if they get only smaller gifts, etc.

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My kids are only getting one or two things from their lists, because, frankly, they were ridiculous this year. We have had a LOT of talks about Santa not bringing everything from the list (esp. after my son kept saying he was going to "order" an xbox - we have a Wii, ipads, and a few computer games). They are also getting other things that weren't on their lists, because that's how Santa rolls. Previous years have been similar, but their lists were much more reasonable, haha.


My youngest, age 5, put on her list a live puppy and kitten (we already have a cat, 2 dogs, and 2 rats), a new house, and a bulldozer -- not a toy, a real bulldozer. They all added Gak (slime) at the last minute because they saw another $#*! TV commercial (we've been doing a bit of traveling recently; at home TV is mostly tivo'ed shows w/out commercials... I know it won't last forever, but I'm holding out as long as I can ;) ). Yeah, no to the slime, they nearly destroy the place with their bare hands as it is.


Hopefully this Christmas won't come up in their therapy sessions in 20 years, it's been a rough month.

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We also have Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa at a later date. This year I told him that Santa would make a stop at Grandma and Grandpa's with a few things to open there.  He's going to call tomorrow morning to see if Santa showed up  :laugh: .


 I've always told my kids that that they don't get everything they ask for.  But in your case, with only asking for one thing from Santa I can see why you'd want to have an explanation ready.





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