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"Playing" church - would you allow it?

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My girls are "playing church" right now. They set up chairs in rows, are signing the Doxology, etc. DD6 wanted to use my real Bible, but I told her no. So she folded over some paper and made a "play" Bible that they are pretending to sing and read from. It's kind of cute, but something strikes me as odd about it. I hope it's not making light of religion....


Would you stop them?


(FWIW, we attend a moderate ELCA Lutheran Church - the religion I grew up with.)


Thanks for your thoughts

- Stacey in MA


(ETA - spelling errors)

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We are a very conservative family and I would definitely allow that. Children play at what they live. They play with baby dolls to imitate their parents, they play "house" and "work" etc. It seems perfectly normal and healthy to play "church" if that is a part of their regular lives. I'm a little confused about why you don't want them using real Bibles, though.

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I spent many days as a small child "celebrating Mass" with juice, crackers, a brass ashtray (for the paten), and a little Bible that I used for a Missal.


I wore a green bathrobe since no one would prepare a sheet for me to use.


Mad props to your kids! :w00t:

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I would definitely allow it!! And, I would give them my Bible...or make sure they had one like it.




My grandfather is a pastor and some of my favorite memories are staying with him and my grandma at the parsonage for a few weeks each summer. My cousin and I would go over to the church sanctuary almost daily and hold our own services. I'd play the piano, we'd sing some songs, then he'd preach. And my pretty conservative grandfather never seemed to mind.



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My cousins and I used to do this all the time. It was great fun.


Now, if I felt they were playing church disrespectfully (I can see one of my boys getting the idea to belch or something in a game like this), I would stop that behavior, but just imitating church would be fine, as far as I'm concerned.

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It does seem very wholesome, and cute, and wonderful that they want to play at what they see as valuable. I like the analogy of playing babies, or house, or mommy. I will continue to let them do it....


As an explanation, I just have always had a little nervousness between "playing" religion b/c I don't know how to separate for them the difference between "Hey this is fun" and "Hey this is REAL". It's like the whole Santa Claus thing - it has always bugged me. Especially that it's related to a very precious religious holiday. When my DD6 figured out that Santa wasn't real, I was very worried that she would think God isn't real too. I was also worried that she wouldn't trust us about other intangible matters (like God) b/c we "played the game" as well. (I remember as a kid feeling very duped by the adult community as a whole when I found out about Santa). Anyway, I guess I was worried that if they "play church" they will think of it as a play theme, and not as something to be revered. Now that I'm actually saying that, it sounds ridiculous. OK, I'm put back in my place! hee hee!


ANYWAY, I must sound like the most uptight person! I really am not, but on this matter, I just wasn't sure. I've got 4 kids and I'm STILL trying to figure out this parenting thing! Ha!


About the real Bible issue.... They may (happily!) have those whenever they like, and have plenty to choose from. But they (DD6 and DD4) are terribly hard on books. We're talking bent covers, ripped pages, stepped on, etc. And if books and papers are left out after play time (which happens often), baby DS1 will then have his way with them as well - usually down his digestive system! Some books I care more about saving than others, and I want to keep the Bibles in tact. So the kids can have them in the school room (or sitting somewhere, like at the sofa or in bed) when they use them.


Thanks guys! You've eased my mind.... (listening to choruses of "Yes, Jesus Loves Me coming from the other room!)

- Stacey in MA

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Regarding the Santa issue, the difference is that the children *know* they're playing church, they don't *know* the parents are playing Santa. There are plenty of families (ours among them) who choose to refrain from teaching their children Santa is real. We teach them to be respectful of others' desires to play Santa and not "spoil others' fun", and we don't squelch Santa talk or anything, we just choose to tell our children the truth about that from the beginning.

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Sometimes they play VBS too and have a great time with it.


That's what my three youngers have been doing all afternoon!

They decorated the upstairs hallway with posters on the walls and so on. They planned "craft time", "worship time", and "snack time."

They even made nametags based on the kind we had at VBS! :001_smile:

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My dds love to play church. They usually put the babies in the nursery and divide up their toys into Sunday School groups. They have a lot of fun doing this and I think it really helps them to appreciate the whole process not make fun of it.


They have never played school but they like playing church.:001_smile:

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We did this all of the time and my sons do the same. My dh is a minister and he "played church" with his sisters as a child and had a funny experience. It had been storming one night and he had been preaching his little heart out to his congregation of sisters. His mom passed by in the hall and instructed them to stop playing with God or something may happen. They kept going with their little church service and then all of a sudden, lightening came through the house and struck the TV in their room. Children were scrambling everywhere in fear and they didn't play church again after that. :lol:


I don't think this will happen. I just thought it was hilarious!

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The only reason I could think of for stopping them would be if any baptisms get out of hand!


Aw, that reminds me. . . . .


When my middle dd's were about 5 & 3, they used to play "Bath-tizing". They had seen a baptism, and acted it out in the bathtub every night - it was SO funny!

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