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SOCIAL GROUP: Atheists, agnostics, free-thinkers, non-believers

Guest inoubliable

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Well, my news is that it's my wedding anniversary today. So far to celebrate, I woke everyone up before dawn to go and get my husband's favorite croissants (and easily the best in many states or perhaps the country) and we are them while we watched the last bit of sunrise.


Then we dropped my husband off at work and I took the boys to our homeschool classes (we do M and W). Day continues per usual. My husband got my favorite take out on the way home and now, now we are getting ready to cut the boy's hair. This will not be fun but it needs to be done. Then stories and bed for the boys. And my dad is coming to sit with two kids after their bedtime and my husband and I are going to go skating very late. Since it is our anniversary I won't laugh at him when he falls down.


We don't do valentines or whatever. We pick out a combined Christmas/Anniversary present together, always a piece of original art or a framed professional art photo. We haven't found it yet this year- sometimes we don't find it till almost the next year. We eloped and were married by the justice of the peace on the 2nd anniversary of when we rashly decided to move in together ~6 weeks after our first date (first date 12/31/1999, rash decision to move across state 2/13/2000, rash marriage 2/13/2002. So 11 years of unholy matrimony. But it's been a happy 11 years and we have 2 great sons. Sons that need those haircuts so, I gotta go!




Happy Anniversary! Ours is next month, the 13th. We were married on Friday the 13th. We eloped, too. Luckiest frikkin' day of my whole frikkin' life!! :D

