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Ever bum out because there isn't time to do certain curriculum?


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I find myself bumming sometimes because I run across curriculum that looks like a lot of fun, but it just doesn't fit or we don't have time to complete it.


For example, I'm drawn to Lentil Science, but we've already started the four-year cycle and it just doesn't fit. Thought about doing it over the summer, but we're all booked up (completing extras for life science).


What curriculum would you like to do with your kids but can't figure out a way to fit it in?



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Oh my goodness, yes!

See my siggy? Well, that is not everything. (I haven't changed it yet). We do SCM Genesis through Deut too. But what it boils down to is either we don't do everything each day, or we do abbreviated versions of each, or extend them over more than the allotted time period.

And when do I get to BYFIAR, Portraits of American Girlhood, Learning Adventures, and on and on?

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There's a lot of things I would love to do but too many things just won't get done appropriately. I'd rather just put my blinders on and do something well than have so many things to do shallowly.


There's a lot in the science realm I would like to do, but I can't do all science curricula or all science activity projects books etc. Lyrical Life Science, BFSU, TOPS, MPH, and about a dozen enrichment science books and kits...but if I'm being real with myself---I just have to pick something and do it and not have too many other distractions.

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Yes, that happens quite frequently. I see things all the time that I would love to do, but I have to remind myself that I chose what I chose for the flexibility. While I could easily incorporate other stuff, my checking account can't accomodate all my whims and desires when it comes to curriculum. I would love to try Trail Guide to Learning from Geography Matters.

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There's a lot of things I would love to do but too many things just won't get done appropriately. I'd rather just put my blinders on and do something well than have so many things to do shallowly.


Well, the way I see it is that some things can be shortened withOUT being done shallowly. In other words you may not read the extra supplemental lit, or do the lapbook that adds time to the lessons. Yet still get tons out of the main body of the lesson. But to each his own.

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There are no WTM police. SWB will not come to your house, hit you on the head with a big, thick copy of WTM, and lay into you because you deviated from a 4 year cycle. DO THE LENTILS. Then go back to your regularly scheduled programming.


Don't stress. Embrace the Lentils, and have fun. ;)

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Well, crumb bucket...I was hoping someone would say that IT'S NOT worth it. That doesn't help me at all. LOL!


Um, Lentil Science is worth it. I would bump something else for that particular unit. Call it math or LA instead since all of those are in there, but I wouldn't want to miss Lentil Science.

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Yeah, I know, but I just added a bunch of supplements to our life science program. That's why I don't have time for Lentil Science. Hah!


Have you used Lentil Science? It is something we could do ever once in a while...two-three times a month and get done in a reasonable amount of time?


There are no WTM police. SWB will not come to your house, hit you on the head with a big, thick copy of WTM, and lay into you because you deviated from a 4 year cycle. DO THE LENTILS. Then go back to your regularly scheduled programming.


Don't stress. Embrace the Lentils, and have fun. ;)

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I wanted to do another round of geography this summer too, but I just don't know how to make it happen.


Last year, we used summer for fun electives, but we started school late last fall and I can't seem to stay on schedule. It's not that we aren't doing science or history or whatever. We do it every week...a lot of it most weeks. It's that there is just so much of it to do. Then, when I try to add some extra cool things, I can't figure out how to keep us on course. I really don't want to give up any of it. It's all good stuff!


Yes, that happens quite frequently. I see things all the time that I would love to do, but I have to remind myself that I chose what I chose for the flexibility. While I could easily incorporate other stuff, my checking account can't accomodate all my whims and desires when it comes to curriculum. I would love to try Trail Guide to Learning from Geography Matters.

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Time is so short.


Science is the first place I put blinders on and walk away. There are hundreds of things as nice as Lentil Science. If your order it, you'll find something even nicer before it even arrives in the mail.


Stick to your schedule. It's not important which schedule/plan you stick to, but most of us benefit by having one

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i have a rising senior and there is so much i still want to do! but there is no way dh would support me adding another year to his high school lol



There is sooo much I want to do that we just don't have time for. This post made me laugh because I could see adding years at the end just so I can continue homeschooling my dc :)



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There are no WTM police. SWB will not come to your house, hit you on the head with a big, thick copy of WTM, and lay into you because you deviated from a 4 year cycle. DO THE LENTILS. Then go back to your regularly scheduled programming.


