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PLEASE PRAY and FAST, THIS CAN HURT HOMESCHOOLERS TOO!!! Senate to Vote on UN Disabilities Treaty on Tuesday tomorrow


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If is possible that we can move mountains, and if we believe as much as a mustard seed.

Then , let us pray and fast tomorrow for this vote will be to the hurt of us. Our enemies want to take control of our children and homeschooling is a threat to them. This vote will have loops that will benefit them not us.

I have never asked for a fast and prayer before but is in my heart so strong to ask of you , whoever you are to connect together with our creator and plead for our cause. Fast with me no food till 12:00 noon or till you can. This is a sacrifice for our children. His children! To have this yet freedom left to educate our own children.





( this is what HSLDA is saying)

It is wrong for the United States to ratify a United Nations treaty that will give up our sovereignty to unelected, unaccountable UN bureaucrats.

We have been told that the pro-CRPD side is waging one of the most aggressive, organized lobbying campaigns ever. The U.S. State Department and Obama administration officials are pressuring individual senators to support the CRPD. It is crucial that senators on our side hear from you, your friends, your family, and from anyone who opposes giving the UN power over our nation, and over our precious children and family members who have disabilities.

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At dh's Christmas party there was a British workers convention in the same hotel. I have no idea why, but as we headed upstairs for his company party there were all these men walking around in kilts. I wish I had my camera as I immediately thought of the Hive. ;)

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Guest inoubliable

I don't want to mock the OP. I've had panic/anxiety attacks before and there's something in the tone that makes me concerned.



Oh, aye. Panic/anxiety attacks are not cool. I get that.

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Oh honey, are you OK? You sound really scared.


Do some reading here on the past threads on this topic. There's a lot of hype out there, and unfortunately HSLDA will sometimes use scary ideas when they may not be warranted. Read the information for yourself, so you can get a balanced picture of the concerns you may have.

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Guest inoubliable

At dh's Christmas party there was a British workers convention in the same hotel. I have no idea why, but as we headed upstairs for his company party there were all these men walking around in kilts. I wish I had my camera as I immediately thought of the Hive. ;)




Why? Why would you even tell us that, when there are no pics?? :toetap05:

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I know there's a lot of hype out there, but I sure don't want the US to ratify a treaty regarding matters of social welfare. I've seen that happen before and the results were not pretty. A treaty (if it's really a treaty) will become the law of the land, trumping federal/state/local legislation. Not something to accept lightly.


Would love to see both the US and other countries take better care of disabled people. Don't believe for one second that a UN-monitored treaty will have this effect. After all, roughly 200 countries have signed the convention on the rights of the child, but not one of those countries has gone on to eradicate child abuse, undereducation, etc. There are better ways to address these issues.

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Sarah, this is nothing more than the HSLDA once again overstepping its bounds and trying to scare people into thinking that this issue has anything at all to do with homeschooling in the USA.


Please don't worry. It honestly is nothing to be concerned about. You don't need to pray about it, and you most certainly don't need to fast (:eek:).


I'm sorry you were worried about this. :grouphug:

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Guest inoubliable

It doesn't belong on the board at all as it political in nature and *not* related to actual homeschooling in any way.


True that!

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Well I quite agree; I was trying to soft-peddle it.

Anyone want a cupcake?




even better than popcorn....this is the best fast I have ever participated in. Are they chocolate cupcakes?




Want to know a secret. When I read the OP the theme song from Looney Tune adventures started in my head...coincidence? I think not.

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You can dismiss the OP for her tone and for the source of her material, but HSLDA aside, there are very appropriate concerns about the treaty. I have been reading various assessments about the issue of treaty law, and newspaper articles grossly undersimplify the issue. One very long law review article I read indicated that there are mixed judicial opinions and mixed precedent, so that it is unclear what the net result is. Both sides have a legitimate claim to their view on which would trump--treaty or constitution/federal law--if there were a conflict.


That issue aside, some in the deaf community--which is not monolithic--are concerned about wording that favors signing deaf modalities rather than giving all options equal viability, for those families who prefer to pursue oral language for thier deaf children. (Please forgive my lack of familiarity with terms in this arena; if I have worded this incorrectly, there is no offense intended.)


There are undoubtedly other issues like that with which concerned families have legitimate fears.


I just spent an hour this afternoon reading a sober academic assessment of how the UNCRC adoption has changed the face of family decisions in social services in the UK and how UK laws are being rewritten to further the aims of the UNCRC. I think it is a huge mistake to think that adoption of these treaties would not change the way things are handled in the US. Believing that we already meet a standard and therefore nothing would change is simply disengenuous. If that were so, why would anyone lobby so hard for this, when we are already a world leader in provisions made to support and empower disabled persons? (and yes, I watched the testimony from Congressional hearings for that last point.)

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It doesn't belong on the board at all as it political in nature and *not* related to actual homeschooling in any way.




Well, with kind of logic, neither do teA, booKs, Mike's, cupcakes, or kilts! Therefore, I proclaim your logic invalid, and ask that someone hand over a cupcake while I peruse the kilts! :D

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Op, if you are really, truly scared, I will offer up my services. It's the UN!!! They're not exactly know for their strength. This 5'2" Cajun girl who knows karate and can shoot a gun will protect you. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling.


And I'm not dismissing legitimate arguments against this treaty, as long as those arguments are logically formed. The fear-mongering of HSLDA irritates this Christian gal.

