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Is anyone else starting back to school tomorrow?

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It's hard to believe we are starting our 5th year of homeschooling. Bright and not so early at 10am. I think I'm more nervous than ds.
Not exactly. We homeschool year round, but have been slacking off so much lately it almost feels like we're starting tomorrow.


Hope you have a great day. :)

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Well, DH has Sun & Mon off, so we will school Tues-Sat and we're starting back Tues. So this is our first week back too! I'm ready to get going, however, I've got tons of tomatoes, peaches coming, and other outside garden work to do also!!! So, I feel a little overwhelmed. However, I have the sweetest MIL, who helped me with some of my tomatoes last week and told me she would be willing to do more!

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Not exactly. We homeschool year round, but have been slacking off so much lately it almost feels like we're starting tomorrow.


Hope you have a great day. :)


This sounds like us. We were able to keep up Latin, reading, and some math, but all else kinda got lost. We start back with our full schedule tomorrow. We are all looking forward to the fall, so this will help us get geared up for the season.

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We're starting tomorrow and I'm kind of scared too. All four of them!

My oldest will be starting 7th grade somehow it seems way more important than 6th grade.

I keep worrying that I'm messing them up but then I remember that I live in a state where BOE employees don't view history (or social studies, as they call it.) and science as part of an "adequate" education.:001_huh:

I keep telling myself that they are getting everything they need...even without a locker and school dances.

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We're starting more formally tomorrow in that we're going to do some of the activities from the SOTW books and read another chapter. We'll also take our nature handbook outside and see what we find.


I need to figure out a website I can blog to to keep a record of what we do from day to day.



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Starting tomorrow with organization. We have a few things scheduled after lunch since PS hasn't started back yet but we are going to go through our desks, books, etc. and get organized!!


We are doing our TOG summer reading and some other reading I have planned. I am not nearly ready so guess I'll solicit the kiddos to help.

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It's hard to believe we are starting our 5th year of homeschooling. Bright and not so early at 10am. I think I'm more nervous than ds.


Yes. That's the plan. Though ... I'm not really organized yet. We'll see how it goes.


I gave my 12 year old his reading assignments on Friday, so he could start them over the weekend. Today he came to me and told me he was done. Er ... I had given him a pretty hefty assignment ... how could he be done already?


It turns out he had seen my assignment, which was "Read chapters 13-18," and read chapter 13 and chapter 18. :lol:

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How fun! No, our summer has been crazy! I originally (the end of last school year) thought I would be starting on August 11 or 18, but neither of those is going to happen. I also originally was going to have the kids work on math 2 or 3 days a week. They did that in June! Next weekend (17th) is when we take ds17 back to his school, so we're having to plan and buy and pack this week to be ready to go.


Sooo, I think that ds14 and dd11 WILL do math starting tomorrow. NOT full-blown, but re-introducing it and getting their brains acclimated to it a little again. Then the week of the 18th to the 22nd, we'll do full-blown math and get going on English and Lightning Lit., and maybe another subject or so if we feel ready.


I will be babysitting/homeschooling a 5yo girl from church just this coming year. The local Christian school her parents were going to send her to closed their K program, so her mom called me. Since she's not of legal reporting age in WA (age 8), I can babysit her and throw in learning stuff while she's here. So it's not exactly homeschooling, but her parents would be THRILLED if I would help her learn to read and also do some math with her! I'm THRILLED! I miss this age, so I get to do that again! I hope. That was the final plan I heard. I haven't heard from them, so will put in a call and set a date for her to start.


So, things are happening, but actual school start date may be Sept 2nd or 3rd or so.

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We are probably moving within a few months so I want to start a bit early. Besides, with swim team, soccer, science camp, and art class done for the summer, what else will keep them out of trouble? The whole Lego thing seems to be leading to arguments.


I introduced their schedules and materials to them on Friday. DS5 was ready to go, DS8 groaned..."But that will take at least 2 hours a day!" Uh, yep. And more than 2 hours if he wastes as much time on complaining and dawdling as last year. But...maybe he'll learn.


Best wishes to everyone else starting!

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It's hard to believe we are starting our 5th year of homeschooling. Bright and not so early at 10am. I think I'm more nervous than ds.



We started 1st grade last week. First day there was wailing and gnashing of teeth. And that was just from me. :tongue_smilie:But by the end of the week, ds was saying, "School is kinda fun" and "More math, more math!" (thank you, Math U See!).


So, elegantlion, what are you so nervous about, you veteran you?

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We started 1st grade last week. First day there was wailing and gnashing of teeth. And that was just from me. :tongue_smilie:But by the end of the week, ds was saying, "School is kinda fun" and "More math, more math!" (thank you, Math U See!).


So, elegantlion, what are you so nervous about, you veteran you?


Congratulations on finishing your first week!


I guess I'm nervous because we are changing a few things. I also feel like this is the year I want ds to take more accountability for his education. I also want to keep my emotions intact. I've spent a lot of time preparing for the new stuff and I don't want to react badly if he's not as excited about it as I am.

