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Our dog is just amazing!


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We were a bit worried about leaving dh's parents for a few weeks while we travel. They both have various health issues, have suffered falls, etc. While checking in with them tonight, we found out that my fil had fallen out of bed in the middle of the night and couldn't get up. My mil had fallen asleep on the downstairs couch, as she often does, and didn't hear a thing. Our dog has been sleeping with fil since we've been gone, and ran downstairs after this happened. He barked like crazy at mil, ran repeatedly to the stairs and back to her on the couch crying, etc. until she got up and followed him to my fil's bedroom. Thankfully he wasn't seriously injured, but he could have been laying there for hours, as he had removed his medical alert device and mil didn't hear him calling for her at all. I think our pup deserves a big bone when we get home!

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We found out tonight that fil didn't realize that his hand is swollen quite a bit, so he is having x-rays in the morning. Hopefully it is a minor injury, as he's not feeling any pain. The dog has been following him everywhere since his fall, lol. He is taking his job very seriously!

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Oh, what a wonderful pup!  That's fantastic!  What a good, good dog.  


My elderly aunt's dog saved her life last winter - she fell on her porch (outside) in the cold, and the dog ran to the neighbor's house.  She ended up with a broken hip among other things - she almost died.  But she's recovered now, and we are all grateful to her doggy.

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Oh, what a wonderful pup! That's fantastic! What a good, good dog.


My elderly aunt's dog saved her life last winter - she fell on her porch (outside) in the cold, and the dog ran to the neighbor's house. She ended up with a broken hip among other things - she almost died. But she's recovered now, and we are all grateful to her doggy.[/


That is amazing! Dogs really are incredible animals.

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