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Would you do this?


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So I said in the bucket list thread that I want to see as much of the world as I can.  I had thought, awhile back, about how I could possibly do that, since I've never (YET - that will change soon - see signature! ;) ) even been out of the country. 

So do I make all the trips myself?  Or with DH?  Or with the kids?


So here's what I thought... and this might sound nutty!  I thought, what if I take each of the kids somewhere?  Like, if Link starts learning Japanese next year (like he's always wanted to) and wants to go to Japan, what if just Link and I go to Japan?  Astro wants to go to China - what if, when he gets a bit older, he and I do that?

Is that crazy?  I don't even know if DH would go for it (he's not in love with the idea of me going to Thailand with a group of people he doesn't know, so Idk how he would feel about me and one kid going out of the country, either!  Well, unless the kid was one of the boys when he gets older/bigger...) but there is no way we could afford for all FIVE of us to go places.  And I thought it would be a neat thing to do - take the kid to go somewhere after they had studied it for awhile.  Maybe I'd even get the chance to take each kid 2 places - who knows?  (Starting when they are, say, 11-12)


So would you do it? 

If not, any other ideas you can think of?  I have serious wanderlust lol... :D  And I would love for my kids to get to see at least some of the world, even if they don't get to 'travel the world' all over.

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Do it.


It's easier to travel internationally than you might think. Make sure you do your background research and you should be fine.


I have a friend who does this with her kids. When each one turns ten years old, they get a trip with a parent. Friend's dh started them off by taking their daughter to China. My friend then too her son to Italy when he came of age, and on it goes (five kids).

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I saw go for it if you can afford it and have child care for the other kids while you are gone.


We do this on a very tiny scale. At 13 the girls each got a weekend away with mom and again for their 18th birthday. Our budget and family constraints though limit it to somewhere within 2-3 hours of home but it is great fun.


My dh has taken ds to Colorado once on a road trip and then to the Grand Canyon on the Amtrak as a graduation present----our finances and family structure was a bit different back then.


This spring a friend and I drove to Montana from Michigan and took just my oldest dd along.

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I'll be the lone dissenter and say I wouldn't do it.


I would prefer smaller family vacations to taking one child on a vacation while the others stay at home. It doesn't seem fair, and unless you're also taking another vacation with the entire family, it seems like 4 kids (and your dh) are getting cheated so one child (and you) can have an extravagant trip.

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I agree with Cat. I think the idea of spending quality one-on-one time with each child is a terrific idea. However, I would want to include everyone on these amazing international vacations. I know that I wouldn't be able to leave someone behind, even if they were promised a future trip. Just my own personal opinion; that doesn't mean that it is right for you and your family.


Good luck with all of your planning and enjoy!!

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I'd do it!  Maybe as a graduation gift or something.  


We always wanted to take our kids to Europe.  But, given our kids' ages, it jsut didn't work.  How do you satisfy the older kids' interests in history and keep the younger set interested?  A European trip with kids of differing ages just sounded daunting.  


We have traveled extensively as a family in the US.  We did a SW USA trip a few years ago.  DD was totally bored by the Grand Canyon ("Yeah!  It's a HOLE!  In the GROUND!").  The next day, imagine her reaction to the Hoover Dam.  ("Yeah!  Another HOLE!!!)  As much as the rest of us wanted to do these things, she made it difficult.  And, she was only 4, so we couldn't expect too much!


A few years ago we tried cruising.  It works wonderfully for families with different aged kids!  It satisfied dh's and my urge to travel and explore, but it also kept the younger kids happy.  So, if you do decide to keep your vacations to only full family trips, consider cruising.  You can be together on the ship and split up for age-appropriate excusrions on your stops.  My kids have done amazing things on our cruises.  Explored underground caves.  Snorkeled.  Kayaked.  Swum with dolphins.  Fed stingrays.  Been stung by jellyfish (okay, not so fun - but bragging rights!).  Hiked in rainforests.  Ziplined over rainforests.  Stood where Christopher Columbus landed.  ETc, etc, etc.  


That said.  We are still considering a mom/son, dad/son trip as a graduation trip.  Oldest (17) wants to go to Europe next summer.  Dh will probably take him alone.  It's cheaper.  He can do what HE wants to do without having to consider a 7 yo sister.  And, it's cheaper to travel with 2. 


I say go for it!!!

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I think it sounds like a great idea, in theory.  It would be a fabulous way for you and your kids to get fantastic time together and make memories neither will ever forget.  As long as everyone gets a turn.


On the other hand.....when I think about going someplace with one daughter, I pretty much always wish the other was there, too.  I'm not sure I could actually execute on the grand plans when they're still kids. 

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I think it is a great idea. My father took each of his children on one international trip and one around-the-country college visit trip during our high school years.  It was a great time for bonding.  I spent my international trip visiting castles and my college trip entirely in Florida.  Neither trip would have been of any interest to my siblings. 

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My Grandma did this with us and our cousins. She took my two cousins on a cruise to Mexico sometime during their HS years and then she took me and my sister to Hawaii. It was fun and special for us to just have time with her. She took all her grown kids to Europe together. I think she just had some money and she wanted to spend it spending time with everyone. We have some great memories from those trips. :001_smile:

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I wouldn't do it.  I'd see interesting and amazing things and I would think the entire time how much I missed not bringing along the other child.  Maybe when they are older, like in their late teens I'd consider doing something like that, but not when they are young children. 

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I would except I wouldn't want to be parted from dh and the other kids for that long.


Also, life happens. I could see doing that with the older kids and then having a life change that meant I couldn't do it with some younger ones. Which is fine in our family bc we accept that that is part of life, but I know in some families it would sow bitterness for decades.


I think taking turns is better than nothing for everyone though and could be a fun bonding memory.

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I'm not sure.

We spent 3 months in the Levant but only dd was there the entire time--ds24 could come for 2 weeks and ds21, not at all. 

It felt wrong.


And said very, very gently, it seems selfish of you to only take one kid, but you get to go each time.  


Why though?  Just because the kids wouldn't get to go each time?  :confused:


I'm just thinking in terms of cost - it would be astronomical, I would think, for 5 of us to go anywhere for any length of time.  I would love to be able to do that, but *if* we could ever *all* go, it would be a one time thing, and would severely limit any opportunities for the kids to each get a chance to choose a place to go.  And the age range of the kids, etc - Pink would have the opportunity to go when she was, say, 13 to Link's 18, and there would be a chance she'd get to go again by herself.  (I don't care all that much about 'fairness' between the kids, but an international trip is a pretty big thing!)  :D

I don't think the other kids not being there would bother me.  There are often times that I wish I only had one specific kid with me for something.


So Idk... I guess I just don't know if *one* international trip with all of us is worth the trade off of maybe two per kid.  But I'm not sure...

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If money is an issue, it seems more cost effective to save for one family trip. If you have four kids, and take them each in turn, you've paid for 8 tickets. One family trip for 6 is cheaper than that. The numbers just don't add up doing it piecemeal, especially if dad is using vacation time to watch other kids.

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