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nausea for me. and a 103 fever for the teen. but hey, i posted a 'week in the life' homeschooling blog post. its boring and crazy and makes me feel like I am too school-at-home AND my kids are totally out of control. hrmph.



~~~~~~ woo ~~~~ woo ~~~~~~


Those are "feel-better-woo-woo-vibes" going out to you.

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Riesling here.



Mmm, Riesling. I'm a white wine gal except when I have good chocolate. Red goes better with chocolate.





I sorta lost it today. DS8 asked if I needed a cupcake. DS5 said "She'll burn it when she breathes more fire".




At least your kids have a sense of humor.

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Guest inoubliable

Well, my news is that it's my wedding anniversary today.






Happy Anniversary! Ours is next month, the 13th. We were married on Friday the 13th. We eloped, too. Luckiest frikkin' day of my whole frikkin' life!! :D



Congrats to you both!

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Uh... Ok, I recognize all the words but...

my reaction exactly. ok, not exactly, you put it better than I was thinking it.


i forgot my blog isnt in my siggy. I'd kinda quit blogging so I quit linking it. and honestly this is way too long . . . not sure doing 5 days worth brings much more enlightenment than 1 day.



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I feel old. Hold on to your hats ladies...I will be married 22 years on June 22. And......we got married in a you-know-what church. What was I thinking? But DH used to be catholic and since his mom dies so many years ago, and church was her thing, I went along. Well of course he no longer goes so that has fallen to the wayside. But in spite of a strange start we have been smashingly happy for this long so the goddess must be watching over us anyhow!

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Well, my news is that it's my wedding anniversary today. So far to celebrate, I woke everyone up before dawn to go and get my husband's favorite croissants (and easily the best in many states or perhaps the country) and we are them while we watched the last bit of sunrise.


Then we dropped my husband off at work and I took the boys to our homeschool classes (we do M and W). Day continues per usual. My husband got my favorite take out on the way home and now, now we are getting ready to cut the boy's hair. This will not be fun but it needs to be done. Then stories and bed for the boys. And my dad is coming to sit with two kids after their bedtime and my husband and I are going to go skating very late. Since it is our anniversary I won't laugh at him when he falls down.


We don't do valentines or whatever. We pick out a combined Christmas/Anniversary present together, always a piece of original art or a framed professional art photo. We haven't found it yet this year- sometimes we don't find it till almost the next year. We eloped and were married by the justice of the peace on the 2nd anniversary of when we rashly decided to move in together ~6 weeks after our first date (first date 12/31/1999, rash decision to move across state 2/13/2000, rash marriage 2/13/2002. So 11 years of unholy matrimony.


Happy anniversary! :D

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Any vibes available to send this way?


Ds twisted his ankle/foot last night while RUNNING THROUGH THE HOUSE, and tripping over his toys!


I'm all for rest and watch it, but he starts back to physical therapy today. I hope he didn't really get hurt last night!


My "friend" is extremely annoying me with her fb posts. Sure, i could hide them, but then I'd have nothing to complain about! Lol.


Ok, her daughter is in full day kindergarten. The girl goes with her father every other weekend. The nights and weekends that she is at home, my "friend" is constantly posting how she needs "me time!"


In two weeks there are 336 hours. She sleeps 9-10 hours per night. She spends 35-40 hours in school per week. She spends just over 48 hours at her father's. Why does she need to carve out extra "me time"?!?! It's built into her schedule! And plenty of it!


Anyone not celebrate or do anything for Valentine's day?

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Any vibes available to send this way?


Ds twisted his ankle/foot last night while RUNNING THROUGH THE HOUSE, and tripping over his toys!


I'm all for rest and watch it, but he starts back to physical therapy today. I hope he didn't really get hurt last night!


My "friend" is extremely annoying me with her fb posts. Sure, i could hide them, but then I'd have nothing to complain about! Lol.


Ok, her daughter is in full day kindergarten. The girl goes with her father every other weekend. The nights and weekends that she is at home, my "friend" is constantly posting how she needs "me time!"


In two weeks there are 336 hours. She sleeps 9-10 hours per night. She spends 35-40 hours in school per week. She spends just over 48 hours at her father's. Why does she need to carve out extra "me time"?!?! It's built into her schedule! And plenty of it!


Anyone not celebrate or do anything for Valentine's day?


Ugh. I hope his ankle feels better for PT. Why is it that these things always happen when you're about to start something that requires being well? So annoying.


You illustrated why I cringe whenever I hear people talk about "me time". It seems like the more one has, the more one wants. I require some kind of down time during the day - introvert, need some quiet to regroup - and I enjoy getting together with a friend to have uninterrupted chat time once in a while, but when it's the old "I need time for meeeeeeeeee" saw, I get a little twitchy. Maybe it's a flashback to my mother.


We don't do much for Valentines day. Grabbed the kids some chocolates yesterday, but my husband is working today, I'm meeting with a training client, teaching Pilates, then the kids have archery. Regular Thursday here. (But with chocolates and Pilates)

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It is 630, and I still haven't been to sleep. I have a cold, and I can't breathe, the last time I dosed off I woke myself up biting the tip of my tongue!


I thought I would make heart shaped pancakes for DS when he gets up, but then he will be hungry again in an hour, and I haven't slept.....so it might be something special for dinner.


