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Except for my regular mammogram and gynecology check ups I haven't been for a regular doctor visit in years. And I am in a new city and so I really want to have a doctor in case I ever need one.....so I am going in for a check up next week. My main complaint is sheer exhaustion. I can't seem to get up and get moving most days. Yesterday dh was home from work and he came into the living room to find me dead asleep in the recliner. I had been listening to ds12 do some reading out loud and fell asleep. It was only about 4 minutes worth of reading....this happens to me often. I just fall over asleep even though I get a decent amount of sleep and I certainly am not doing physical work. I mean, I get upset 5:30, and do regular stuff....I get coffee for dh, sit and visit with him, put him some breakfast and lunch together to take with him....feed the dog, take dog out....say goodbye to dh about 7:00.


After that I do regular mom stuff...get ds up, crack the motivational whip...make beds, do a load or two of laundry....cook a little breakfast, cleanup...check ds12 work....you know normal stuff. By the time 4 or 5 gets here I have to force myself to start cooking...when I get in bed I try to talk to dh or watch a show, but just fall over asleep.


Does this sound like normal fatigue to anyone? Is it just my 47 year old body? I have always had a moderate amount of energy but lately I am just exhausted all of the time.

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For me it was hypertension. I was shocked because I was already doing everything they tell you to try to bring down pressure. Apparently it runs in both sides of my family and I did we'll to make it to my 40s without medication. All the males in my family in the past three generations have started in their 20s. Anyway, exhaustion like you are describing isn't normal and it's good you are getting it checked out.

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For me it was hypertension. I was shocked because I was already doing everything they tell you to try to bring down pressure. Apparently it runs in both sides of my family and I did we'll to make it to my 40s without medication. All the males in my family in the past three generations have started in their 20s. Anyway, exhaustion like you are describing isn't normal and it's good you are getting it checked out.


My blood pressure is low. Like 95 over 65. Always has been.


But I do feel relieved that the fatigue isn't normal.

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As far as I know never checked. Is that a normal thing they check?


Wouldn't have a clue. I don't need a test to tell me when mine are. I just know. :glare:


If you'd claimed rabid insomnia, I'd have thought that was almost certainly an issue, but you didn't, so I'm only throwing it out so you can google and see if it sounds possible.

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Thirding or fourthing or wherever we are thyroid. Ask for a full thryoid panel, not just a screening. Since your doctor is relatively young, it's likely that she'll be aware of/follow the recommendations (ETA: Oops, timer went off for the oven....meant to say she'll likely follow the newer recommendations for lower numbers.)


Last year, I was exhausted most of the time. I'd start to drowse off while the boys were reading to me. Every morning I had to draaaaaggg myself out of bed. I felt like I was trying to think with a sponge on my brain.


My doctor called me two days after my appointment, on a Saturday, and told me my thyroid levels were very low and she was calling in a prescription to be picked up that day. She also sent me for a thyroid ultrasound. I'm not feeling 100% back to my normal energetic self, but I don't fall alseep every time I sit down, and I can get out of bed in the morning.



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I'd consider adding a little exercise daily, say a 30 minute brisk walk each afternoon before fixing dinner. You could do it with your son if that is feasible. I've been amazed at how much higher my energy level is when I am physically active. When I am unable to exercise for a few days, my energy level plummets. You don't have to go wild and run marathons (well, that is fun, too, lol), but just physically getting moving, especially outside, is really invigorating, and it might also help you sleep more soundly at night, as maybe you are not sleeping soundly even if you don't realize it.


I find that energy level is highest for a couple hours post-exercise, then might fall later in the day. So, I'd time exercise so that you can most benefit from the couple hours


Carb or caffeine crashing often leads to low energy levels, so if you can limit refined carbs and/or try avoiding caffeine for a week or so (it'll take a few days for either of these approaches to actually benefit you . . . the first days you will likely feel really horrible, lol), then that could be a helpful thing to try.


Good nutritition is helpful too, try taking a multivitamin and/or pushing lots of colorful veggies.


Having labs done along with a good exam is always smart, of course. I hope you find some answers!

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men. o. pause.


