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Does anyone else feel lost when reading Les Miserables?


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I started before the new year. I still have 25% left with skipping some big chunks. I feel lost. Does anyone else have the same feeling? I enjoyed the first part very much about the bishop. I also liked reading about Jean Valjean's life and about Cosette and Marius and Thenadier. Some other parts are hard for me so I have to skip some.

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Do you know the plot already? Perhaps looking at a chapter summary in something like SparkNotes or Cliffs would help you.

I read it last summer--knowing the musical plot line helped me a bit, because I could remember the characters pretty well. Maybe seeing a production would help a bit.

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I am 8% done....I had a.rough time with the first book, it was so ling and drawn out. I did a quick review of French history when I got to the part where the bishop had the political discussion with the dying man. I am enjoying it, but taking it slow and reading many portions!

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Do you know the plot already? Perhaps looking at a chapter summary in something like SparkNotes or Cliffs would help you.

I read it last summer--knowing the musical plot line helped me a bit, because I could remember the characters pretty well. Maybe seeing a production would help a bit.


I agree with this; I think this is one place where having seen the musical/movie helps with understanding the book.

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I agree with this; I think this is one place where having seen the musical/movie helps with understanding the book.

I agree. The only time I get "lost" is the places when I'm crying so hard I can't read. Then it's more despair than lack of information.

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I tried reading it many years ago and got bogged down. I never finished. I loved the story about the candlesticks and the bishop though and I SO wanted to read the whole thing. But, like I said, got bogged down.. It moves very slowly. So yeah, I felt lost too. I had seen at least one movie version and was familiar with the overall story, so that didn't help me.

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Normally I'm a "read every page" type girl. Including all introductions, prefaces, afterwords, and notes. I haven't read it since high school, but with Les Mis I suggest skipping Waterloo except for the very last page. There is one incident that matters later on. And then also skip the long discussion of "argot", I think. The street language of Parisian criminals. Those might be interesting in themselves but they do not forward the plot. Then, yeah, maybe read a plot summary somewhere. The book is really fantastic but I knew the story before I read it.

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I started this before the movie came out - I've seen the musical twice, so I know the plot well, and I still haven't finished it. I think its funny how irritated we get when a modern writer fill his book with off topic, preachy writing, but when Hugo does it it's supposed to be part of the charm. (I'm on my phone but insert confused smiley here.) Seriously, if this were a book written today there's no way I would pay attention to the irritating political ramblings that go on for hundreds of pages. I'm debating whether to finish it or not. I did read Anna Karenina since I put down Les Mis..... surely that counts for something.

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I am 8% done....I had a.rough time with the first book, it was so ling and drawn out. I did a quick review of French history when I got to the part where the bishop had the political discussion with the dying man. I am enjoying it, but taking it slow and reading many portions!



I looked up French history at that point, too. Because clearly Hugo didn't explain enough! lol


I just finished last week and felt so accomplished! I don't think I ever felt lost with regards to the characters or plot, but I know I didn't "get" everything. I think it would have been fun to read it in french (I hardly know a word of it). Just from the few notes I read, there were quite a few places where Hugo made plays on words that just didn't translate well into English. It didn't detract from the story, but it would have been fun to understand them. I also skimmed a lot when he got to comparing different political figures, French landmarks, or streets. There was that long section about Paris being like the world that I understood very little of. I just told Hugo that I believed him since I didn't relate to any of his many comparisons!


I am so glad that I read this book. Overall I really enjoyed it. I do think it was the most challenging book I have read in a long time. I need some brain candy now!

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I had to read this book in high school.....in French. I hated it. I still hate it today. I will not go see it in any of its incarnations as a play, a CD, or a movie. After more hours than I care to remember, with that $%^& book and an (apparently worthless) French/English dictionary, all I got out of it was that somebody stole a loaf of bread. At least the title is accurate...it truly is miserable. Here's a review of the movie a friend of mine posted on Facebook. It's spot on. Oh, and I can't paragraph with this :cursing: Windows 8, so I apologize for running it all together. Review starts NOW: "Went to the movies with the wife. We saw this obscure movie I had never heard of, some French foreign film. They must have been giving away free tickets because the lines were out the door. Anyway, the movie starts and Wolverine is singing his guts out. Then Catwoman starts crying and singing, and it's all very moving. The only problem was, the girl next to me, who had apparently read the book or something, starts singing along. It was very distracting. So Wolverine is on the run from the Gladiator because Catwoman had a baby at Borat's house, but now she wants Wolverine to care for her. Time skip. A bunch of kids get shot, and in the end everyone dies. Four stars."