Don't stress. Embrace the Lentils, and have fun. ;)







embrace the lentiillllsssss.....

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Hmmmm, maybe I am weird, but no. I don't "marry" myself to anything for more than a single yr. I never teach the same grade the same way twice. There are very few curriculum I have used over and over. If I see something that I think will be a great fit for a certain child, I have no problem changing course and going that route.


Hey, it works. But, I also don't believe in worrying about gaps. ;) (The only subjects that I am strict about sticking with a specific flow are math and LA.)

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Keyboarding, Art of Argument and Spanish. There is just no time. So we will do Art of Argument this summer. I haven't figured out keyboarding and Spanish. We actually started out this fall with Art of Argument as a mostly oral overview for my two boys, but my youngest son was in the throes of crying non stop over a stray cat we found which we did not keep, and that was all it took for me to push it to the summer. He is a loud crier, and I could not discuss logic over his wails. Sigh. Also, I read and read and read aloud to the kids, but I am not sure I will ever get through the 1,000 greatest books list. I can only read so much, you know?

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I did lentil science! It is great, worth doing!


Lentil science is made to be a student directed activity. You can make a 'lentil station' in the house and let the kids have at it. It is very good as a math supplement. It deals in quantity and fractions in a very hands on way. It teaches a lot of different skills.


Go for it, just do it!


To be fair, I didn't do LS as a station. I had a toddler and, well, that would have been bad. But, once or twice a week, during nap time I pulled it out and my son did it. He really liked it.

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I have a hard time fitting in typing, Latin, piano, MCT, logic, and science. Right now, I'm focusing on finishing up British history, so that's out of the way and we can devote more time to any of the above. Right now, we are more or less alternating Latin and piano, and I'm letting DD do her typing program when she feels like it. MCT is on indefinite hold and science gets done about once a week. I think I can require more on typing once she finishes her handwriting book, and once her reading skills book is finished, we can drop that and have more time for the other things.

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Oh, yeah...keyboarding! I am wanting to add that too in a couple of years.


Keyboarding, Art of Argument and Spanish. There is just no time. So we will do Art of Argument this summer. I haven't figured out keyboarding and Spanish. We actually started out this fall with Art of Argument as a mostly oral overview for my two boys, but my youngest son was in the throes of crying non stop over a stray cat we found which we did not keep, and that was all it took for me to push it to the summer. He is a loud crier, and I could not discuss logic over his wails. Sigh. Also, I read and read and read aloud to the kids, but I am not sure I will ever get through the 1,000 greatest books list. I can only read so much, you know?


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This is positive! So, I could just sneak it in on those random days where we have a short day for whatever reason? Or, the odd week, where both science and history were short for the week?


Did you buy the kit or just the book?


Thanks...I'm a little more excited now that maybe it could work out.



I did lentil science! It is great, worth doing!


Lentil science is made to be a student directed activity. You can make a 'lentil station' in the house and let the kids have at it. It is very good as a math supplement. It deals in quantity and fractions in a very hands on way. It teaches a lot of different skills.


Go for it, just do it!


To be fair, I didn't do LS as a station. I had a toddler and, well, that would have been bad. But, once or twice a week, during nap time I pulled it out and my son did it. He really liked it.

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This is positive! So, I could just sneak it in on those random days where we have a short day for whatever reason? Or, the odd week, where both science and history were short for the week?


Did you buy the kit or just the book?


Thanks...I'm a little more excited now that maybe it could work out.


A friend gave me her stuff. This was before there were kits. She put the whole thing together over the summer and it was just so much work that she couldn't just throw it out when her kids were done with it. It made her happy to pass it on to me.


If it were me, I would buy the kit. Well, I would buy my own lentils, but a kit for everything else.

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Me, too! First I'm checking out Junk Drawer Robotics, now I have to look at Lentil Science? Stop it, People! :tongue_smilie:

LOL, I've got that on my list as well. Our science next year is going to be about trying out whatever fun things we want. Ds has so many interests we are going to enjoy it. I'm not doing a WTM science sequence though or any other organized progression in that area. There will be plenty of time to buckle down later.

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Tons of things come in the kit. A whole bunch of the different sized pill bottles, 2 screens for sorting, the glass jars of different sizes, the double bottle combiner, magnets, craft sticks, BBs, bottle caps, etc. Basically all the hard to find containers and parts/pieces.

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