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Weight Loss Accountability 5 Feb-Check in here!

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Another week has gone by! How did you do? I am down 1/2 lb. We had a couple of fast food runs in the last week and I haven't been exercising. My goals for this week:

No fast food


Walk/elliptical at least twice.


Hope your week was great!



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It was the last week of my cycle. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it. Eating was bad. I need a jump start! No weight loss.:(


I did exercise well.


This week I will: exercise 4 or 5 days, drink 1liter of water a day (not enough but more than now), and track my food.



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got off track somewhere in the middle. I skirted with cheating: lots of "little tastes" of this and that of the kids' food. Ptttht. The Superbowl was hard; it's *so* food oriented around here. I wasn't hungry, but felt deprived anyway. *sigh* But I'm still down another .5 lb and I'm recharged for this week. Yay!

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I've not done very well exercising due to severe depression, but I'm hoping I'm on an upswing and will do better. This morning, I did walk with the kids and dogs :)


My starting weight (this time) was 230. I'm down to 219 as of this morning. Goal is 150 :)


((hugs)) I'm so sorry about the depression. Sounds like you're doing very well with the weight loss though!


But, I'm not sure about this week. I'm followin all my points, but I've been feeling like I may gain. But, that's okay because I lost 3 last week and that's quite a bit.


Started at 241.8 and now 149.4 with 8.4 pounds to go!!!!!:D


AWESOME!!!!! How long did you take to lose that weight?


I worked out six times. Kept my calories around 1200/day. I'm down 9 pounds (I don't know how much was this week and how much was last week).



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from 175 to 173. Goals: hit the gym 5 x, 8 glasses of water daily, and track my food intake. My back is still aching and I tried to use that as an excuse not to walk this morning. But . . . I stretched before getting on the treadmill, and it wasn't that bad. Maybe helped me walk out some of the stiffness.

This check-in is a good idea. Hope I'll take my fitness plan more seriously!

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Today's Foods: AKA: What I've eaten for breakfast and snacks today...so far. :D


3/4 c organic raisin bran

1/4 c 1% milk


1 mini whole wheat bagel w/cream cheese

1 C coffee w/French vanilla creamer and sugar


2oz. organic peeled baby carrots

1 C chopped romaine

1/2 c peeled and sliced cucumber


and water.


Have I ever told you how much I dislike vegetables? I HATE them. Carry on, everyone! It's a brand new day. :)

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I haven't weighed myself in a while- but my pants are tight. :(

We have been eating out this weekend, and lunch today, dinner last night- UGH! Okay, my goals for the rest of this week is NO eating out, period; drink LOTS of water and ease myself off the Diet Coke. :)

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I started Weight Watchers on my own the first of October. I lost 10 lbs from then until Christmas. Luckily, I didn't gain it back at Christmas. A friend of mine and I joined Weight Watchers and started going to the meetings the first of January. I am down 8.8 since Jan. 1st. I have a long way to go but so far so good. I love Weight Watchers! I never thought I would enjoy the meetings but I really have. Checking in here will give me another little push to stay on track!:)

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OK. Here it is. I've mentioned before that I had gastric bypass surgery 3.5 yrs. ago. I lost 126 lbs. Well, dh and I (he had it, too. He lost 140 lbs.) went back to basics this week. 10 lbs. have slowly crept up behind me, or crept up on my behind... So, as of this morning, I'm down 2 lbs. I've been on liquids only since yesterday a.m. (Protein shakes, sf jello/pudding, lo-carb soups) I get to actually chew tomorrow! I start on soft protein like fish and eggs, then add in more substantial protein like chicken and steak towards the end of the week. The idea is to eat like we did right after surgery. The carbs just kinda crept back in. So, no more fried food and limited carbs. Lots of agua, but not with food! I also started exercising again. free-jumping-smileys-388.gif Good luck, ladies. I look forward to seeing your progress!free-character-smileys-609.gif

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