DH and I didn't exchange gifts, unless you count furniture and towel rods! We got DS a new usb charger, earbuds, and a Katana statue thing (I think) from Halo that sits on a lighted stand.

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We don't celebrate Valentines here except we help the kids if they are making cards or whatever. Ladt night they gave us a combined Valentines Day/Annoversary card they made "in secret" while making a point that we were not allowed in the office. It has a pink and red heart colored like a yen and yang sign that pops up.


We were married like I said yesterday on 2/13 and people always give us a "huh?" because generally those married the second week of February marry on the 14th. No, we didn't forget the day we wanted to marry. We used to call the 13th "Azteca day" because that is where we ate on 2/13/2000, after I had missed a flight from visiting over the weekend. Azteca is this very middling Mexican chain here. At some point that tradition died out, I think because we weren't willing to pay for middling food anymore. But we just aren't into the traditional valentines gifts and I'd rather go out to eat any day but 2/14 because while I love people, I hate too many people in any one restaurant. We don't do gifts to each other except birthday and sometimes Mothers/Fathers day. We like to put the money towards that jointly picked annual art piece and we call that Christmas/Anniversary. Sometimes that is $25 and other times we've blown up to $2000 (rare and we will never take that painting down unless we have a fire. We both love it and I think once the kids were secured, we'd both grab this next.)

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Guest inoubliable

No big Valentine's day plans here, either. DH went into work a little late today, so he was around while I paid bills this morning. We high-fived at getting them all paid. Maybe that should count.


Angry atheist child - could he have heard something about recent events in the RCC, making him angry about that? Grasping here. My kids are atheist. My younger two don't really say anything about it. DS12 though has an awful lot to say about injustices he's heard of in different religious practices and groups. He can definitely get worked up into a rant if we let him. I think part of it might be the age and learning how to express his feelings better. You know - the bigger the vocabulary gets, the more they talk?

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Regarding angry atheist children- my son veers that way but I think at least part it was the autism coming through. People believing in something they can't see seems absurd to him and he really had to learn to moderate his voice when talking about it and learn that it is not polite to pick apart people's beliefs in nearly every social situation. I have no idea where he got it because we are pretty live and let live plus also, we have plenty of religious friends and family we hold dear.


I focused on how people have freedom to believe whatever they want religion wise. That he has ancestors who both landed with John Winthrop's ships/were members of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (who were both religiously persecuted and who religiously persecuted, funny how that works) and relatives who were later persecuted for their Catholicism (my great great grandfather was actually murdered because of it). We might not share those beliefs but we weren't about to go mimicking intolerance and hatred over religion either. I also listed off the people he likes who are religious- my best friend and his wife, all of his grandparents, his gay uncles etc. he no longer freaks out when he hears about religious people.

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No big Valentine's day plans here, either. DH went into work a little late today, so he was around while I paid bills this morning. We high-fived at getting them all paid. Maybe that should count.


Angry atheist child - could he have heard something about recent events in the RCC, making him angry about that? Grasping here. My kids are atheist. My younger two don't really say anything about it. DS12 though has an awful lot to say about injustices he's heard of in different religious practices and groups. He can definitely get worked up into a rant if we let him. I think part of it might be the age and learning how to express his feelings better. You know - the bigger the vocabulary gets, the more they talk?


I think it's probably a factor of age, too. They start getting very attached to ideas around then, IME, and, as they are trying to create a self-definition, tend to be very black and white.


I usually try to temper my 12 yo's black and white thinking a bit; not so much challenge her opinion but help her see how others can come to a different conclusion with the same information.

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Guest inoubliable

I think it's probably a factor of age, too. They start getting very attached to ideas around then, IME, and, as they are trying to create a self-definition, tend to be very black and white.


I usually try to temper my 12 yo's black and white thinking a bit; not so much challenge her opinion but help her see how others can come to a different conclusion with the same information.



Yes. Very much that.

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Ok, sorry to change the topic/subject. I think my 11 year old is an angry atheist. I'm not so thrilled about that. And I don't know where it is coming from. He often gets quite vocal about his anti religious feelings. I don't. I will tell him how I feel if asked, but I'm not the least bit angry about it. Yesterday my 7 year old said he was reading the Children's Bible at the place we were at. DS 11 flipped out. I just said, oh that's nice honey, did you read some interesting stories? DS 11 ranted. Dude...what is the deal!? I told him to leave his brother alone and if he wants to read any dang book with the word bible in it he is free to do so. Geesh


I just don't know what to make of it.



I think it's just the age. Trinqueta will pull stuff like this sometimes with Geezle (although, of course, there are other issues there when she starts with the "you're stupid" stuff). Sometimes you really do have to say something 100 times before it sinks in. She did learn her lesson about saying she doesn't believe in god to random people when she shared this datum with a friend in TKD. Her little friend decided to full-on evangelize her and T had to learn to extricate herself from the situation without offending anybody else. She seems to get it now when I tell her that she'll be ostracized in our uber-religious burb if she's open about her beliefs. That's a hard lesson to learn, but a necessary one around here.