I just switched to emerald laboratories b happy b-vitamin complex a couple weeks ago. (I've taken a double dose of a stress b-complex for years. High probability I have a mutation that doesn't use b-vitamins very well. One son is positive, one is still waiting on results.) I'm *very* happy with the forms they say they include. (the forms your body actually uses so your body doesn't have to convert them first.) A couple days ago, I felt like someone switched me back on. wow. I like this I want to stay like this please tell me I can stay like this . . . . . . I have energy, I have motivation, I'm more productive than I've been. I don't know if it's the good b-complex, but only time will tell me.

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Scarlett, I read your post, then had to go pick up dd.... While driving, I remembered that you just went through a very stressful time not too long ago. I wonder if you are doing what I call "crash and burn" now that things are better.


Is crash and burn a scientific term. :). That has been in the back of my mind. So not sure how to handle that if it is true.

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men. o. pause.


I just switched to emerald laboratories b happy b-vitamin complex a couple weeks ago. (I've taken a double dose of a stress b-complex for years. High probability I have a mutation that doesn't use b-vitamins very well. One son is positive, one is still waiting on results.) I'm *very* happy with the forms they say they include. (the forms your body actually uses so your body doesn't have to convert them first.) A couple days ago, I felt like someone switched me back on. wow. I like this I want to stay like this please tell me I can stay like this . . . . . . I have energy, I have motivation, I'm more productive than I've been. I don't know if it's the good b-complex, but only time will tell me.


I know I am menopausal. Not sure the hormones I am taking are the right dose.....I hope this doctor is in to checking all of that.

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Went for my check up. I really like her. She is going to check thyroid, vit d levels, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone, fish levels, and when I told her dh had mono she added that to the panel.


She is young, healthy, engaging. Functionality medicine. I am hopeful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went in for my results today. Low vit d.....she put me on 5000 mg twice a day. And low progesterone, testosterone and estrogen. Everything else is fine. But she said low vit d and low testosterone can really affect energy levels.


One weird thing...I have no Epstein Barr antibodies....( mono virus). She said most adults do because they have been exposed to it at some point and I certainly should since dh had it last fall. She thought that was odd.



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Went in for my results today. Low vit d.....she put me on 5000 mg twice a day. And low progesterone, testosterone and estrogen. Everything else is fine. But she said low vit d and low testosterone can really affect energy levels.


One weird thing...I have no Epstein Barr antibodies....( mono virus). She said most adults do because they have been exposed to it at some point and I certainly should since dh had it last fall. She thought that was odd.



I tested with extremely low Vit. D last summer. I have a form to get retested but I've been taking 4000-5000/day. I'm hoping that has been enough to raise my level, because taking more than that seems to cause issues.


I wanted to comment on the Epstein Barr antibodies. I also have no antibodies to EBV (or at least I didn't 15yrs ago) even though I supposedly had mono when I was 7yrs old! In the same blood sample, my rubella antibody count was very high, as if I had had a recent exposure, even though I had the disease as a child. Given the high rubella antibodies, the zero EBV count wasn't a matter of a generally depressed immune system. It made me think that my childhoood mono diagnosis was incorrect.

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Did she suggest D3? If it was a prescription form get some D3 instead. Take it at the same dose she prescribed. The prescriptions are D2 and you don't want that.


If correcting those two things don't take care of it I'd ask for a sleep study to rule out apnea. People with apnea have interrupted sleep even though they aren't aware and think they are sleeping. Falling asleep sitting in a chair for a few minutes is indicative. But then other things can cause that level of fatigue as well.

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I tested with extremely low Vit. D last summer. I have a form to get retested but I've been taking 4000-5000/day. I'm hoping that has been enough to raise my level, because taking more than that seems to cause issues.


I wanted to comment on the Epstein Barr antibodies. I also have no antibodies to EBV (or at least I didn't 15yrs ago) even though I supposedly had mono when I was 7yrs old! In the same blood sample, my rubella antibody count was very high, as if I had had a recent exposure, even though I had the disease as a child. Given the high rubella antibodies, the zero EBV count wasn't a matter of a generally depressed immune system. It made me think that my childhoood mono diagnosis was incorrect.