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I had to read this book in high school.....in French. I hated it. I still hate it today. I will not go see it in any of its incarnations as a play, a CD, or a movie. After more hours than I care to remember, with that $%^& book and an (apparently worthless) French/English dictionary, all I got out of it was that somebody stole a loaf of bread. At least the title is accurate...it truly is miserable. Here's a review of the movie a friend of mine posted on Facebook. It's spot on. Oh, and I can't paragraph with this :cursing: Windows 8, so I apologize for running it all together. Review starts NOW: "Went to the movies with the wife. We saw this obscure movie I had never heard of, some French foreign film. They must have been giving away free tickets because the lines were out the door. Anyway, the movie starts and Wolverine is singing his guts out. Then Catwoman starts crying and singing, and it's all very moving. The only problem was, the girl next to me, who had apparently read the book or something, starts singing along. It was very distracting. So Wolverine is on the run from the Gladiator because Catwoman had a baby at Borat's house, but now she wants Wolverine to care for her. Time skip. A bunch of kids get shot, and in the end everyone dies. Four stars."


ROFL!!!!! Love that review - although I do love the play.

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I had to read this book in high school.....in French. I hated it. I still hate it today. I will not go see it in any of its incarnations as a play, a CD, or a movie. After more hours than I care to remember, with that $%^& book and an (apparently worthless) French/English dictionary, all I got out of it was that somebody stole a loaf of bread. At least the title is accurate...it truly is miserable. Here's a review of the movie a friend of mine posted on Facebook. It's spot on. Oh, and I can't paragraph with this :cursing: Windows 8, so I apologize for running it all together. Review starts NOW: "Went to the movies with the wife. We saw this obscure movie I had never heard of, some French foreign film. They must have been giving away free tickets because the lines were out the door. Anyway, the movie starts and Wolverine is singing his guts out. Then Catwoman starts crying and singing, and it's all very moving. The only problem was, the girl next to me, who had apparently read the book or something, starts singing along. It was very distracting. So Wolverine is on the run from the Gladiator because Catwoman had a baby at Borat's house, but now she wants Wolverine to care for her. Time skip. A bunch of kids get shot, and in the end everyone dies. Four stars."


That review is hysterical!!!


Dh is NOT a big musical fan. At the beginning of the movie he kept asking me why wolverine wouldn't just break out his claws.

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I had to read this book in high school.....in French. I hated it. I still hate it today. I will not go see it in any of its incarnations as a play, a CD, or a movie. After more hours than I care to remember, with that $%^& book and an (apparently worthless) French/English dictionary, all I got out of it was that somebody stole a loaf of bread. At least the title is accurate...it truly is miserable. Here's a review of the movie a friend of mine posted on Facebook. It's spot on. Oh, and I can't paragraph with this :cursing: Windows 8, so I apologize for running it all together. Review starts NOW: "Went to the movies with the wife. We saw this obscure movie I had never heard of, some French foreign film. They must have been giving away free tickets because the lines were out the door. Anyway, the movie starts and Wolverine is singing his guts out. Then Catwoman starts crying and singing, and it's all very moving. The only problem was, the girl next to me, who had apparently read the book or something, starts singing along. It was very distracting. So Wolverine is on the run from the Gladiator because Catwoman had a baby at Borat's house, but now she wants Wolverine to care for her. Time skip. A bunch of kids get shot, and in the end everyone dies. Four stars."


Haha, I remember when that review was going around on Facebook. Hilarious! But I :wub: the play & liked the movie. And the book in English (minus the parts on Waterloo!).

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I have read the book, seen the musical on a broadway, and I still don't think I could adequately tell the plot. :lol:


The plot got drowned in all the extras. It is like panning for gold for extracting iron from the iron ore. That is the analogy I strongly feel about this book. Now it is hard for me to keep the story line straight. I will finish it, but have to skip read. 25% left. Too bad this is the first book I am taking on for the 52 books/year challenge. I am seriously a few weeks behind!

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