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Dd13 is an angry atheist...I think it's partly the age and partly trying on an 'identity', kwim ?...I think she will become more settled with maturity...


Given my recent experiences with adults - all social views, not just religious - I tend to be more deliberate in teaching temperance of thought and open-mindedness, when it comes to hearing other people's ideas.


It's becoming more and more apparent to me that "maturity" doesn't happen as naturally as I'd previously thought.

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I have to say that I was a bit excited about the Omnibus online classes....and then I looked at the samples. No way around the biblical stuff. I had high hopes of using them to supplement but they literally focus on the books of the bible and not history in my opinion. Dang! Also, we are doing VP here to supplement and the kids have learned a lot and god is not shoved down your throat.

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I said you have to respect that religion gives comfort to many people and they wholeheartedly believe it and it's not right to make fun of them for that.


That is the viewpoint I take with my kids EXCEPT when they hide behind it to be bigots or whatever. Be decent, be open, be accepting.....but check the judgement of things like being gay at the door.

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I am trying to be deliberate too. I do talk to him a lot when he makes those comments. He once said, "People hate atheists." I said no not everyone and I said see, how does that make you feel? You don't change people's minds by lashing out at them. I said you have to respect that religion gives comfort to many people and they wholeheartedly believe it and it's not right to make fun of them for that.


Yep. Planting the seeds of reasonable-ness.

It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it. Aristotle
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Interesting. My son does not have autism, but he definitely has a unique way about him. I'm very much like him, but I'm mature enough to know when to keep things to myself. And I know how to do the "dance" when it comes to interacting with people. I'm pretty good at faking it, but if you knew what I was thinking, well it's very much like what my son just says out loud.



I had to explain over and over and over that being true doesn't make a statement polite. I am sure he will still find times and things to launch into a long statement against religion. One time the subject of dinosaurs came up and he asked our friend who was visiting "are you religious?" The friend said no. Then my son says "that's good. Anyways, did you know that some religious schools have banned the use of the word DINOSAUR?!" It was like he was checking to see if it was ok to be incredulous. I had to explain to him that of the people we know and care about, there aren't any who deny the existence of dinosaurs, religious or not.

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My quirky 12yo tends to get a little angry. I remember in my journey moving away from religion, there was a time when I was very angry. I think it can be a natural course of things. He's a black and white kind of kid. Very scienctific. Very realistic. That's why he gets angry. He can't believe that people actually *buy* that stuff. I get it. But, I try to rationalize with him that religion brings people comfort. It also helps them self-police (sometimes). They are afraid that God will punish them for doing bad things, so they don't. He says he's more afraid of me. :)

We've recently been reunited with friends who had moved away for several years. This was my ds12's best friend. They have evolved into a very religious family. It bothers me but I really like my friend. My ds12 is having to learn first hand how it takes some work to be friends with someone who has extremely different viewpoints. I think it's a great experience for him. This friend is 12 also, but very, very religious (read scary). I just tell my son that he likes bayblades and pokemon and legos. Religion doesn't even need to come up. If it does, change the subject. And we do practice that.


As for Valentine's Day, we never have celebrated. Not at all. Okay. That's not true. Dh went to the convenience store last night and picked me up a candy bar. He tossed it my way and said, "Happy Valentine's Day." I would have gotten the candy regardless. :)

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Guest inoubliable

Wow, this thread moves at warp speed!


I'm a lurker who is waiting for the Social Groups to go private again. I've got plenty to say and no one to say it to. ;)



Welcome! Social Groups should be coming soon. At least that's the word on the street. ;)


Not to single you out, but I thought your post presents an excellent opportunity for me to say this: I don't know about the rest of you, but I get several PMs each week from members here who aren't comfortable with coming out of the closet quite yet but want me to know that they are lurking and learning much and hope to introduce themselves as soon as the groups go private. I've made the offer to post questions on behalf of any of these people so that they can remain anonymous until we have more privacy. I'm extending that to anyone who lurks and hasn't contacted me or anyone else here. I'm pretty sure any of us more vocal posters would be happy to give you a voice for a bit if you need it.

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Ok, sorry to change the topic/subject. I think my 11 year old is an angry atheist. I'm not so thrilled about that. And I don't know where it is coming from. He often gets quite vocal about his anti religious feelings. I don't. I will tell him how I feel if asked, but I'm not the least bit angry about it. Yesterday my 7 year old said he was reading the Children's Bible at the place we were at. DS 11 flipped out. I just said, oh that's nice honey, did you read some interesting stories? DS 11 ranted. Dude...what is the deal!? I told him to leave his brother alone and if he wants to read any dang book with the word bible in it he is free to do so. Geesh


