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Prayer Request, pretty please?!? - UPDATE in post #71


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Yeah....nothing extra to do that.  We've been paying an extra $10-$40/month since the missed payment to try to catch up, but they won't apply it until we have the entire payment.  I had a massive garage sale and raised quite a bit, but not enough.  Anyway, this wasn't meant to be a sob story.

Sorry that you're going through this.  We went through something quite similar two years ago.  We actually found out our house was sold when dh confronted a man with a camera taking pictures.  We fought, got the house back, but it has been a battle.  Praying for you, but please know that whether it happens or not, you still have your family.  :grouphug:

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We have 14 days to come up with an entire extra payment......we're behind just ONE payment. It's all surreal. I'm doing everything I can.


Anyway....I've probably already said too much.

That doesn't make sense at all. Nobody loses their home when they're only behind by one payment.

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Well crap, I'm can't link because I'm on an iPad and also stupid, but I read an article (on yahoo or google) about a woman whose house was auctioned over a ridiculously low missed payment on property taxes or something- it was 8$. Really. She didn't know, the interest ballooned, and they auctioned her house. It was ridiculous, but the article pointed out that it happens more than you'd ever think. So missing even one payment certainly could have ramifications like the bank taking the house back. Some banks are notoriously crappy with mortages, and can and will take a house (which they can resell for more if the market has picked up) for very "fine print" reasons.


I'm sorry you are going through a stressful time. Money is my number one stressor, and I wish for both our sakes it was not so!

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I noticed you weren't online and hoped you were just busy with your babies.


I hope you can find out what's going on with your home. I totally understand not wanting to say too much in a public place, but the little bit you shared makes no sense.


I'm so sorry you are going through this stress.  :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Well crap, I'm can't link because I'm on an iPad and also stupid, but I read an article (on yahoo or google) about a woman whose house was auctioned over a ridiculously low missed payment on property taxes or something- it was 8$. Really. She didn't know, the interest ballooned, and they auctioned her house. It was ridiculous, but the article pointed out that it happens more than you'd ever think. So missing even one payment certainly could have ramifications like the bank taking the house back. Some banks are notoriously crappy with mortages, and can and will take a house (which they can resell for more if the market has picked up) for very "fine print" reasons.


I'm sorry you are going through a stressful time. Money is my number one stressor, and I wish for both our sakes it was not so!

I strongly disagree.


In the vast majority of circumstances, the bank doesn't want your house back. They want their money. It wouldn't be a wise financial decision to foreclose on a house when the owners were only behind by a payment or two.


I think someone is trying to scare Kristin, and I think she needs to find out exactly what's going on.

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Unfortunately, it can happen for missing one payment. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100117114435AAf89Vz

Again, the bank doesn't want to foreclose on homeowners who regularly pay their mortgages.


There are always going to be rare instances where something really bizarre happens, but even in those cases, there is usually a long history of non-payment of the mortgage or other serious details that are left out of the story to make it sound more tragic and unfair.


Again, Kristin needs to get to the bottom of this right away, and she needs to deal with a decision-maker at her mortgage company so she can work out a payment plan and get back on track.

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I get this. My husband was unemployed for 2 years. His unemployment ran out about 3m before he got a job. He called the mortgage company and they were like, "Sucks to be you," pretty much. So we ran a couple of months behind. As soon as he got a job we started making payments. We made payments for two months. On month three they sent our check back and said unless you can make up every bit of back payment which with interest and late fees ended up being around $4,000 we don't want your money. We contacted one of those government organizations to help you keep your house and it took a year but they modified our loan and we got to keep our house and our payment is less than it ever was. I'm racking my brain trying to remember the name of the place we contacted, but I can't I will ask my husband when he wakes up in the morning and try to get the info to you ASAP. 

Prayers for some peace for you.

