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Mothers of five: wish me luck!


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My oldest had just (as in, earlier that week), turned nine when baby #5 arrived last year. It was, by far, the easiest addition to our family. They all fawned over her from the start, and the novelty still hasn't worn off a year-and-a-half later! She's very well-loved, and more than a little spoiled! :)

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Congrats!   :laugh:


Our #5 was born when my oldest was 8 also.  It's total chaos, some days my house is terrifying, some days I want to eat my young, other days they get along so well it makes me wish I had more siblings.  I sometimes wonder what in the world I was thinking, as I'm trying to homeschool the older 3, holding the baby that will only nap on my lap and keep my 3 year old from destroying the house.  


I wouldn't trade it for anything, though there are many days that I'm eyeing the wine before we're done with grammar.

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congratulations.  just remember, they grow very fast and when things seem overwhelming - just remember it will pass.  faster than seems possible.

(I will admit - 1dd was 9 1/2 when 2ds was born - she was 22 when dudeling was born.  so he almost qualifies as an only.)

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Congratulations! It is a great club! Our oldest was 6 when #5 was born. They were and continue to be best friends. The only thing is, if you want an even number so that each person always has a partner (on rides, the bus, etc.), you should have six. :)

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My fifth child is a rare breed.  She is hysterical. She will be six next month and in Sunday School all the little girls wanted to sing a song.  Her teacher (who also happens to be her grandmother) asked her on the tenth verse when the song was going to be over.  My daughter said well I don't really know grandma.  And my mother-in-law looked at her and said are you making this up as you go?  Yes grandma. ;)    Welcome to the club it's a good one to be in.   :hurray:

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