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Scariest movies

Night Elf

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I just posted about the movie Halloween. It made me wonder about the scariest movie I've ever seen. I think I'd have to say The Shining with Jack Nicholson. If you have ever watched scary movies, what's the scariest one you've seen? You know, I've never seen Psycho? I think I might need to see it just so I can say I've seen it.

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I don't like creepy-scary movies like The Exorcist or movies with similar themes so I have not watched any like that. There seems to be a lot of previews for such movies on TV and the previews are creepy enough for my liking. The scariest I've seen that stick out in my mind are "I am Legend" and the newest version of King Kong. Ack. That movie made Jurassic Park seem like a Disney cartoon and I didn't want to get up and pee in the middle of the night for weeks after watching I am Legend. Lol.

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I no longer watch horror films. The Ring freaked me out. It is not really scary when you are watching it, however I remember looking at my tv and computer screens late at night and praying that they wouldn't turn on.


As a child I watched a lot of horror films. Nightmare on Elm Street, polterguiest, and Exorcist were probably the scariest.


Surprisingly Psyco and the Village didn't seem all that scary. Predictable maybe, but not scary.

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I find movies with sudden shocks or things jumping out to be scary. I also don't like demonic stuff--the scariest part of the Exorcist for me was the sudden flashes of the demonic face that are almost subliminal. Deep voices are scary (so her voice was frightening, too) and that whole "crawl around backwards" stuff like in The Ring and that sort of movie are scary to me.


I think the absolute scariest for me was Blair Witch, but not until the last bit. I went on a whim w/o telling my family I was going. The theater was fairly full--so parts were soliciting comments from the mostly-young adult audience, and it wasn't scary--til the end, when things take a turn. The theater got very quiet, and that horrible "impending doom" feeling and a feeling of being swept along...ooo....


Plus I went to the website when I got home. Not a good plan. I freaked myself out and couldn't get up to go to bed...lol. 


Good movie, though!

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I don't like creepy-scary movies like The Exorcist or movies with similar themes so I have not watched any like that. There seems to be a lot of previews for such movies on TV and the previews are creepy enough for my liking. The scariest I've seen that stick out in my mind are "I am Legend" and the newest version of King Kong. Ack. That movie made Jurassic Park seem like a Disney cartoon and I didn't want to get up and pee in the middle of the night for weeks after watching I am Legend. Lol.


Agreed! I Am Legend really messed with my head. I do not like zombie type stuff as a general rule, but I thought I might it. I did actually like it but will not watch it again. :lol:


I loved 6th Sense and it didn't bother me a bit, but I got dh good! About a week after we saw it, I opened every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen. I then went to bed with dh. I sent him down to get me some water a little later and he screamed when he turned the light on!





ETA: The Ring - wooo, now that one was scary!

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American movies that scared me are,


The Ring 

The Changling (the one with George C Scott)

The 1963 version of The Haunting. (plus Mrs Mungo screams every time she watches it so that makes it fun)

The Woman in Black


The Changling and The Haunting are movies my  parents and siblings like to watch now and then together.


I watched The Woman in Black with my parents and younger sister but we did not think we would ever want to watch it again. :lol:


I don't like excessive gore in movies, or people getting tortured. I am not scared of that I just don't like looking at gross things. I do like suspenseful movies. 

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I hate horror movies, especially ones that have evil children or the occult in them, and rarely watch them. My dh made me watch The Ring with him and it scared me a lot. I don't consider movies like Signs or the village to be horror. I love the Village it is one of my favorite movies. ;)

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I loved 6th Sense and it didn't bother me a bit, but I got dh good! About a week after we saw it, I opened every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen. I then went to bed with dh. I sent him down to get me some water a little later and he screamed when he turned the light on!


:lol:  That's too funny!

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The Mothman Prophecies really freaked me out.


Also, agreeing with The Exorcist, Chidren of the Corn, Omen, The Ring, The Changeling, Poltergeist . . .


Two others that I remember I thought were super creepy when I was a teen are Phantasm and Pumpkinhead.


Oh, and The Bad Seed and The Godsend.

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We just watched The Conjuring today and it's now at the top of my list. The best part was I don't remember a single curse word, there was no sex stuff, no gore, and minimal blood. It still seriously scared us.




When I was younger, I watched all the slasher flicks and Nightmare on Elm Street scared me the most. I didn't sleep well for weeks.

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