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Yes, we're starting to school tomorrow-- but for the first time! My son is 5 and will start Kindergarten. :001_smile:


Just wanted to say hi, welcome to the boards, and I notice you're from Iowa. dh was born & raised in Burlington. We lived there for 8 years right in the middle of our 18 (almost 19 now!) years of being married. My dd was born there.


Anyway, sorry for the rabbit trail. Just wanted to say hi :D

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Like others that have posted we school year round but with as much as we have been slacking off lately it will feel like first day. Pluse we are starting with TOG, I am having trouble finding the books for the first 3 weeks units but I will do my best with what I have. I will be ordering in 2 weeks so hopefully shipping won't take too long. Look forward to everyone's post's about first day's.:001_smile:

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My oldest will be starting 7th grade somehow it seems way more important than 6th grade.

I keep worrying that I'm messing them up but then I remember that I live in a state where BOE employees don't view history (or social studies, as they call it.) and science as part of an "adequate" education.:001_huh:

I keep telling myself that they are getting everything they need...even without a locker and school dances.


I heartily agree, our oldest is also in 7th this year. I feel like things are getting a bit high stakes with our older ones. But dh is a teacher here in GA and when he talks about what's going on in his school I know our kids are much better off.

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It is never too soon to teach rockertot to bang pots and pans together. Will he play drums or guitar?
Get him a theremin. Mine had hours of fun with a friend's.
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Congratulations on finishing your first week!


I guess I'm nervous because we are changing a few things. I also feel like this is the year I want ds to take more accountability for his education. I also want to keep my emotions intact. I've spent a lot of time preparing for the new stuff and I don't want to react badly if he's not as excited about it as I am.


Well, I'm excited for you--sounds like you've put a lot into it. I'm sure your efforts will be rewarded!


Wishing you the best for tomorrow! Go forth and Accomplishate!!

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We are! We've tried to keep a little bit going over the summer, but I can't homeschool them if they're not home!


Dd16 starts her 2nd year of public school tomorrow, at the crack of dawn.


Dd13 (soon to be 14) starts 9th grade tomorrow, here with me. EEEEEK! I was fine, but now I'm all in a panic. Are we really here? Already?


Dd9 has been home with me, schooling all summer. She's the only one I feel confident about.


If anyone sees me here late at night, tell me to get lost, please! I have a feeling I'm going to need all of my brain power.

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Well, I'm excited for you--sounds like you've put a lot into it. I'm sure your efforts will be rewarded!


Wishing you the best for tomorrow! Go forth and Accomplishate!!



There you go. Using my own advice to uplift me, I love it. You are the bestest.

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our third attempt...people keep getting sick, unexpected vacations, etc. We were supposed to start back in July. Our 8th year...I just can't believe it!! I am nervous too. Today I turned my back on the 16 month old just long enough to pull the trash bag out of the can. When I turned back around, she had on an oven mitt and had pulled the oven door all the way open. Her next trick was to open the dishwasher and climb up on the door. Then for an encore she pulled a chair over to her bookshelf and climbed up on it (the chair, not the bookshelf...I'm sure she's saving that one for when I'm trying to teach math).


It should be an interesting year.:001_huh:

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our third attempt...people keep getting sick, unexpected vacations, etc. We were supposed to start back in July. Our 8th year...I just can't believe it!! I am nervous too. Today I turned my back on the 16 month old just long enough to pull the trash bag out of the can. When I turned back around, she had on an oven mitt and had pulled the oven door all the way open. Her next trick was to open the dishwasher and climb up on the door. Then for an encore she pulled a chair over to her bookshelf and climbed up on it (the chair, not the bookshelf...I'm sure she's saving that one for when I'm trying to teach math).


It should be an interesting year.:001_huh:


Sounds like you will be doing some impromptu home economics lessons. :001_huh:

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I heartily agree, our oldest is also in 7th this year. I feel like things are getting a bit high stakes with our older ones. But dh is a teacher here in GA and when he talks about what's going on in his school I know our kids are much better off.


Has your DH read this particular article. I'm still steamed about it. Our state board is full of nuts! Adequete education in GA

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I need more books! Eeek..the waiting is awful. I did manage to start the torture (according to ds) yesterday with a Latin lesson.


We are still too much into summer to give it our all. However, their other classes begin in two weeks, then it by-by free time.

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We officially started on the first of August, purely so that DD could one-up the little boy I babysit who started Kindergarten at PS the following Monday. (Or at least balance out the nifty folder from the teacher, etc., he brought over because his mom brought him to me straight from the school bus). She started the weekly enrichment program I enrolled her in last Monday, and thoroughly enjoyed it.


It's exciting to finally be officially going at it--though we're not officially official yet; I haven't filed our affidavit with the state yet, because it's not required until age 6 and she's five in October.

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Today is our first day, and my kids are hilarious. The younger one is very excited about starting K. So I get up early, go for my walk, come home, and they're both in there working away on the stuff I laid out last night. The K'er has gotten almost halfway through her new handwriting book :eek:--I had to take it away! I'm still in cool-down mode and want to shower and eat breakfast...

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