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Anyone watch the new show Sleepy Hollow?


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Sorry if there's already a thread about this. Just curious. I watched the re-airing of the pilot last night. I'm not sure what I think about it. I was hoping for more of just a "spooky" feel rather than purely evil. I was also hoping that it would be closer to the original story, as opposed to having a connection to Revelation and the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. What did you think?

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I, too, was hoping for something a bit more relevant to the original story.  I'm disappointed that they've immediately gone down the "the fate of the whole world rests on us stopping the Apocalypse" story line.  That has been done much better and it seems television writers (heck film writers, too) these days don't have a clue as to how to handle it convincingly and well.  Instead, they tend to play on the expected emotional response of the "oh no the debil's comin' to git us" crowd.


I'm also really, really, really cheesed off that they killed Clancy Brown's character in the first 5 flippin' minutes of the show!! I was so excited to see him in the beginning and then swoosh!  Beheaded again.  Poor guy can't catch a break. ;)


That all said, I'm willing to give it another couple of episodes before I throw in the towel on it.

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Interesting, creepy and actually kinda funny all at the same time. I couldn't help but chuckle at someone without a head being such a good shot. Not to mention, the policeman saying " Do you think he can hear us? He doesn't even have ears!" :001_smile:


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I liked it! I don't know why but I did. I wish The Following would have came back sooner but oh, well January will be here before we know it. I liked Sleepy Hollow and all though it is really different they seem to do that a lot lately. Take a story change it up a bit it's like visiting an old friend and learning more stuff about them that you never knew.

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I watched the pilot on Hulu.  It was okay.  Normally, I do not like horror or scary movies.  The historical element drew me in originally.  The pilot wasn't especially scary or gory.  I'm not sure what type of show it's trying to be.  Along with the rest of you, I'll watch a few more episodes to see if it gets better.

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I liked it! I don't know why but I did. I wish The Following would have came back sooner but oh, well January will be here before we know it. I liked Sleepy Hollow and all though it is really different they seem to do that a lot lately. Take a story change it up a bit it's like visiting an old friend and learning more stuff about them that you never knew.


:iagree:  Maybe I'm easy to please, but I liked it. Plus I'm a sucker for a British accent.  :svengo:

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I thought it was ok. I'll probably give it a few episodes before making a judgement call. The Revelations thing was really predictable, but I liked the guy playing Crane.


As an aside, is it weird to anyone else when clergy are depicted as the ones trying to stop the end of the world? I mean, aren't Christians supposed to be eagerly awaiting the return of Christ to earth and not actively trying to prevent the precursors to his coming?

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A bit of a hijack; I have not seen it, but plan to view last week's episode tonight on OnDemand.  However, I'm excited because my niece will be in tomorrow's episode!  Her boyfriend and her are involved because they own oxen.  He has been involved in many movies/tv shows, including the John Adams miniseries and Revolution, which was a series that began last year.  Anyway, they handle the animals but are both also extras, at least in tomorrow's episode.  I hope for their sake the show does well :)

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I'm finding this second episode so hard to follow...


so as I understood it, the four horsemen were sent from God, but in this story, they are demonic?


And demons are real, but instead of angels we have witches?



Can anyone explain this to me so it makes sense?

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I'm finding this second episode so hard to follow...


so as I understood it, the four horsemen were sent from God, but in this story, they are demonic?


And demons are real, but instead of angels we have witches?



Can anyone explain this to me so it makes sense?


It doesn't make sense and I'm not sure if it's supposed to, which bugs me.


I can understand the tie between the witches and demons.  I can understand the concept that the 4 horsemen bring about the destruction of the world.   I have issues with the 4 horsemen being demonic though.



So, who watched lastnight? I thought it was really cool especially the hidden halls. It makes me wonder how many things like that are out there? Things that just vanished with time and one day hopefully will be found again. My son said he wants to start digging up the yard LOL


I watched it last night.  I loved the hidden tunnels and I'm sure they probably do exist.  Didn't someone find a new piece of what was believed to be part of the undergrand railroad system just a few years ago? 


I think Ep 2 upped the creepiness factor.  If the devil-looking demon is going to become a prominent factor, I may need to stop watching it. I can see that causing nightmares for me after a few weeks. 

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:iagree:  Maybe I'm easy to please, but I liked it. Plus I'm a sucker for a British accent.  :svengo:



RIGHT!!! You throw that accent in and I will watch anything LOL!


Haha!  I'll watch pretty much anything with a British accent too.


I liked it, it reminded me a little of Highlander, which I used to watch in college.  But I did find the whole good vs evil thing to be a little flip flopped.  I'll probably give it a few more weeks.


James Bond said it reminded him of Highlander too!  Crane's coat was COOL and he was HOT.


I like it, but I really don't care about anything, but cool sets, makeup, and creepiness. I am pretty easy that way. ;)


Well, call me easy too.  I liked it.  It wasn't stellar TV, but it was entertaining, creepy and a bit fun.  I'll keep watching.  The 2nd episode was much creepier than the first.  I'm not really into horror stuff, but I do like Grimm, OUAT and other things, so I guess it's in my genre.

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I'll keep watching it. I want to buy Abbie a step ladder though, or force everyone to sit. I feel bad for her that she has to constantly look up at tall, dark, and British.


I don't feel sorry for her at all. I would LOVE to look up at tall, dark, and British all day.  :001_wub:


But I'm 5'10", I don't really look up at anybody!

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I haven't watched it yet, but James Bond did.  He said it was good, but he feels that they've set the bad guys up to be too bad, and he can't see how they can be beaten.  Anyone else feel this way?

Yeah, but isn't it always that way? I almost didn't recognize you without all the exclamation points LOL!!!!! I like creepy a lot and this was less than the others but still OK. Almost feels as if it should have been first or something maybe?

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Yeah, but isn't it always that way? I almost didn't recognize you without all the exclamation points LOL!!!!! I like creepy a lot and this was less than the others but still OK. Almost feels as if it should have been first or something maybe?



What was I thinking leaving out my exclamation points?!?!?!?!  Silly me!!!!!!!!  That better?  ;)


I watched the episode and I think James Bond is just being too picky.  I mean, yeah, the bad guys are bad, but that's why they're called BAD guys!!!!


Is anyone bothered by Orlando Jones (the Police Captain)? He just seems too witchy to me and I really hope they don't make him a bad guy. Hello Grimm? Maybe he was in something else that had magic or witches that is making me associate him with the character???


Otherwise, I think the demons are sufficiently frightening, unlike Supernatural, more like Grimm. I'm glad they got off the 4 Horsemen track for the 3rd episode and went with side story. There's a lot of potential if they continue down that path. 


I wondered about Orlando Jones too.  I don't want him to be the bad guy either.  It would indeed be too Grimm (BTW, when is that coming back on?).

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What was I thinking leaving out my exclamation points?!?!?!?!  Silly me!!!!!!!!  That better?   ;)


I watched the episode and I think James Bond is just being too picky.  I mean, yeah, the bad guys are bad, but that's why they're called BAD guys!!!!



I wondered about Orlando Jones too.  I don't want him to be the bad guy either.  It would indeed be too Grimm (BTW, when is that coming back on?).


Not soon enough!!

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