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Is anyone else NOT prepared for school yet? Or am I the only one???

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I'm still planning my year, ordering books, and dithering over curriculum!


Everyone else on this board seems so together and organized and ready to start the year. We don't start until after Labor Day. But still, I'm way behind in prep work for our 10th year of schooling.


Am I the only one in this boat? :001_smile: Be Honest! Surely someone else is still reading TWTM, pouring over catalogs, and ordering madly over the internet!

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Well I sort of started last month but we're taking a short break while I shake up the curriculum a bit. So my plan was to restart next Monday, but RR has rightstart math on backorder and when I called for and asked if they had any additional information they said, "no." So I guess I'm at their mercy unless I want to cancel and just order from the RS site.

So yeah I feel stressed and unprepared.

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I thought I was ready but I am not really.....there are a couple things I would like to order. Right now it's not going to happen.


I am still in the planning stage......I am trying to get things really set up so it will be easier for us to leave if we have to.....

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My last piece of curriculum arrived yesterday, so I need to go over that. I'm trying to do US history using the Artner guide, and I've not gotten my books yet. I guess that's all I need to do. I still don't have my head wrapped around how all this is going to look in practicum, but we're not starting until the 25th, anyway.

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I am in the boat with you!! I am still trying to get things together. We wanted to start last Wed. but no plan was done. dh told me to take this week and try to plan at least a month then go from there.


I do not have everything yet and that is bothering me. I want a year planning done but dh said that may not happen due to my work schedule and dd's therapy schedule which really cuts into my weeks.



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No, you're not alone. And I'm going into panic mode. A math book is supposed to come today, so that will help. I haven't done any plans for my 6th gr. yet since we made last minute changes. Plus the constant interruptions. Not the way I envisioned my summer going.



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No, I'm right there with you. I pretty much have my list finalized, but I'm still waiting for the funds to order the materials. I'd say I have about half of this year's materials right now. I probably won't be able to order the rest for at least another week. I haven't gotten too far into lesson planning, since I don't have the books in front of me yet. :nopity: LOL


I am planning to start some school this coming Monday, with whatever we have onhand by that time. It's not my ideal way to start the year, but at least we can get some days in while we wait.




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Am I the only one in this boat? :001_smile: Be Honest! Surely someone else is still reading TWTM, pouring over catalogs, and ordering madly over the internet!


We aren't starting until after Labor Day, and I still have a lot to do. But that's okay. We are still in the middle of summer and summer work here. It just isn't time for school for us yet. I have almost all my things ordered, and I've just begun cleaning the classroom.


Everything in its own time :)




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Well, in this corner of the world school does not start till after Labor Day! This includes all extracurriculars, coops and the public and private schools. I have to admit I am stunned that it seems like elsewhere in the country August isn't part of summer! (Okay, I'm sheltered - I admit this is the only part of the US I've lived in :tongue_smilie:)


So I am mostly planned, but I still have to order some books and finish planning out science coop, Spanish, and figure out how to split up the math lessons to make sure they all get done. The rest of my stuff is "the next thing", so that's gravy. So... I am not ready, but also not stressed. It's summer! I have two and a half more weeks, gosh darn it!


(My kids are doing mean mom summer school - in the mornings they are going through LOF Fractions, doing 2 pp. a day of German grammar and their weekly "homework" packets which go year-round. So "starting school" is mainly going to be a shift to our "regular" school-year curriculum and adding back in all the coops and extracurriculars. But also it's starting all that new year stuff that needs the planning :))


But we're playing pretty much every afternoon! Today after they get their stuff done we're heading off to the summer homeschool park day. Yay summer!

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I finally ordered curriculum about two weeks ago and have received everything but our WWE workbook, which hasn't been released yet. But I am far from prepared! I still need to set up my account at Lively Latin and print out the first bit of work from that. I still need to look through all the books and see what we will be doing, so I can figure out what fraction of the work we need to accomplish each week to get done in 36 weeks. I would like to make at least a rough calendar this year, rather than playing it by ear, so I can plan ahead for field trips, holidays, etc.


I'm waiting for the carpet to be installed in our new family room so that I can get some bookshelves to store our homeschool materials in there and hopefully be more organized.


We aren't planning to start until after Labor day, but still I feel behind.

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I am so glad I am not the only one in those shoes. We moved out of state in June. I am still fixing up the house. I can't seem to make up my mind on what to order from Rainbow. I am hoping to get it in by Friday. We start on Labor Day, but if I don't get on the ball we won't get to start then.


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We start after Labor Day up here in Minnesota just so we can enjoy every last second of nice weather. However, I'm such a homeschooling nazi (that's what my kids lovingly call me!) that we did school up until last week. We have our yearly testing to get done and we can put last year to bed, so to speak!


I "think" I just got the science part of school figured out (dh will have a minor hissy-fit with the bills this year). Greek has arrived. I've got the TOG manuals, but need to work on ordering the books yet! YIKES!!!


So, at this point, I have half of TOG entered into HST and that's it! I still have half of year of TOG books to select, find, and order. Then, I can enter all of the rest of the school plans.


Come to think of it, Sept 15 might be a more likely start date!!


Oh, and just to give you a perspective on how desperate I've been with all this planning, I found myself actually considering LIFEPACS last night for the kids since it would be so cheap and easy to implement. :lol: I realized at that point that it was time to grab a diet coke and head to bed--I was losing it!

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You are not alone!


