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Anyone taking longer to plan than you expected?

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Between having a newborn, family coming into town, and my own ADD/procrastination problem it is taking me a lot longer to plan our year than I was hoping. I was really wanting to start back in July (and the kids are getting somewhat restless.....) but that's not going to be happening. I will be doing well if we start by mid-August at this point.


Anyone else? :glare:

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We had a plan to start mid-August, and I suddenly realized that in order for this to happen, I must plan.  D'oh!  I've been putting all my energy into a pre-algebra mash-up plan and had neglected to do anything else until this occurred to me.  However, I will say that it has forced me to cut planning corners, and I think ultimately this will work out just as well and be simpler.  :)

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yes!  I don't have little ones but I seem to be extremely unorganized.  I keep flitting from one idea or task to the other without actually accomplishing enough!  I still need to print and plan latin, vocab and get a more solid plan for writing.  My goal is to start mid August (2 weeks before their friends at school).  It's approaching too fast!

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Raising hand....


Every time I get in a groove - someone throws something in my path I cannot avoid. Those someones do not seem to grasp all that I really need to do either. THey thing they do, but they really aren't "getting it".


I had to cancel lang therapy today, so I'm hoping the biggest obstacle can get attacked after all before I have to take a child to gymnastics.


I guess I could go create my spreadsheets for now!

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Yeah. You could say so...


This is our last week and I was happily planning the new year, so that I could take a break too this summer (and work hard on my self education...haha).


Then the Dutch Secretary of Education announced plans to submit a new educational law this summer which would make homeschooling *illegal*. (I cannot insert smileys now, but imagine a lot of headbanging and crying smileys here.)


That put a stop to all my planning activities!

I haven't been able to do anything productive at all.

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I wanted to start the first week of July, but was overwhelmed with it all.  Finally, I sat down and made myself plan out six weeks.  That still took more time than I thought, but I got it done.  We started the second week of July.


We plan to finish the six weeks, then take a week or two off.  I will do more planning then.  I think my next planning sessions will go much more smoothly and quickly since I will have a better sense how to break everything down into weekly/daily plans.  I have also learned that I have over planned some things, so I am glad that I do not have a whole year of plans to adjust.  I can adjust the remaining ones I have on paper, then make more attainable goals on the next set of plans.  

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Between having a newborn, family coming into town, and my own ADD/procrastination problem it is taking me a lot longer to plan our year than I was hoping. I was really wanting to start back in July (and the kids are getting somewhat restless.....) but that's not going to be happening. I will be doing well if we start by mid-August at this point.


Anyone else? :glare:


Yes.  We must be living parallel lives.  My parents were just here at the end of June, in laws are coming next week and the baby had a lovely 2 week NICU vacation in April, lol. 


I have been doing a ton of planning/organizing and almost everything is bought but I don't FEEL organized or ready.  Debating between starting August 12th (what I want to do) and August 26th (what I OUGHT to do.)  Feeling very unnerved.  The boy is at camp this week and I really should just be writing lesson plans for him.... And potty training the toddler.  Failing at both this week.

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Oh Tress, how frustrating. Would it take effect this fall? :grouphug:


Yes, my plan has been to start the first full week of August, but that's creeping up on me. I sat down and started planning out history last night, and hoping to look at math over the next couple days. I don't have a ton of work to do, but can't put it off any longer. I don't have any good reasons, time just got away from me!

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We were supposed to start right after the 4th of July but the planning for 5 just didn't get done over our 6 week summer break.  Between becoming the new director of a co-op that supports between 20 -30 families, summer activities, family visiting, deep cleaning the house, decluttering for yard sale, and trying to relax (HA!), oh, and changing my mind on a few things last minute, I didn't get very much planned at all.


My solution?  We did a soft start a week ago.  I gave everyone those subjects that just require them to open the book and do the next thing and those subjects that are just a continuation from last year :).  It's working well.  So basically they are doing math and reading, a couple are continuing with foreign language, one jumped into some science lectures that really didn't need to be in any specific order, and a couple are continuing with some supplemental writing programs.


