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Strangest gift that a child wanted?


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My ds got a case of tape for Christmas when he was 7. He still says it ws the best present ever!! He loves tape.


My youngest wanted a flame-thrower.....ummmmmm, no...he isn't getting one.


One dd wanted a stick immersion blender for her 12 th birthday. We got that for her and every year since she gets a cool appliance or power tool. She LOVES power tools...and now at 27 she has quite the collection. It would make any man jealous!


My brother once made a flame thrower with a large water gun filled with a flammable liquid and a stick tied to the gun holding flaming rubber cement on the tip ahead of where the squirt came out. Sadly this was before the days of digital cameras and we have no video evidence either.


Oh, and I have to warn you.  My son asked for cheesecake for his last birthday and not a single kid would even taste it.  He loved it, though!


After watching a Masterchef episode ds6 requested to make his own cheesecake for his birthday cake. His birthday is coming up in November and he still wants to do it. I found an easy Bisquick recipe for him to do with minimal assistance from me. (He and his 4 year old brother already know that they love cheesecake.)


My kids don't know that they're supposed to want specific presents. No tv here, just Netflix, so they don't see the adds. Not a lot of trips down the toy aisles and not many friends telling them to ask for things and I give ideas to family members asking. He was asked over the phone what he wanted for his birthday and he told them he was going to get to make a cheesecake. :) I'll show them something and ask if they would like something like it sometime and they usually say "yes" and that's that.

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Last year DS asked for a panda. He cried when we told him we could not actually get him a live panda. (We have a cat; I think at 4 he didn't get the difference between a re-homed pet and an endangered wild animal from another continent.)

He got a stuffed panda. He loves it.


I have to say, he is still absolutely impressed by getting a candy cane in his Christmas stocking.


DS15 has repeatedly asked for a panda and black olives for presents.  Olives we can do, the panda not so much. He always gets at least one panda item though from someone.  I think for his 16th bday in April we're going to adopt a panda for him.



One year for Easter, my dd asked for a machete. When I said no, she begged, "Oh, come on Mom! Nothing says 'Jesus is Risen' better than a machete!" I could just picture one with a pretty pink handle covered in Easter flowers. But big meanie that I am, I said no anyway. 


If you ever decide you're in the market for a machete, there's an awesome one available through an ebay vendor. DH has ordered several of them.


I can't think of anything odd my kids have ever asked for.  I must have weird kids that like normal things.

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When my middle one was small, his grandparents never believed me when I told them what he'd like for a gift.  Here's a sampling:  a real saw, a real toolbox and a real hammer (he was 6), rope, a backpack (he's always loved bags), duct tape, pvc pipe, wood, etc,  I think they thought that I was requesting things that would be "good for him".  However, he just always wanted supplies and real tools--still does, actually.


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This thread has inspired me for Christmas. I think I am going to give my nephews and my kids all plastic disposable cups for Christmas for stacking and building, etc... Now, i just wonder how many I should buy for each child? 


We are tight financially this year but I still want to give them "fun" and I think the cups will be a great idea.


eta: I think on Christmas Eve night, I am going to attempt to build a HUGE Christmas tree of cups or some form of structure, after they go to bed.

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This thread has inspired me for Christmas. I think I am going to give my nephews and my kids all plastic disposable cups for Christmas for stacking and building, etc... Now, i just wonder how many I should buy for each child? 


We are tight financially this year but I still want to give them "fun" and I think the cups will be a great idea.


eta: I think on Christmas Eve night, I am going to attempt to build a HUGE Christmas tree of cups or some form of structure, after they go to bed.

Even better with straws (not flexible) tape and dental floss. They can design and build bridges etc.

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DD 8 wants a big box of bubble wrap-we saw it in the office supply aisle @ Walmart & she immediately asked for it for Christmas.

How funny! Last Christmas my 2 kids insisted (individually) on getting holiday-colored bubble wrap for each other as presents. They both lived it!

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This thread has inspired me for Christmas. I think I am going to give my nephews and my kids all plastic disposable cups for Christmas for stacking and building, etc... Now, i just wonder how many I should buy for each child?


We are tight financially this year but I still want to give them "fun" and I think the cups will be a great idea.


eta: I think on Christmas Eve night, I am going to attempt to build a HUGE Christmas tree of cups or some form of structure, after they go to bed.