I just don't know what to make of it.


My first thought was maybe it's just a phase? He could just be discovering his beliefs and not quite sure of what to do with them yet. :)

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Oh I don't know. He has been talking this way since he was about 4.


He sounds like a smart kid! There aren't a lot of 4 year olds that are so in tune with their beliefs. Who knows, maybe he'll go on to change a few social injustices. :)

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Guest inoubliable

ME, ME, ME! :p


Totally! And if any of your lurkers want it, you could probably talk Izzy into giving you a cool secret code name, too. ;)

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Ok, sorry to change the topic/subject. I think my 11 year old is an angry atheist. I'm not so thrilled about that. And I don't know where it is coming from. He often gets quite vocal about his anti religious feelings. I don't. I will tell him how I feel if asked, but I'm not the least bit angry about it. Yesterday my 7 year old said he was reading the Children's Bible at the place we were at. DS 11 flipped out. I just said, oh that's nice honey, did you read some interesting stories? DS 11 ranted. Dude...what is the deal!? I told him to leave his brother alone and if he wants to read any dang book with the word bible in it he is free to do so. Geesh


I just don't know what to make of it.



Make of it a learning experience - for both of you. Ask him what gets his attention, why is he reacting in such a way. Listen to his reasons. Help him fine tune those reasons by challenging them. Give him the practice to defend his opinion with facts rather than just emotional reactions. Help him find those facts. The facts may surprise him. They may surprise you. Teach him how to separate his emotional response from rational arguments. Give him opportunities to practice this. Lastly, help him understand how to identify an appropriate target for his opinions. If at home, ranting around his brother is distracting and disruptive, explain that to him. Give him your undivided attention other times so he can work out these thoughts and feelings and reasons without disrupting the rest of the family.


An 11 month old's needs are relatively simple to provide - safety, social and emotional stimulation, nurturing, etc. An 11 year old's needs are more complex, but no less important. His needs include identifying the details in any argument and addressing them logically and rationally. You can help with that by providing an environment for this "mental sparing" so he doesn't feel he needs to interject just because the subject comes up.

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Make of it a learning experience - for both of you. Ask him what gets his attention, why is he reacting in such a way. Listen to his reasons. Help him fine tune those reasons by challenging them. Give him the practice to defend his opinion with facts rather than just emotional reactions. Help him find those facts. The facts may surprise him. They may surprise you. Teach him how to separate his emotional response from rational arguments. Give him opportunities to practice this. Lastly, help him understand how to identify an appropriate target for his opinions. If at home, ranting around his brother is distracting and disruptive, explain that to him. Give him your undivided attention other times so he can work out these thoughts and feelings and reasons without disrupting the rest of the family.


An 11 month old's needs are relatively simple to provide - safety, social and emotional stimulation, nurturing, etc. An 11 year old's needs are more complex, but no less important. His needs include identifying the details in any argument and addressing them logically and rationally. You can help with that by providing an environment for this "mental sparing" so he doesn't feel he needs to interject just because the subject comes up.


Super like!

(And apologies if clicking the checkmark on the post - I'm on my phone - is actually not a "like" but some sort of board panic button or something)

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Super like!

(And apologies if clicking the checkmark on the post - I'm on my phone - is actually not a "like" but some sort of board panic button or something)


I was wondering this myself--but it shows that you like albeto's post, so, mystery solved!


I like albeto's advice, especially the part about separating the emotional response from rational argument. My husband needs to learn to do this! He really struggles with reconciling the beliefs of loved ones with his, well, respect and love for said loved ones. He has a very hard time with his mother, who while she says she supports things important to us (LBGT equality, women's issues), and I believe she does, she still continues to support her church in person and financially. Her church definitely has a track record of throwing money at anti-LGBT legislation and a pretty dismal record on women's rights, so...yeah, it's tough for him.


My kiddo is only five, but it will be interesting to see how his beliefs (or lack thereof) evolve. He's a pretty direct and vocal kinda kid now, so I could see him becoming an angry atheist. Right now I just get gems like "mommy, if there was a god? I'd pray to him to tell people to stop saying dumb sh*t." Um, yeah, me too. Just don't repeat that to the in-laws, ok?

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I agree with his arguments, but I don't understand the anger. Nobody has ever pressured him or tried to preach to him. Ok, except once a long time ago a boy asked him if he was saved and DS told him he was being ridiculous.


So ask him about his anger. Is it a "righteous anger"? Is he thinking about how these ideas oppress others? Is he thinking about how superstitions are treated as factual information in society? Is he thinking about the fact that it is taboo in our culture to challenge religious indoctrination? Poke around in that head of his. Chances are, he's got some fascinating ideas tying this all together, ideas he just needs to learn to articulate appropriately (which includes being considerate of others, thus, recognizing your audience).

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Any vibes available to send this way?