Marie, I'm curious about the Vitamin D "issues". Please feel free to ignore my nosiness. :)

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I agree with the vitamin d. Get it checked. I was feeling the same fatigue you describe and my daily routine about the same as yours. But I was 29 at the time with a very low level. It took over a year to get my level into the normal range. Caltrate has calcium coupled with vitamin D, which is good (can't give you the proper biochemical reason that DH gave me).


I breastfed for 2.5 Yrs straight while living in Boston, those two factors likely cause my low level.

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I hope the Vit D3 turns things around for you. :grouphug:


I don't know what you'd do about the testosterone. It doesn't sound like something we'd want to supplement does it?!!


Yes, she does want to supplement. We are trying increase in progesterone first which will boost testosterone...if that doesn't work well then she can insert testostere pellets....but that was fairly costly so I wanted to try this other way first.

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Did she suggest D3? If it was a prescription form get some D3 instead. Take it at the same dose she prescribed. The prescriptions are D2 and you don't want that.


If correcting those two things don't take care of it I'd ask for a sleep study to rule out apnea. People with apnea have interrupted sleep even though they aren't aware and think they are sleeping. Falling asleep sitting in a chair for a few minutes is indicative. But then other things can cause that level of fatigue as well.


I got the bottle of Vitamin D from the doctor. Just says Vitamin D, 5000 IU. By Douglas Laboratories.


So is what I got different from D2 or D3? I'm confused.

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Yes, she does want to supplement. We are trying increase in progesterone first which will boost testosterone...if that doesn't work well then she can insert testostere pellets....but that was fairly costly so I wanted to try this other way first.


As someone who is always on the tired side, I hope you update and let us know how it goes. The hormones are not something I've thought about.

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As someone who is always on the tired side, I hope you update and let us know how it goes. The hormones are not something I've thought about.


I will. She wants to see me again in 6 weeks....she said I should see some improvement in a couple of weeks. She also talked to me about my diet....I know I am a carb addict...and she said it is totally understandable that I can't 'get off that gerbil wheel' when I'm so exhausted...it is a viscious cycle. So she told me to take the meds/Vit D and cut back on the sugar/carbs (and this includes wine because it is sugar and having sugar at night is bad). My weight is fine, but not to me....if that makes sense. I have about 10 pounds on me that is just from feeding my exhaustion.


It is all tied together.....and I am ready to feel better.

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I agree with the vitamin d. Get it checked. I was feeling the same fatigue you describe and my daily routine about the same as yours. But I was 29 at the time with a very low level. It took over a year to get my level into the normal range. Caltrate has calcium coupled with vitamin D, which is good (can't give you the proper biochemical reason that DH gave me).


I breastfed for 2.5 Yrs straight while living in Boston, those two factors likely cause my low level.


Do you remember how low yours was? Mine is 21.

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I wanted to comment on the Epstein Barr antibodies. I also have no antibodies to EBV (or at least I didn't 15yrs ago) even though I supposedly had mono when I was 7yrs old! In the same blood sample, my rubella antibody count was very high, as if I had had a recent exposure, even though I had the disease as a child. Given the high rubella antibodies, the zero EBV count wasn't a matter of a generally depressed immune system. It made me think that my childhoood mono diagnosis was incorrect.


I bet the diagnosis was wrong when you wee 7....but like me it is still strange to not have the antibodies since most adults have been exposed to it even if they don't come down with a bad case of it.

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I got the bottle of Vitamin D from the doctor. Just says Vitamin D, 5000 IU. By Douglas Laboratories.


So is what I got different from D2 or D3? I'm confused.

I'm betting Douglas Labs is D3. Great doctor if so!


On the back, ingredients, it should say D3 or D2? Most likely it's D3. I hope it helps you a lot. I think I was a 23 when told I had low D.

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I'm betting Douglas Labs is D3. Great doctor if so!


On the back, ingredients, it should say D3 or D2? Most likely it's D3. I hope it helps you a lot. I think I was a 23 when told I had low D.



Oh, I didn't think of looking on the back! Yes it does say D3. Ok, that is good then. Thanks!

