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I am going to be getting paid for my writing!


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I am so excited I could burst and so I have to share.  The last couple times my homeschool board has put out their magazine my articles have been published.  I have discovered I rather like writing, and it is becoming a fun hobby to do when the kids are asleep at night or in the early morning.  Well that new found hobby is about to start paying off.  I have just been offered a job writing study guides for a well known lapbook company.  I am sure they have lots of people writing them, but I am excited anyway.  It's not a ton of pay but it is more than ample for me.  I never thought I would make any money off my writing.  I had to submit a sample of a study guide that I wrote and they said they really liked my conversational style and the way I organized it :)

I just faxed back my signed confidentiality agreement and employment agreement and am so excited to find out my first topic to write about

I just had to share :)

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Thank you! I was just doing a happy dance in front of ds14 who is completely writing phobic and he says "you mean people really can get paid to write without knowing how to write a whole book?" to which I replied "they sure can" so now he wants to make sure we focus on writing this year in school because he thinks it would be cool to write stuff and get paid for it one day.  We'll see if he still feels that way when I pull out the writing curriculum.  Before the articles a couple months ago the only writing I had done since college was on my blog, facebook and on message boards like here.  I left college when I was pg with oldest, he will be 15 next week.  So it had been nearly 15 years since I had actually done any serious writing.  I have been telling the kids for a year that knowing how to write well was important and would be useful in their lives.  I don't think they believed me until they realized that all these years later it is paying off, even if just in the joy of seeing my articles in the magazine,and now even more so in the form of $. 

But even beyond the money, like HELLO people will be using my writing to teach their kids.  How cool is that?! My parents always said I should be a teacher but I couldn't see myself being a classroom teaching other people's kids, but now I will be teaching through my study guides instead!. 

Okay off to happy dance some more lol

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Got my first assignment last night and started working on it right away.  Will continue my research today.  Any money I make doing this in the next 3 months will be what funds xmas for my kids, and any I make from Dec-June will fund our family vacation, so I have goals to meet for both of those amounts which means definitely carving time out in my day regularily and treating it just like a real job and not a hobby, though it is still fun to do regardless :)

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