If you do give plastic cups for stacking consider drilling holes in the bottoms -- makes getting them apart easier when having stacking races.

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I am glad to read this thread as I was thinking maybe I should skip the Xmas and bday presents and save the money for future therapy:)


In Friday, my dd3(-almost four!) decided she wanted to make a list of items she wanted. As usual, a live chicken tops the list. I was actually relieved at some of the other items.

1. A chicken, but definitely not a rooster. A red Bantam hen with 5 white spots???

2. An electric pencil sharpener

3. Toothpaste that is not minty

4. Sea creatures that she can rescue

5. Cashews


Uh, okay...maybe I can swing some of them this year! Still not getting that chicken though, and rescuing sea creatures is going to need some thought!!

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My son asked for plastic shelves, the Sterlite type, 4-5 tier, specifically. He wants to build himself a desk. It's on his Christmas list with a star and circle. He assumed they might be so expensive that it would be his only gift, so he told me it was top priority. I'm getting it. I hope he's not disappointed with the execution of his ideas! It won't be his only gift of course.

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I am glad to read this thread as I was thinking maybe I should skip the Xmas and bday presents and save the money for future therapy:)


In Friday, my dd3(-almost four!) decided she wanted to make a list of items she wanted. As usual, a live chicken tops the list. I was actually relieved at some of the other items.

1. A chicken, but definitely not a rooster. A red Bantam hen with 5 white spots???

2. An electric pencil sharpener

3. Toothpaste that is not minty

4. Sea creatures that she can rescue

5. Cashews


Uh, okay...maybe I can swing some of them this year! Still not getting that chicken though, and rescuing sea creatures is going to need some thought!!

Chicken obsessions do not go away. Ever. They evolve and expand to include every other type of poultry and and bird. Ask me how I know.

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Chicken obsessions do not go away. Ever. They evolve and expand to include every other type of poultry and and bird. Ask me how I know.

Noooo! Don't tell me this!

The kid already insists (since she was 2) that her nickname is Charlie Chicken. She does not have a doll or bear...but has slept with a stuffed chicken for over a year. She has an imaginary pet chick named Pollito to play with her imaginary Orca Donty (short for Odonticeti!).

And the topper? Last month, after reading a handful of books about Thomas Edison, I discovered her in the kitchen atop a stool in the door of the open 'fridge. She was attempting to reach the egg carton (she is allergic!) to see if she could do a better job of brooding than Edison did in the books!

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I think ds1 was three when he really, really wanted something he saw on TV and it was the ONLY thing he wanted for Christmas that year.


It was an anti-theft device for a car called "The Club", and he did get it.


The thing is, we lived in the city at the time and we didn't own a car.

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DD 8 wants a big box of bubble wrap-we saw it in the office supply aisle @ Walmart & she immediately asked for it for Christmas.



My oldest son asked for bubble wrap one Christmas--best gift ever!!  He's 16 now and I think he would still be thrilled if bubble wrap was under the tree this year!

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Even better with straws (not flexible) tape and dental floss. They can design and build bridges etc.

Oohhh thanks for the ideas. I will add those to the lists. I may also add plastic plates, popsicle sticks and pom poms. My girls have also asked for embroidery thread and needles after learning to hand embroider at co-op. So, that should be fairly cheap as well

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I think ds1 was three when he really, really wanted something he saw on TV and it was the ONLY thing he wanted for Christmas that year.


It was an anti-theft device for a car called "The Club", and he did get it.


The thing is, we lived in the city at the time and we didn't own a car.


This may be one of the best things I've ever heard in all my life. Truly.

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Where does one buy bubble wrap and is it cheap? Mine would love that too.

We bought ours at Target, then more at Walmart. Office Depot and Office Max also had some. Around the holidays any packaging place or Multi-shop ought to have it.

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Two whole cans of black olives.


The rest of our immediate family doesn't like them so the only time my son ever got them was Christmas Eve at his grandparents' house (we always have a family celebration then with cold cuts). So, one year, after he opened a nice gift from her, my sister-in-law asked, "Now, what do you want next year?"


I'd just told him to stop hogging the olives because it wasn't polite to get so many, so he told her, "Two whole cans of black olives, just for me!"


He was about 7 then and he almost 29 now but every year, he gets 2 cans of olives from his aunt.

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