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Worst haircut ever!


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I know it is silly to cry over hair. It will grow back.....eventually.


I go to the cheap place for haircuts. Today a new girl cut my hair. She used thinning shears...a lot. I didn't see the back of my head before I left the shop. After I got home I noticed I had a bald spot in the back. I am serious. It is just stubble. It is about the diameter of a half dollar. My husband says don't worry about it; just comb my hair to cover it. I know in the grand scheme of things, a bad hair cut isn't a big deal, but right now I just feel like crying. My hair grows really slow and besides the bald spot it is just an all around pitiful cut. I look terrible! Waaaaa

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I know it is silly to cry over hair. It will grow back.....eventually.


I go to the cheap place for haircuts. Today a new girl cut my hair. She used thinning shears...a lot. I didn't see the back of my head before I left the shop. After I got home I noticed I had a bald spot in the back. I am serious. It is just stubble. It is about the diameter of a half dollar. My husband says don't worry about it; just comb my hair to cover it. I know in the grand scheme of things, a bad hair cut isn't a big deal, but right now I just feel like crying. My hair grows really slow and besides the bald spot it is just an all around pitiful cut. I look terrible! Waaaaa


I am sorry about your hair cut. Experiences like this is the reason that the only person allowed to cut my hair is my dad. if you can believe it!

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Hair IS a big deal; I completely understand.  When we adopted our daughter from China, she came to us with rickets, scabies, mild attachment issue, almost nonexistent muscle tone, gross developmental delays, an intestinal parasite, etc.  And I was completely unfazed by that--took it in stride, addressed everything as it came up.  But when she suddenly lost two quarter-sized patches of hair after she's been home for nearly a year, I FLIPPED OUT.  I immediately called and begged the pediatrician to see us immediately and was irritated when they refused to see it as the emergency that I did.  Yeah, it grew back, and though they never agreed with me, I am positive that it was a reaction to the antibiotic she was on for a positive TB test, but still, I think about this every time someone says, "It's just hair."  It's just hair, but hair is important.


I am sorry she screwed up your hair and hope it grows quickly.  I've heard prenatal vitamins can make hair grow faster.  Maybe treat yourself to a visit with a really top notch styling who can help you with products or something to make the best of it until it grows in better?

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(((hugs))))  Hair is not just hair.


I can still remember the tears I shed at age 8 when a beauty school student scalped me.  I had very long hair and she gave me what was suppose to be a long shag.  Um,no it wasn't.  I cried.  And cried.  My mother felt horrible.  It was horrible.  It does grow back,but wow is it hard.  So don't feel bad.  It is a big deal.

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Oh, serious hugs!

It WILL grow back, but... There is nothing quite like that anguish of just knowing it looks horrible. And of course, it always looks more horrible in your mind than it does in real life! It is absolutely ridiculous how something like that can undermine you confidence and general mood, but it surely does:(((


If it will make you laugh, I will share my own tale of hairdresser woe...

Imagine, if you will, preparing to travel with your British fiancé to a new country, to meet his family (extended and all!) for the very first time. I had my hair in carefully colored layers at the time. I went to an appointment at the waaay overly-priced salon to have it touched up on a Saturday, when we were scheduled to fly on Monday.


I should have canceled the minute I heard my regular stylist had a family emergency. I knew there was a HUGE problem when the very young stylist gasped and told me not to move, running for help. And then the help gasped. And it all went progressively more wrong.

The closest I have to describing the result is...I looked like a sucked-on candy cane! White and BRIGHT. PINK. Swirls. Everywhere. My hair is naturally brown.


Pretty sure my impending wedding was jeopardized with all the drama. Total hysterics on my part, laughter on his. Ugh.

I was able to schedule an immediate appointment the next day at another salon, where it took TWELVE different colors of dye , six long hours, three different stylists, $500, and a partridge in a pair tree, just to get my hair approaching a single color...which happened to be decidedly purple!

My in-laws never said a thing, but I am certain hubby warned them in advance to keep a straight face. And there are pictures to immortalize the 'do:(. I finally went with attitude as my only disguise! Yep, I LOVE my hair thirty shades of purple. I paid a lot of money for it! Would you like the name of my stylist?!

Hubby is more scandalized that I never managed to obtain a refund from the original salon as it was a gift certificate, lol!


Anyway, yes. It is painful just to know the problem exists. TRY to own it, pretend like you purposely chose to have a bald spot as a fashion statement, and look people in the eye daring them to question it...and buy really cool hats:)

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I get it. Hair is important.


I once emerged from a highlighting session with hair that resembled what I strongly suspect Crack Whore Barbie would look like if Mattel decided to branch out their doll designs. This was made worse when their sink stopped working and I had to wash the rest out at my apartment, which was a 15 block walk. They fixed it the next day and refunded me. It was bad. That was the last time I let anyone come near me with dye.

