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Was I *that* person?


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Did I cross the line from helpful to creepy and weird?  


We just started attending a new church.  It's pretty small, and there was a meeting this morning, so there were only about 15 people in the second service.  One woman asked for prayers for her daughter because her baby is breech and she wants to avoid a c-section.  At the end of the service, I introduced myself and suggested her daughter might want to check out the Spinning Babies website if she hadn't heard of it. I said that I had used it for a couple of my pregnancies and she may or may not be interested, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.


In retrospect, I wonder if I sounded like a nut.  Going up to a stranger to offer a suggestion is *way* outside my comfort zone, and I tried not to sound pushy at all.  I asked my husband and he said it sounded fine, but he isn't burdened with my need to over-analyze every single thing I say.


So am I now the weirdo everyone will be avoiding?

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No, it sounds like you tossed an idea out there and didn't push it (pregnancy humor, bu-dum-dum ching!)


If you had hounded her about it or if you approach her multiple times asking about it, that would be annoying.  But just throwing a suggestion out there, something that worked for you, is generally harmless.

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Makes me realize how different we all are!!  I would have gone up, told her about the website, given my name and phone number, taken her daughter's name and phone number, gone home, called the daughter, introduced myself, shared my experiences, probably arranged to meet for coffee and followed up with her later to see that everything turned out ok.


And I would have done all of that wihtout wondering if I was become "that" person!!!

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I think you were being helpful.  I am always introducing myself to others when I find out they have a child newly diagnosed with autism. I have "been there, done that" and know how important outside support can be.  If this woman was uncomfortable with sharing personal info, I don't think she would have mentioned it at church.  I hope she and her daughter can find some useful info on the website.



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