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FD just called out, pray for hubby please


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My husband's fire pager went off 1/2 hr ago. An apartment building complex has a working fire. So, far three dept. and 2 ladder trucks have been called to respond. Normally, I am calm when he has a call. Right now, I'm very nervous. If you could please pray for my husband. Please pray for the couple of hundred low income families who are not getting a good rest tonight. Luckily, this complex is only 2-3 stories high, mostly 2, (the other one across town is 12 stories), but I know from doing meals on wheels in that place, there are many, many oxygen tanks in those buildings, if just one explodes, it was be terrible.

Praying, for peace and safety.

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I just hugged him! He is safe and so is his team. It's a huge deal in a rural community when three dept's are called out. Everyone is safe. The apartments were an all wood construction from the late 40's, so the fire victims lost everything, but there was no loss of life. Praise God! Thank you for the prayers ladies! After a bit, I was actually able to snuggle down on his side of the bed and fall asleep again. The local agencies are up and running taking care of all the people. I know one man that was affected by the fire is a grandpa to a local homeschool family. Praying everything else stays quiet today.

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