It's getting them back into the groove and keeping them busy while I fine tune the subjects that require my planning.  

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Been working on it all summer. Work is keeping me busy and worn out, so I've been just taking things one subject at a time. 

We are back to school as of yesterday. No biggie. I'll just keep working at it, and doing the next thing, and we'll get there.

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I'm sitting here.... frozen.


My printer isn't hooked up today - and the paper forms I printed aren't cutting it. The spreadsheet isn't working for me.


I know I can't wing it - I must get thru the books and schedules and pick what we plan to do. Things will be fine that way....


Maybe I just haven't had enough chocolate today?!?! :p

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Oh yes, skipping the Dutch chocolate. HMPH.


I think I'm going to have another temper tantrum (well, not really) like I did a couple of weeks ago. Same un-resolved issues causing me insane stress and planning just brings it all out. The one person that could talk me down, walk me thru it, anything has been on the phone for work for hours :(


Which means for some stuff - i'm going to have to wing it. :banghead:

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I'm putting chocolate on the grocery list....


I completely changed what my 9th grader will be doing for history so, of course, that affects literature too. And, of course, I can't just go with a curriculum. I have SWB's The History of the Ancient World as the spine and I'm figuring out what to put with it.


But, at least, I'm not dealing with new laws that may make this all pointless! :-(

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SoTW1 is my biggest anxiety because it relies on having a descent library and we don't. I've got to get to the library that's 45min away and see if they will give me a library card, let me check out a lot at once, and give me at least three weeks to return them.


I need 1 1/2 inch binders to come on sale quickly! It's holding me up and giving me anxiety that these stacks of papers (in order and hole punched) are going to get knocked off the shelf and I'll have to organize them again. Walmart (just about the only store in town) still has out summer swim and camp stuff because we are a tourist stop town. I need markers, pencils with GOOD erasers, dividers, ... 


I keep looking back at what I have planned feeling like I'm forgetting something.

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I need 1 1/2 inch binders to come on sale quickly! It's holding me up and giving me anxiety that these stacks of papers (in order and hole punched) are going to get knocked off the shelf and I'll have to organize them again. Walmart (just about the only store in town) still has out summer swim and camp stuff because we are a tourist stop town. I need markers, pencils with GOOD erasers, dividers, ...


I keep looking back at what I have planned feeling like I'm forgetting something.

You could use butterfly clips at either end of your stacks to ensure they stay together and in order.

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I don't do daily planning, but I can't make up my mind on a few things and I am not overly happy with a few of the decisions I have made about outside classes. I've already pulled my dd from some enrichment classes she was going to take because it was going to make our schedule too crazy, but I feel guilty because I know she would have loved the classes. I've also pulled my son from the writing class he's taken for the last 4 years because there are specific writing skills I want to work with him on and I will never have the time if he is in that class. Now, I have to figure out how I am going to implement that for him. I have both my kids signed up for a lit class that I am so not excited about. I had originally planned on two more years of SL, but I let peer pressure and the desire to get my son involved in a coop for high school override those plans. Now, instead of reading great, but enjoyable books, and having my little girl run up to tell me how much she loves what she is reading, we'll spend the whole year on heavy duty versions of the Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid. Sorry, but blech! Sometimes I think I need to have my head examined.


I am so aware of the short amount of time I have left with my children in my home that I just feel frozen with indecisiveness at times. I'm driving my husband crazy, but lucky for me, he's a very patient man.

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I completely changed what my 9th grader will be doing for history so, of course, that affects literature too. And, of course, I can't just go with a curriculum. I have SWB's The History of the Ancient World as the spine and I'm figuring out what to put with it.


Had you heard about this teaching & study guide for SWB's book? Saw reference to it on the high school board this week & asked for a link. SWB apparently said they might have samples up at PHP soon.

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Free Waldorf Planning Method that uses a big piece of folded up paper.




Seriously, it works.

Do you have a different link for this? I can't get this one to work and I'm interested. ;)


You guys inspired me to start working on getting ready for our school year. I can't get too far with planning without printer ink though. That stuff costs a fortune. :ohmy:

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