I just ordered everything last night. Mainly, because schools here start next week and we have co-op next week too. I didn't want to go there and say "I'm clueless about what we're doing this year!". So I finally sat down and finished planning what we will use. Now I have to wait for it, then sit down and plan our schedule for the year. This summer just flew by! We do a lot of field trips in Sept and Oct so next I'm going to plan out a schedule of trips so I can post it to my homeschool group and go with our friends. I feel totally unprepared for this upcoming year and I've never been like this during the 7 years we've homeschooled. So, no you are not alone!


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Nope. Not ready at all. Still waiting for some curriculum to come in, need to get our Latin program that I promised someone I would purchase from them last month but had to put on hold due to our van breaking down but we need our other Latin program because my girls are almost done with the one we are using.

Plus we are in our homestretch of finishing last year's work because I got far behind when my youngest needed surgery and the school work didn't get done by the people I thought would do it for me while I was gone.

We are going to slowly start Sept 2nd so we'll have a few weeks off before we start school again.Sigh.

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We were supposed to start this week and even had a back to school party Saturday. I have a cold and company this weekend, so Emily is staying with my mom school free. I have not moved our furniture around or organized the bookshelves. We have no table or desk to do school on, no organization to speak of. I received MUS last week, my last piece until spring. As soon as I get all the things organized we will be ready... I think. ;o) But just barely.

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Me! I've ordered (and received) the bulk of our curriculum, but still have a few things left to get. Still a lot of planning to do, though. We don't start back up until mid September, so I've got awhile. :001_smile:


With unpacking and a couple little roadtrips, I'll be scrambling to get things organized, a month or so well-planned, and get familiar with everything.


Doesn't help to have the Olympics as an interesting distraction either.:tongue_smilie:

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I have most of the curriculum on hand (except I'm still not sure what to do about art, or whether to add in either typing, foreign language, or cursive) but I still have plans to hash out. We're a lot more likely to get things done when I actually have a plan, so this is fairly important.


There's no minute like the last minute. :)

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Yep, it's just you.



















Of COURSE you're not the only one!:tongue_smilie: I wouldn't dream of doing school at this time of year. Everyone here is into the fair this week. The weather's lovely. It's mid-August, for cryin' out loud! In the Pac NW, that is not the time to be doing school. I usually start up in mid-September but am going to be a bit later this year since we're going away for a few weeks. Even when we do start, I doubt I'll be "ready" because at the rate I'm going, I'll never get around to truly familiarizing myself with some of the materials my oldest is going to use this year. C'est la vie.

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Right now I"m currently weighing grammar programs, (I think I've decided on Analytical Grammar) and loading (and then unloading!) my shopping cart at the Rainbow Resource website. The only things I REALLY need to buy this year are SOTW4 and Singapore Math 5B, plus whatever grammar program I decide on. Oh, and one or two (or fifteen!) things at Staples. But can I get myself together enough to actually MAKE A DECISION AND PLACE AN ORDER????! It appears that I cannot.

But I am buoyed by the fact that I am not alone in my ship of disorganization. :001_smile:




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We start after Labor Day up here in Minnesota just so we can enjoy every last second of nice weather. However, I'm such a homeschooling nazi (that's what my kids lovingly call me!) that we did school up until last week. We have our yearly testing to get done and we can put last year to bed, so to speak!


I "think" I just got the science part of school figured out (dh will have a minor hissy-fit with the bills this year). Greek has arrived. I've got the TOG manuals, but need to work on ordering the books yet! YIKES!!!


So, at this point, I have half of TOG entered into HST and that's it! I still have half of year of TOG books to select, find, and order. Then, I can enter all of the rest of the school plans.


Come to think of it, Sept 15 might be a more likely start date!!


Oh, and just to give you a perspective on how desperate I've been with all this planning, I found myself actually considering LIFEPACS last night for the kids since it would be so cheap and easy to implement. :lol: I realized at that point that it was time to grab a diet coke and head to bed--I was losing it!


I though I was the only homeschooling nazi around:D. My dh is trying very hard not to look at all the cirriculum bills. I almost have all I need. Must order science NOEO and tried to find it in pieces cheaper. Only found Usborne Encyclopedia and microscope. Not even RR has this and of course it is the one I want.:tongue_smilie: All in all we should be fine for Sept 2nd start.

BTW I too moved across country this past May and am still trying to sort all that out as well. The fun never stops.

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I'm not ready. I haven't ordered anything. I do, however, have a list!


This is my 1st year homeshooling. I will say it can be intimidating to read what everyone else is doing. From menu spreadsheets, chore charts, personal websites with blogs and pics of kids...I am amazed at what some moms accomplish.


I'll get there. It will take some time. And since we aren't on the public school schedule anymore...I have that time!!!


Let the journey begin!



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I am SOOOO far behind! Never been this late! We are starting the day after labor Day but we are going on vacation in 10 days!!!!


I don't have anything scheduled or planned yet. Math and grammar is set, most of the science we have, but the rest I need to decide and order asap!! And I am known for having a hard time making decisions!! :tongue_smilie:

Life just takes one on so many detours and distractions!!


Hang in there! You are not alone!


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I have everything but biology lab materials and I completed lessons plans for all subjects that aren't do-the-next-thing. But psychologically I am not ready. We are starting Sept. 1 I think and I am really dreading that even though we do daily summer school lite now. Oy.

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I'm still planning my year, ordering books, and dithering over curriculum!


Everyone else on this board seems so together and organized and ready to start the year. We don't start until after Labor Day. But still, I'm way behind in prep work for our 10th year of schooling.


Am I the only one in this boat? :001_smile: Be Honest! Surely someone else is still reading TWTM, pouring over catalogs, and ordering madly over the internet!


I am completely NOT ready for this year. We start Sept. 1 I still don't have a clue what to do for DS1 -- I had thought I had it all figured out, but now am not so sure.


I'm working on it today.

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