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Macy's Parade

Mama Geek

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Thanks guys, you have made me feel better about missing it:)

We don't have television and today is the first time I have felt like I was missing something because of it...probably because watching it was such a big part of my childhood Thanksgiving. I was a bit bummed about not getting to share it with my kiddo!

Now, not so much:)

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HERESY!  HERESY!  I may have to block ALL OF YOU! :willy_nilly:  


We're watching it right now.  So far we've seen my sister's high school marching band (where she went to school years ago), and younger dd has had a fit about how little they showed of the Hello Kitty balloon.  Also, loved the Monopoly commercial with the cats.  


We have also firmed up our resolve to NOT watch television Thursday night, ahem.

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I watched the Chicago one first this morning and am now watching the Macy's one (timezones, ya know!)


I have it turned on the big TV with the sound off while Pink Floyd "Wish You Were Here" is playing loudly in the other room.


The parade is absolutely perfect this way!

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The parade begins at 9 but the first hour or so they are waiting for it to reach the Macy's store. During that time they do interviews and performances. Once the parade reaches the Macy's store then you see the actual floats and balloons. ;) So next time either wait it out or turn it on around 10. 

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The parade begins at 9 but the first hour or so they are waiting for it to reach the Macy's store. During that time they do interviews and performances. Once the parade reaches the Macy's store then you see the actual floats and balloons. ;) So next time either wait it out or turn it on around 10. 


Yeah, we were just about to turn it when we saw the parade coming.  We did end up watching it.  It was indeed like the parade of my childhood.  Yay!

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Some people in my family kinda love musicals.


Yep, here, too.


We cut off cable some time ago and haven't missed it at all, except for two weekends each year: in June for the Tony Awards and this weekend for the Macy's parade. We actually turn on cable for those two months just so we can watch those events.


As others explained, although parade coverage starts at 9:00 (eastern time), the parade doesn't reach the official viewing area in front of Macy's at 34th Street until about 10:00. So, the first hour of coverage is all of the Broadway performances and interviews with various folks and stuff like that. Then, from 10:00-ish until 12:00, they show the floats and balloons and matching bands.

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I went there once (ONCE!) when DW marched the parade in college.  Bands get short-changed, squeezed onto the small tv-space and sounding rather muffled, but it's not a parade like the Rose Bowl parade, it's a series of scene changes for TV.  I have no problem with it being what it is, and DD digs it, so...meh.

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My children love the pre-parade Broadway stuff and love the parade.  What they don't love is having me stand in the doorway making snarky remarks about the NBC "personalities", asking how many time they think a bad show can get promoted.....and saying "I can't wait until the Tournament of Roses is on.....now that's a REAL parade!".


This is why I get banned from the living room every Thanksgiving morning.

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Guest chgodon

This is one of the worse parade coverage I've seen. It was one big freakin interview with entertainers promoting their projects as the parade marched behind the hosts!!! They announce a marching band and then talked over the music. Can't believe they even did that to Santa. If you're going to cover a parade, at least let viewers watch and listen to the singers/music/dancers. 


Big waste of time with crap that had nothing to do with the parade. Chicago's McDonald's Thanksgiving Day Parade was 1000 times better than macy's and I watched them both from the West Coast.

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My kids and dh love to watch it every year.  It is background noise for me as I do other things around the house.  I pause and watch a few things as I go about my business.  I thought it was just me who thought the hosts talked too much.

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I've been complaining about that for years and years (that and the interruptions for dance numbers and whatnot). It is why we no longer watch it.


I did find an on-line site that has cameras in different locations along the parade route and you just watch, but I just don't bother with that, either.


I'm waiting for the Rose Parade. :-)

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