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Does your dog cover himself up with blankets?


Does your dog cover himself with blankets?  

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  1. 1. Does your dog cover himself with blankets?

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    • No
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Our dog is long gone, but here's my story for your amusement :D


When I was young and single and lived alone in Manhattan, I wasn't in control of the heat in my apartment, and the nights were usually freezing cold for both me and my dog (about 45 pounds of kookiness). So when we went to bed at night, I'd get in and get settled and then I'd lift up the covers and the dog would hop in and curl up behind my legs. I'd throw the covers back over her, and we'd go to sleep! Halfway through the night we'd both be roasting and she'd wake me up shaking the bed because she'd be panting so hard :lol: She'd stick her head out, cool herself off, then dig back under the covers and go back to sleep. Other than that, she didn't necessarily care to be under blankets so much, but that's how we made it through those cold winter nights. 


Good times, man...

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My curremt dog does not. He has a thick coat and never seems to be cold.


My dachsund growing up did. Ds has a friend with a dachsund mix that loves to cuddle and now ds wants one. (I want one, too.)


My boxer was funny. He would get under the covers and put his head on the pillow just like a human. My only complaint was that when he was cold, he would put his nose in the nape of my neck. On one hand it was cute. On the other hand I had a snoring dog's cold, wet nose literally breathing down my neck.

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Well, it's a fun zombie anyway :)


The chihuahua will burrow herself under blankets. The other night, she actually managed to burrow her way into my pajama shorts while I was wearing them! That's not any place I want a wet nose....


The poodle didn't when he first came - in fact, he barked when he saw his new roommate doing it - but now he does it too. Funny thing, I think he's scared of the dark. About 25% of the time, he'll crawl under the blanket, then freak out until I uncover his head.

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Would this help?https://www.wayfair.com/pet/sb0/dog-beds-c1863966.html?sku=FUH1146&refid=GX140429330630-FUH1146

Voted no. Can I train my short-haired dachshund mix to do this? :p He sleeps in a crate (with bagel bed) and I have him in a sweatshirt these days because he gets cold (we don't heat the house at night due to the cost). He elaborately arranges any blanket I place in his bed but never crawls under it. Night temp will drop another 10F inside in winter. I tried a portable heater (not directly) last year but it was still extremely expensive. I'm contemplating a fleece-lined sweatshirt just in case but will that overheat him?

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My Chi/terrier mix insisted on being tucked at all times. If he was on his bed, he wanted blankets over him, and he wanted ME to do it. I often felt like I spent half the day tucking in the dog.  :blush:


My spaniel loves soft places, like blanket nests and pillows and piles of laundry, but she doesn't like to be covered up.

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My dog will crawl underneath blankets and curl up. It is the cutest thing.


Does anyone else have a dog who does this?


Our old fella would do that.  He had an outdoor heated dog house and we would pile in several blankets. He preferred to have the fluffy microfibre ones on top of him.  He could tuck himself in rather neatly, too.  It was very sweet. 

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I had a Doberman that LOVED to be covered up at bedtime. He would curl up and then wanted us to put the blanket over his entire head and body. it was the cutest thing!

Our Doberman does this! She has a dog bed and a blanket next to it. I love watching her try to arrange things. She uses the blanket for a pillow if left to her own devices, but she loves to be covered up. I realized that being completely under a blanket makes her less afraid of storms too. The Thunderhshirt was a fail, but apparently thunderblankets are where it's at.


Dobies are a trip. :)

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Our Sheltie didn't, but he was a pillow hog. He slept in the bed with ds since he was big enough to jump on and off without getting hurt. He slept with his head on the pillow and body on the bed just like a people sleeper. It was so cute to see. He took up as much room on the pillow as he physically could. Ds said he often had to push him over just to squeeze out a few inches of pillow for himself.

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Our Doberman does this! She has a dog bed and a blanket next to it. I love watching her try to arrange things. She uses the blanket for a pillow if left to her own devices, but she loves to be covered up. I realized that being completely under a blanket makes her less afraid of storms too. The Thunderhshirt was a fail, but apparently thunderblankets are where it's at.


Dobies are a trip. :)


Dobies are big babies! :D I once had a roommate with a Doberman named Storm who was terrified of thunder. He also thought he was a lap dog, which was interesting if it was your lap he wanted. And after he ate he would try to come and wipe his big slobbery mouth on your pants. He was hilarious and cuddly. If I ever decided to get a larger dog (( usually prefer mid-size) it would probably be a Dobie.

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My mother's dog does this! It was so funny too. He's a very new to her dog - a beagle - and they're just getting to know each other. She kept taking blankets away from him because she didn't understand why he kept trying to pull the throw blanket off the back of the sofa. But the moment we were there and strewing messy blankets, he immediately crawled under. At one point, he had the throw draped over his head and was just sitting on the sofa with it hanging off the side of his snout like that was normal. We were dying laughing at him. I was like, mom, he needs his own blanket! He loves it! So she gave him one and he's been very happy with it apparently.


ETA: Ha. I missed that this was a zombie. Oh well. It was a cute topic.

Edited by Farrar
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My mother's dog does this! It was so funny too. He's a very new to her dog - a beagle - and they're just getting to know each other. She kept taking blankets away from him because she didn't understand why he kept trying to pull the throw blanket off the back of the sofa. But the moment we were there and strewing messy blankets, he immediately crawled under. At one point, he had the throw draped over his head and was just sitting on the sofa with it hanging off the side of his snout like that was normal. We were dying laughing at him. I was like, mom, he needs his own blanket! He loves it! So she gave him one and he's been very happy with it apparently.


ETA: Ha. I missed that this was a zombie. Oh well. It was a cute topic.


The OP revived it because she was enjoying the stories :D It's really making me miss having a dog *sigh*

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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The OP revived it because she was enjoying the stories :D It's really making me miss having a dog *sigh*


I go in stages. Sometimes I just don't want the work involved or don't want to worry about getting home in time to take the dog out or feed him. We also are thinking about putting the house on the market and might live in an apartment until we decide what to do permanently. A dog wouldn't be a good idea right now. Other times I look at my cat, and as much as I love her, start wishing she was a dog. We put our dog down about a year and a half ago. The longest I've ever gone without a dog since I was 7 years old, was about 2 years. That milestone is approaching and I don't know if I can continue to hold out..

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The only time our dog wants a blanket near him is when there is thunder or lightning (like there is right now).  Then he likes it to be completely covering him head and all.  He has a great bed that he starts the night off in but he always moves at some point either to the spot on the hardwoods right under the ceiling fan, or on the tile floor in our bathroom. 

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I go in stages. Sometimes I just don't want the work involved or don't want to worry about getting home in time to take the dog out or feed him. We also are thinking about putting the house on the market and might live in an apartment until we decide what to do permanently. A dog wouldn't be a good idea right now. Other times I look at my cat, and as much as I love her, start wishing she was a dog. We put our dog down about a year and a half ago. The longest I've ever gone without a dog since I was 7 years old, was about 2 years. That milestone is approaching and I don't know if I can continue to hold out..


DH is allergic to just about everything furry, so our three hamsters are about all the cuddly pets we're going to have for the foreseeable future :( But he put up with my dog for years after we met and married, so he's done his time. And we like him, so we figure it's a good tradeoff :p I also had pets (cats and dogs) my whole life before I met him, and it's still hard. He's lucky he's worth it!

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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