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I get this. My husband was unemployed for 2 years. His unemployment ran out about 3m before he got a job. He called the mortgage company and they were like, "Sucks to be you," pretty much. So we ran a couple of months behind. As soon as he got a job we started making payments. We made payments for two months. On month three they sent our check back and said unless you can make up every bit of back payment which with interest and late fees ended up being around $4,000 we don't want your money. We contacted one of those government organizations to help you keep your house and it took a year but they modified our loan and we got to keep our house and our payment is less than it ever was. I'm racking my brain trying to remember the name of the place we contacted, but I can't I will ask my husband when he wakes up in the morning and try to get the info to you ASAP. 

Prayers for some peace for you.


Our loan has already been modified.....a few years ago when DH had 3 terms of unemployment in 2yr.  We only missed a payment because we were behind on cash flow, because I wasn't able to work for several months due to HG with my last pregnancy (I'm sure you all remember THAT nightmare).  We've made every payment since, plus a little extra to try and make up for the past due.


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Our loan has already been modified.....a few years ago when DH had 3 terms of unemployment in 2yr. We only missed a payment because we were behind on cash flow, because I wasn't able to work for several months due to HG with my last pregnancy (I'm sure you all remember THAT nightmare). We've made every payment since, plus a little extra to try and make up for the past due.


In that case, the bank is not going to take your house. Period. Not in this economy.


Honestly, it sounds like you got some sort of standard form letter based on the one missed payment from a while back. I don't mean to minimize your feelings of stress and worry, but this truly is not a difficult matter to resolve, so you should try to concentrate on getting the matter resolved, rather than feeling like you want to give up.


Don't sit around worrying about it. Get on the phone with your lender and speak with someone in authority. If you live near your lender, get in the car and go over there and demand that they straighten this out.


This is obviously a clerical mistake on the part of your lender. Keep moving up the ladder of authority until you get to the person who can fix the error for you.

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In that case, the bank is not going to take your house. Period. Not in this economy.


Honestly, it sounds like you got some sort of standard form letter based on the one missed payment from a while back. I don't mean to minimize your feelings of stress and worry, but this truly is not a difficult matter to resolve, so you should try to concentrate on getting the matter resolved, rather than feeling like you want to give up.


Don't sit around worrying about it. Get on the phone with your lender and speak with someone in authority. If you live near your lender, get in the car and go over there and demand that they straighten this out.


This is obviously a clerical mistake on the part of your lender. Keep moving up the ladder of authority until you get to the person who can fix the error for you.

This is great advice in the short term. What about long term? I know you've had struggles. Can you realistically afford the house for the next 5 years? Does it have any equity? If so, maybe selling it and getting something cheaper would give you some peace in your life? Just thinking out loud.


Call your lender!!

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In that case, the bank is not going to take your house. Period. Not in this economy.


Honestly, it sounds like you got some sort of standard form letter based on the one missed payment from a while back. I don't mean to minimize your feelings of stress and worry, but this truly is not a difficult matter to resolve, so you should try to concentrate on getting the matter resolved, rather than feeling like you want to give up.


Don't sit around worrying about it. Get on the phone with your lender and speak with someone in authority. If you live near your lender, get in the car and go over there and demand that they straighten this out.


This is obviously a clerical mistake on the part of your lender. Keep moving up the ladder of authority until you get to the person who can fix the error for you.


I appreciate your sentiment.....and given the information you had, this is great advice, thank you.


That being said, this is why I said that I had already said too much, because without going into all the details of what's going on in my life, my feelings of wanting to give up seem over the top.  I'm just overwhelmed with everything on my plate.........tired of always struggling for everything, etc.  I've already taken steps to resolve it.  I promise I'm not just sitting around worrying about it and doing nothing.



This is great advice in the short term. What about long term? I know you've had struggles. Can you realistically afford the house for the next 5 years? Does it have any equity? If so, maybe selling it and getting something cheaper would give you some peace in your life? Just thinking out loud.


Call your lender!!

With the modification, our payments are do-able as long as I continue working.....and hopefully as soon as DH finishes school, it will be even better.  We couldn't downsize or even rent for what we're paying for our mortgage right now.  They took our equity when they did the modification.

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