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Hair is important. :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I went in to get long layers around my face.  Instead she gave me a mullet.  The next salon had to chop off all my hair.  I had a very short boys haircut.  I cried. But then it was okay.  I actually learned to like it.  But I never got it cut that short again.

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It's not silly to cry over hair. (((Hugs)))


I've had a few awful cuts and other hair drama over the years. The worst hair issues were all in my teens. It started when I was 13 and decided on a whim that I wanted to have my beautiful long hair (it came to the middle of my back) chopped off in order to get a really short cut. I must not have communicated the style I wanted very well, because the stylist basically almost shaved my head. There was no "style" - I had about 1/2 inch of hair (if that) all around. If looked awful and I cried for weeks.


A year or so later, when I finally had some hair again, I decided I wanted to have a chunk of my bangs dyed blond (I have dark brown hair). That was all the rage in the 80's and I just knew it was going to look awesome. Well, the color turned out an incredibly ugly shade of orange instead. But I was too shocked to say anything, so I just left the salon and cried the whole way home. I ended up going to a different salon a few days later and they (somewhat) corrected it.


At 16, I got my first spiral perm. It made me look like a poodle. Not a good look either.


All that to say that I feel your pain. Yes, it will grow back, but that doesn't make things better in the moment. (((Hugs)))

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I am not allowed to go to the hair salon with my mother. In the 15 years I have been married I have gone with her 3 times and it is always a disaster.

The first one was 3 hours before family portraits with my parents, brother, grandfather, aunts, uncle, cousins. The cut is horrible and every time I walk into a family member's home I see it. 14 years I have been looking at that awful hair cut.

The second was a week after my first baby was born. I wasn't feeling very attractive so my mother took me to get a 'pick me up'. I can not even describe what it looked like. I went to another salon a couple of days later and the stylist picked up a section of hair like one whole pick up a dead mouse and said "what on earth is going on here?" I cried and just asked her to please fix it. I ended up with a very cute, very short, shaggy bob but I hate having that short of hair.


It is not just hair. When my hair doesn't look good I do not feel good.

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I know it is silly to cry over hair. It will grow back.....eventually.


I go to the cheap place for haircuts. Today a new girl cut my hair. She used thinning shears...a lot. I didn't see the back of my head before I left the shop. After I got home I noticed I had a bald spot in the back. I am serious. It is just stubble. It is about the diameter of a half dollar. My husband says don't worry about it; just comb my hair to cover it. I know in the grand scheme of things, a bad hair cut isn't a big deal, but right now I just feel like crying. My hair grows really slow and besides the bald spot it is just an all around pitiful cut. I look terrible! Waaaaa


Posting without having read other responses yet ....


I took ds to get a cut at one of the cheap places yesterday. He gets an easy "style", if you can even call it that. An older guy was there, and told the stylist who was doing his hair (he asked for her by name) that last time he was in, someone else did his wife's hair at the same time, and she was very unhappy with it. The stylist wrote down her name and the shop's phone number, and told the guy to have his wife call to set up a time to come in and she would give her a new cut for free. 


It sounds like yours may be something where there's not a lot that can be done until it grows out. I would have someone take pictures from several angles to document it, and I would call or go in to the shop. They need to know what she did. 

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Agreeing all around.


Hair can be so important also because it symbolizes something to you. I think of nuns, who have their hair shorn as they enter the convent. 


My own hair story--


About a year before we married, I got a perm for the first time. It was awful. I came home, embarrassed by the whole ordeal, and my roommate said, "Oh." Pause,trying to say something nice. "It looks French." 


Yeah, French poodle. 


I would definitely go back to the salon and ask for a refund. Don't ask them to make it right--time will do a much better job of that. 

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I know it is silly to cry over hair. It will grow back.....eventually.


I go to the cheap place for haircuts. Today a new girl cut my hair. She used thinning shears...a lot. I didn't see the back of my head before I left the shop. After I got home I noticed I had a bald spot in the back. I am serious. It is just stubble. It is about the diameter of a half dollar. My husband says don't worry about it; just comb my hair to cover it. I know in the grand scheme of things, a bad hair cut isn't a big deal, but right now I just feel like crying. My hair grows really slow and besides the bald spot it is just an all around pitiful cut. I look terrible! Waaaaa


Yes, especially since it was a new girl, go back and tell them. soon, So they can see what she did. They need to know.


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go back and complain to the manager.  at the least you should have had to pay for the haircut.  if you used a credit card - you can call and dispute the charge.

if this was a school - a teacher should have looked at your hair to go over the student's work. in that case, the teacher would be equally at fault for not catching this.  if just a cheap hair place - you really want to let the manager know.

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