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you have recently renovated right? could you be sensitive to something? MY DH has Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. it can really crash him out for months on end.


I don't know if you saw my last few posts, but my Vit D levels are low and my hormones are out of whack...low progesterone and testosterone. Those being low definitely causes fatigue.


We are STILL renovating but honestly I don't think it is the house. I was having some of this fatigue before we even moved.

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Marie, I'm curious about the Vitamin D "issues". Please feel free to ignore my nosiness. :)



Well, honestly, I called it "issues" because it's not entirely clear whether the Vit. D supplements are the problem or whether it's something else. However, when I was taking 6,000-8,000 IUs, it seemed like I was having some immune system overactivation or something. I was feeling more tired and kind of achy, feverish (very mildly), and foggy. When I skipped a day, then I felt better. So for now, I'm taking 2,000-4,000 IUs because I really need to not feel so bad. I'm already still struggling with emotions related to my mom's passing and all the events surrounding her illness. Maybe when I'm a bit stronger emotionally I'll do some experimenting to see if I can determine whether the higher doses of Vit. D are indeed the problem.

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Do you remember how low yours was? Mine is 21.


I had to dig through my old gmails with my mother in law and found that it was 15! yikes!

I was put on 10,000 units every week. And when we started IVF my reproductive endocrinologist wanted me off the high dose vitamin D. Currently taking 2 Caltrates a day. It took several months to feel better and to get my levels to go up.

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When I was this way, it turned out I was anemic. Iron supplements changed my life. Get a blood panel done, and make sure they include BOTH hemoglobin AND ferritin as your hemoglobin can be within acceptable ranges even if your ferritin is quite low.


My doctor checked my iron...not anemic. Appears to be low vit d levels and low progesterone and testosterone .

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I had to dig through my old gmails with my mother in law and found that it was 15! yikes!

I was put on 10,000 units every week. And when we started IVF my reproductive endocrinologist wanted me off the high dose vitamin D. Currently taking 2 Caltrates a day. It took several months to feel better and to get my levels to go up.


Wow that is low! She is having me take 5000 twice a day! But only for a month. Then I reduce it to once a day.

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Well, honestly, I called it "issues" because it's not entirely clear whether the Vit. D supplements are the problem or whether it's something else. However, when I was taking 6,000-8,000 IUs, it seemed like I was having some immune system overactivation or something. I was feeling more tired and kind of achy, feverish (very mildly), and foggy. When I skipped a day, then I felt better. So for now, I'm taking 2,000-4,000 IUs because I really need to not feel so bad. I'm already still struggling with emotions related to my mom's passing and all the events surrounding her illness. Maybe when I'm a bit stronger emotionally I'll do some experimenting to see if I can determine whether the higher doses of Vit. D are indeed the problem.



Thank you for answering. It's interesting to wonder about a connection. I also have unexplained achy days days with burning eyes like a fever but without the fever. I tested low on Vit D years ago and have been supplementing, but I haven't been re-tested in a long time.

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My doctor checked my iron...not anemic. Appears to be low vit d levels and low progesterone and testosterone .



I recently went through this with dd. She was not anemic but her ferritin was very much on the low side, though not technically deficient. Someone here linked me to a recent study that showed that women who were not anemic but had low ferritin levels (iron stores) and fatigue and received iron supplementation had improvement of their fatigue. You may want to request your ferritin levels checked when you get bloodwork next time.

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I used to "tip over" just like this...and at about that age. For me it turned on getting a thyroid fix (meds for a while, but the need was removed by nutritional change), AND by eating better. Protein! for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every single time. It made all the difference in the world. I have a lot more energy now, 8 years later, than I did at 47...that was sort of a low water mark for me, energy-wise.


Ha... I am 47....glad to hear I can feel better!

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I used to "tip over" just like this...and at about that age. For me it turned on getting a thyroid fix (meds for a while, but the need was removed by nutritional change), AND by eating better. Protein! for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every single time. It made all the difference in the world. I have a lot more energy now, 8 years later, than I did at 47...that was sort of a low water mark for me, energy-wise.


Ha... I am 47....glad to hear I can feel better!

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