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Suddenly can't eat bananas anymore ...


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Has anyone else experienced this?  I've eaten bananas for my entire 48 years and until this week, it was never a problem.  Now my stomach gets upset when I eat them.  I know it is just one food and would not feel so bad about it if there weren't already so many other foods I can't eat. 

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I ate a banana four days ago from one bunch and got a major stomach ache and then yesterday I ate just a half of a banana from a different bunch (honestly, I thought the bananas were bad the first time) and this time I got a major stomach ache and there is a rash on the back of both of my hands... this is the same reaction I used to get when I ate gluten.  I've been gluten free for about two years now.  I don't have any health insurance and can't afford allergy testing.

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It happened to one of my sons. He has a seasonal allergy, hayfever, and apparently when there's that much pollen in the air a person will also be allergic to foods that have proteins similar to the protein in the pollen-producing plant. It's August, which means the ragweed has begun to spread its pollen, so he'll be having his bananas in muffins and banana bread as the cooked form doesn't bother him.

Yes, look up the histamine diet.  

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"It happened to one of my sons. He has a seasonal allergy, hayfever, and apparently when there's that much pollen in the air a person will also be allergic to foods that have proteins similar to the protein in the pollen-producing plant. It's August, which means the ragweed has begun to spread its pollen, so he'll be having his bananas in muffins and banana bread as the cooked form doesn't bother him.


Yes, look up the histamine diet.




Also check out Oral Allergy Syndrome


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Me! I recently started getting terrible stomach aches about an hour after drinking smoothies and couldn't figure out what was causing it. I tried changing up the recipe in case it was dairy or something but the stomach aches kept coming. I didn't piece it together until I ate an actual banana. About an hour later I had excruciating stomach cramps, chills, vomiting, etc... It lasted about 45 min. to an hour. I was so miserable.


I tried googling it and didn't get very much information about it being an allergy though. At least for me, there is no itchiness or other symptoms. Just a terrible terrible stomach reaction. All I know is that I have no desire to eat bananas anymore!

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I ate peanut butter and banana on toast nearly every morning for years. Then I started getting a funny rash. I wasn't sure if it was the peanut butter or the banana. I changed up my diet (finally), and now I can have the odd sandwich here and there with no issue. Just needed a break, I guess.

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Take a break from them and see what happens.


When I have an asthma flare I become allergic to peanuts...when my asthma is controlled I am not. Other allergies can cause you to be allergic to things you weren't before because your body is on high alert. I remember having a severe reaction to fish once...when I never had an allergy before or since. My doctor said random allergies are common in people who have high histamine levels...he told me I should always have a supply of antihistamines just in case.

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This happened to me also.  First it was bananas a few years later fresh pineapple and more recently avocado.  I get terribly sick like laid out on the couch until the next day if I eat any of these.  Cooked banana doesn't seem to bother me.  For a while canned pineapple was o.k. but that is no longer the case.


It seems to be related to a latex allergy.  I've read it can also happen with mango and papaya so I am avoiding those also.

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Has anyone else experienced this?  I've eaten bananas for my entire 48 years and until this week, it was never a problem.  Now my stomach gets upset when I eat them.  I know it is just one food and would not feel so bad about it if there weren't already so many other foods I can't eat. 


Do you have hay fever or any allergies to tree pollen? There are a lot of oral allergies linked to tree pollen allergies.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_allergy_syndrome


I just had another fruit allergy pop up a couple weeks ago, mango, to add to my apples, cherries, and other fruit-with-stones allergies. So far I'm good with bananas.

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Do you have hay fever or any allergies to tree pollen? There are a lot of oral allergies linked to tree pollen allergies.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_allergy_syndrome


I just had another fruit allergy pop up a couple weeks ago, mango, to add to my apples, cherries, and other fruit-with-stones allergies. So far I'm good with bananas.


I'm definitely allergic to tree pollen.  I am also allergic to grasses.

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Yes, banana allergy can be linked to latex allergy.  We have both here.   :(  Kiwi can cross react, too.  Not fun.  


We have had to break out the epipens due to bananas before.  

Yep. I can't eat banana, avocado, kiwi, or melons.  I don't react to latex...yet. 

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