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Guest inoubliable

You can dismiss the OP for her tone and for the source of her material, but HSLDA aside, there are very appropriate concerns about the law. I have been reading various assessments about the issue of treaty law, and newspaper articles grossly undersimplify the issue. One very long law review article I read indicated that there are mixed judicial opinions and mixed precedent, so that it is unclear what the net result is. Both sides have a legitimate claim to their view on which would trump--treaty or constitution/federal law--if there were a conflict. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee already passed a resolution in the summertime specifically addressing this - the U.S. surrenders no authority by joining.


That issue aside, some in the deaf community--which is not monolithic--are concerned about wording that favors signing deaf modalities rather than giving all options equal viability, for those families who prefer to pursue oral language for thier deaf children. (Please forgive my lack of familiarity with terms in this arena; if I have worded this incorrectly, there is no offense intended.)


There are undoubtedly other issues like that with which concerned families have legitimate fears.


I just spent an hour this afternoon reading a sober academic assessment of how the UNCRC adoption has changed the face of family decisions in social services in the UK and how UK laws are being rewritten to further the aims of the UNCRC. I think it is a huge mistake to think that adoption of these treaties would not change the way things are handled in the US. Believing that we already meet a standard and therefore nothing would change is simply disengenuous. If that were so, why would anyone lobby so hard for this, when we are already a world leader in provisions made to support and empower disabled persons? (and yes, I watched the testimony from Congressional hearings for that last point.) I'd be interested in a link to what you read this afternoon. Why lobby so hard for this? Because it would provide for disabled Americans abroad and help define a gold standard for equality for disables persons the world over.


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Valerie, your posts were very respectful. IMO, most people are angry at the fear tactics of HSLDA. If HSLDA sends a fellow hs mom into an anxiety attack, we get angry. Logical, factual opposition to this treaty is perfectly acceptable. Fear-mongering leaves one without a leg upon which to stand.

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Personally, I feel sorry for Sarah, who started this thread. :( She is a long-time member here, and it seems like she is being ridiculed. I hope her feelings aren't hurt.


OK, so most of us (myself included,) aren't buying into the HSLDA Wants To Take Over The World propaganda, but I think we also have to admit that some of their emails could sound pretty scary to someone who didn't realize that the HSLDA has a huge political agenda, and that their organizational goals no longer seem to have the slightest thing to do with helping gain and maintain the rights of homeschoolers in the USA... which originally seemed to be their whole purpose for existing. They have become quite the experts at fearmongering and scare tactics. :glare:


I am entirely in favor of continuing this thread in the spirit of cupcakes and kilts. :hurray: And I'm loving Patrick Stewart in a kilt, BTW. :001_wub: But I do hope we'll go easy on Sarah. Her heart was in the right place, even if she didn't have complete information when she started this thread.


:grouphug: to Sarah.

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Personally, I feel sorry for Sarah, who started this thread. :( She is a long-time member here, and it seems like she is being ridiculed. I hope her feelings aren't hurt.


OK, so most of us (myself included,) aren't buying into the HSLDA Wants To Take Over The World propaganda, but I think we also have to admit that some of their emails could sound pretty scary to someone who didn't realize that the HSLDA has a huge political agenda, and that their organizational goals no longer seem to have the slightest thing to do with helping gain and maintain the rights of homeschoolers in the USA... which originally seemed to be their whole purpose for existing. They have become quite the experts at fearmongering and scare tactics. :glare:


I am entirely in favor of continuing this thread in the spirit of cupcakes and kilts. :hurray: And I'm loving Patrick Stewart in a kilt, BTW. :001_wub: But I do hope we'll go easy on Sarah. Her heart was in the right place, even if she didn't have complete information when she started this thread.


:grouphug: to Sarah.



It's not her we are ridiculing. Some are genuinely concerned about her. Some of us are completely p!ssed that HSLDA can cause already stressed out hs moms to panic of this. That's what ticks me off. The fear-mongering. It's icky.

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It's not her we are ridiculing. Some are genuinely concerned about her. Some of us are completely p!ssed that HSLDA can cause already stressed out hs moms to panic of this. That's what ticks me off. The fear-mongering. It's icky.



I realize that no one meant to upset her, but I think if I were in her shoes right now, I would be feeling embarrassed and hurt.


I feel the same way you do about the HSLDA's antics. I don't even read their emails any more.

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Valerie, your posts were very respectful. IMO, most people are angry at the fear tactics of HSLDA. If HSLDA sends a fellow hs mom into an anxiety attack, we get angry. Logical, factual opposition to this treaty is perfectly acceptable. Fear-mongering leaves one without a leg upon which to stand.



Thanks. Perhaps the OP could use some kind, persuasive instruction and perspective. People (not you) calling her names is not helpful.


Funny thing, I didn't see fear-mongering in the Congressional testimony of Micahel Farris; his testimony was calm and rational. The letters that other have posted and mentioned receiving are more like the old 1980s "I'm fund-raising, and I can't write a coherent paragraph since you can't read more than two sentences without a space" style of letter.


Again, please note that I'm not arguing for HSLDA, and I've been *all over* on this to try to find out what other people are saying about the issues involved, and about how this is working out in countries that are early adopters (of UNCRC, specifically)

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Well, with kind of logic, neither do teA, booKs, Mike's, cupcakes, or kilts! Therefore, I proclaim your logic invalid, and ask that someone hand over a cupcake while I peruse the kilts! :D



They aren't political! And those things give us the ability to homeschool and a reason for living. Hence, they are entirely applicable.


The topic is extremely partisan, especially the manner in which it is being presented by certain factions.

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It's not her we are ridiculing. Some are genuinely concerned about her. Some of us are completely p!ssed that HSLDA can cause already stressed out hs moms to panic of this. That's what ticks me off. The fear-mongering. It's icky.


Some are concerned, but swellmomma's looney tunes comment was unkind and inappropriate.

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