~~~~~ woo ~~~ woo ~~~~~



Anyone not celebrate or do anything for Valentine's day?



We don't do anything. It's one of those Hallmark-card-holidays, and we're not into it. We don't exchange gifts ever, actually. If we want to get something for the other one, we just do it. No holiday needed. Gifting is not in either of our love languages, so it works for us (YMMV). I rather prefer if dh brings home flowers "just because" than if he does it because a day on the calendar says he is supposed to do it.

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Regarding angry atheist children- my son veers that way but I think at least part it was the autism coming through. People believing in something they can't see seems absurd to him and he really had to learn to moderate his voice when talking about it and learn that it is not polite to pick apart people's beliefs in nearly every social situation. I have no idea where he got it because we are pretty live and let live plus also, we have plenty of religious friends and family we hold dear.


I focused on how people have freedom to believe whatever they want religion wise. That he has ancestors who both landed with John Winthrop's ships/were members of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (who were both religiously persecuted and who religiously persecuted, funny how that works) and relatives who were later persecuted for their Catholicism (my great great grandfather was actually murdered because of it). We might not share those beliefs but we weren't about to go mimicking intolerance and hatred over religion either. I also listed off the people he likes who are religious- my best friend and his wife, all of his grandparents, his gay uncles etc. he no longer freaks out when he hears about religious people.



Whenever my ds get his righteous indignation going, I just remind him of how much he sounds like a preacher. It pisses him off, but it also defuses him for long enough to stop and think rationally about what is bothering him. I don't think I will call him an angry atheist, though. He is still working through what he thinks about gods/no gods. I let him be.

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Any vibes available to send this way?


Ds twisted his ankle/foot last night while RUNNING THROUGH THE HOUSE, and tripping over his toys!


I'm all for rest and watch it, but he starts back to physical therapy today. I hope he didn't really get hurt last night!


My "friend" is extremely annoying me with her fb posts. Sure, i could hide them, but then I'd have nothing to complain about! Lol.


Ok, her daughter is in full day kindergarten. The girl goes with her father every other weekend. The nights and weekends that she is at home, my "friend" is constantly posting how she needs "me time!"


In two weeks there are 336 hours. She sleeps 9-10 hours per night. She spends 35-40 hours in school per week. She spends just over 48 hours at her father's. Why does she need to carve out extra "me time"?!?! It's built into her schedule! And plenty of it!


Anyone not celebrate or do anything for Valentine's day?

Ok, sorry to change the topic/subject. I think my 11 year old is an angry atheist. I'm not so thrilled about that. And I don't know where it is coming from. He often gets quite vocal about his anti religious feelings. I don't. I will tell him how I feel if asked, but I'm not the least bit angry about it. Yesterday my 7 year old said he was reading the Children's Bible at the place we were at. DS 11 flipped out. I just said, oh that's nice honey, did you read some interesting stories? DS 11 ranted. Dude...what is the deal!? I told him to leave his brother alone and if he wants to read any dang book with the word bible in it he is free to do so. Geesh


I just don't know what to make of it.


