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Oh, please don't make me go in there. Please!


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My Christmas shopping is all done. All the presents are wrapped. I was planning on spending a quiet day at home baking. Then the unthinkable happened. The microwave died. Just when I was thawing a bit of butter to put on our breakfast scones.


I briefly toyed with the idea of waiting until Thursday. But we will be having guests on Christmas day. I'm sure someone will want food heated up quickly.


Why? Oh, why must I go out into the craziness? What did I do to deserve this?

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first. thing. in. the. morning. as soon as the store opens.


I once had my car battery die late in the afternoon on new year's eve. I had to have dh come rescue us. we stopped at costco on the way home. we left the kids in the car (oldest was old enough), I got in the massive line, and dh got a battery.


the poor costco door guard going in - they'd closed the in-door and people were pouring in through the out door.

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Then send him out for it! :tongue_smilie:


Do you have any idea what he would come home with? This is the guy who took $200 out of the bank to buy stocking stuffers. I about has a heart attack when I go the text from the bank. I had to tell hm a candy bar and a bottle of nail polish don't cost that much. Hopefully he has most of it left or there won't be a new microwave.


Off to shower and get dressed so I can get this over with.

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My mom's microwave died on Wednesday. We ordered and paid for hers online for store pickup at Best Buy. This way, she could pull right up to the loading area, hand them her receipt, and they brought it out to her. She didn't even have to go into the store. Maybe you could do something like this?

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My mom's microwave died on Wednesday. We ordered and paid for hers online for store pickup at Best Buy. This way, she could pull right up to the loading area, hand them her receipt, and they brought it out to her. She didn't even have to go into the store. Maybe you could do something like this?


We are in the middle of nowhere without fancy services like that.

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Well we went out and got the microwave. And my new iPad!


Since I'm in charge of things like this we all got to pick one present to open early. I'm learning the iPad.dh is working on figuring out how to use his kindle fire and dd is doing a Lego build.


We should have waited until thursday to get the microwave!

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I know how you are feeling! Our oven and stove just died and they can't fix it for another week! Great timing, right? It is only 3 years old, and luckily it is covered by a warranty bought, so we aren't out the money, but we can't cook!

Oh, my!


What are you doing for christmas dinner?

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Oh, my!


What are you doing for christmas dinner?


Something in a crock pot! LOL I don't know yet. I was thinking possibly chicken with stuffing and microwaving a vegetable or something. NOT at all what I was planning, but what can you do? It is just the 4 of us right now so at least that is good. My mom is coming on Wednesday but she is understanding so hopefully she won't mind too much.


Glad you got a new microwave! And enjoy your iPad! :)

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