He's 11 and heading into the mental state of "I am invincible and only I am right!" that it seems all teens have to muddle through. In fact most people still live in this state well into their 20s. I know I did. I knew it all and I was right. Everyone who didn't agree with me was wrong and I let them know.


Now, in my late 30s, while I know that I'm right I smugly keep it to myself. ;)



We do not celebrate V day. I get 2 anniversaries instead. Besides my birthday was just a couple weeks ago so I'm good to pass up a gift giving day so soon after.


Today I took my oldest to the allergist. Very exciting. Got an email from the IRS saying our taxes have been accepted. So yea! Tax return coming soon.....of which I will see zero of it. Boo.


So speaking of money, we normally stay on a strict budget as we are paying off debt. Well, for my birthday I treated myself to a pair of tights from Athleta on sale. Now, $30 for a pair of tights is a lot of money (I think) but these tights are oh-my-lord-most-yummy-comfortable-I-want-100-pair-of-these tights ever. I splurged the $30 for the red ones. They arrived. I put them on and popped in a yoga dvd. Dh walked in and his jaw hit the floor. I fought him off me so I could finish my workout. He decided he needed to sit and watch the rest of my yoga and then follow me around (with me slapping him away) until I took the tights off. He asked where I got them. About 10 minutes later he informed me that I will be receiving the blue and black pair soon as he had just ordered them. I said, "But the black ones are not even on sale! They cost 50 freaking dollars!" He said, "Yep, and I'd pay more than that to see you in them. Besides it's a birthday present......for me I mean." So, I guess that means he likes them? :lol: By the way, they are great tights.

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Ds twisted his ankle/foot last night while RUNNING THROUGH THE HOUSE, and tripping over his toys!


I'm all for rest and watch it, but he starts back to physical therapy today. I hope he didn't really get hurt last night!



How's his foot now? Take him in if you even think it might be broken. I once waited all night before taking my ds in because I didn't want to go to the ER with the other kids in tow (dh was out of town of course) and turns out his arm was broken. I felt like a horrible mother for waiting all night long.


I really think that mothers missed an evolutionary turn somewhere because we really should have x-ray vision. It would be so useful.

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I said you have to respect that religion gives comfort to many people and they wholeheartedly believe it and it's not right to make fun of them for that.



Yep. Here, too. When ds gets bothered by the hypocrisy of some religious types I try to remind him of how his grandfather got a lot of comfort out of his near-death-bed-"salvation." I don't believe it, ds doesn't have to believe it, but g-pa believed it and that helped him die a bit more peacefully than he might have otherwise. It also gave him something to do while he was dying, something else on which to focus. I am GLAD for my dad that he had that because dying sucks. I think that you just don't begrudge anyone their deathbed comforts. Period.

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Yes I prefer to know where I stand with people instead of wondering if they really care or if they are using me.



Yup. I have pretty good radar for that now. I've been people's "proselytization project" too many times to count. :001_rolleyes: :sneaky2:

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He's 11 and heading into the mental state of "I am invincible and only I am right!" that it seems all teens have to muddle through.


I would not agree with this at all, but for reasons that would bog down this thread enormously and unnecessarily. In any case, I think there's reason to feel angry at religion. The very idea that we have "the right to choose" our belief is not a reality in many religious homes. Emotional manipulation is part of the indoctrination. There's no freedom when there is one known choice to avoid a life of being shunned socially, punished emotionally, and expected physical torment for freakin eternity. I wouldn't ask my kids to keep their comments about religion to themselves any more than I would ask them to keep their comments about the Taliban or the KKK to themselves. Oppression is oppression, even when it comes from those sources we've been conditioned to feel warm and fuzzy towards.


[/angry atheist rant]

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We don't celebrate Valentine's day, but we spent an hour after work putting up bird nesting boxes. Perhaps we can buy each other nesting boxes every year for Valentine's day and slowly populate the whole three acres. Then we can move on to bat boxes...




Beautiful idea, Laura. We are quite the bird fans here. We are on a major migration path and get the most interesting array of visitors. I love your idea of populating the whole acreage. :)

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