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What would you do????? Someone won't pay

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:banghead: What would you do?


We bought an above ground pool, and used it one Summer.


DH wanted to sell it since we can't put a fence up around it or on the rim.


So, he found a couple ( I know the wife and had met her dh, and both used to work with my dh)

They took our pool and used it this summer and were supposed to pay us $xxx for it.


They wanted to be sure it worked and I wanted to hold a check or cash and give a refund if there was a problem.


DH told them to take it, then pay for it after they set it up.


Dh has asked him a few times. I texted her 1 time. Should I ask her again??


We truly need the $$



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If you are close enough, I would let them know that you are trying to be understanding, but you're in a bind and really need the $$ soon. If they don't have it, I would politely ask for it back so you can sell it to someone who will pay up front.


Tough situation. Sorry mama. :grouphug:

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Remind them one more time nicely, and give them a 2 week deadline.


If that fails, send a certified letter stating that you will be taking the matter to court if you haven't been paid in full by x date (another 2 weeks). Include in the letter the entire story, including the date on which it originally should have been paid and your attempts to contact them about payment. Save a copy in case you need it.


If that fails, take them to court. You deserve to be paid.


:grouphug:Sorry you are being treeated so poorly.:grouphug:

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Thanks! I feel bad but thought about taking legal action.

I ran into the mom out shopping for her (ps) dd an expensive dress and shoes for Homecoming.... she tried to avoid me....my dd saw her first on the same aisle in a shoe store... weird acting too.


I helped her long ago with free babysitting while she got on her feet as a single mom. We went to church together and she worked for my dh.


I will ask DH about the 2 week notice, then a certified letter. Sounds like a plan.


:auto: by would be obvious since we don't often go that way...

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Do you have proof that the pool was yours to begin with? Do you also have proof that you sold it to them rather than giving it as a gift? If you have neither of these, then they will claim that you originally gave the pool to them as a gift, and now that you need money, you're trying to force them to pay for it. In a court of law, it's your word against theirs, and possession is 9/10ths of the law. Without written proof of your agreement, I'm afraid you may be out of luck.

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Yes, this. Threatening them with a lawsuit might just get them mad and then they will pull what Diane said, that it was a gift.


Yes. Just let them know that you are needing to pick up either the agreed sum or the pool next weekend. Don't mention suing them. They can easily lie and if you get their goat up, they might. Given the filing fee for small claims and the fact you have nothing in writing, court might be a further waste of money and time.


Don't tell them you need the money. They owe it because they owe it. Not because you are in a tight spot. Don't give them any ammunition to say you changed your story.

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Yay, glad it worked out! I would cash the check at her bank just in case it is bad. I have done that a couple of times with checks I was not sure about. Being charged a fee and being out the money would be obnoxious.




I'm glad they finally paid you, but it makes me so angry that you were the one who had to feel uncomfortable asking for the money, when the woman and her dh should have been mortified about not paying you!


I'll bet the next time you sell something, you'll get paid upfront! :)

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Yay, glad it worked out! I would cash the check at her bank just in case it is bad. I have done that a couple of times with checks I was not sure about. Being charged a fee and being out the money would be obnoxious.


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


Absolutely! Go to her bank and get the cash for the check. Don't take a chance that she overspends on Blak Friday and leaves you paying bounced check fees. They will know if her account has funds or not before they cash it.

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I was in a similar situation. We had a friend that was helping us out by using his employee discount to get us a part we needed for my car a couple years ago. We paid him in cash when he delivered the item to my DH. My DH went to work. Later that day the guy called the house asking for $$ I thought that DH had already paid him but couldn't get ahold of him so I gave him $$. When DH came home, I asked him if he had paid the guy and he said "yeah, in the AM" when he picked the part up from him. We contacted him and he said he just needed the $$ to cover him until he got paid next week. We said "FINE, next week." Well, two weeks later, nothing... he is ignoring us. Then, he texts DH asking for more money. DH says "You owe us $$" He then starts to tell DH how he was "owed" that because he "saved us all this money by helping us out" :cursing: We said "No, that is not how it works... sorry, you said you would pay us back." Finally, I emailed him and said "Look, I don't care if we get the cash back. Just give me something. Your wife babysits. If she will watch the kids for a couple times for me (she had in-home daycare) and I will call it even. No response.


I realized I made a stupid mistake and I was so upset with myself.


I am so glad you got a check. I hope it doesn't bounce. I am sorry they had to drag it on for so long. I wish people could just be decent...

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:banghead: What would you do?


We bought an above ground pool, and used it one Summer.


DH wanted to sell it since we can't put a fence up around it or on the rim.


So, he found a couple ( I know the wife and had met her dh, and both used to work with my dh)

They took our pool and used it this summer and were supposed to pay us $xxx for it.


They wanted to be sure it worked and I wanted to hold a check or cash and give a refund if there was a problem.


DH told them to take it, then pay for it after they set it up.


Dh has asked him a few times. I texted her 1 time. Should I ask her again??


We truly need the $$




Well, you now know you never let something out of your possession without full payment in cash.


Stop by and demand the money, or send a demand letter, if the check isn't good.

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Remind them one more time nicely, and give them a 2 week deadline.

If that fails, send a certified letter stating that you will be taking the matter to court if you haven't been paid in full by x date (another 2 weeks). Include in the letter the entire story, including the date on which it originally should have been paid and your attempts to contact them about payment. Save a copy in case you need it.

If that fails, take them to court. You deserve to be paid.

:grouphug:Sorry you are being treeated so poorly.:grouphug:



I agree.

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:hurray: Happy Dance!!! My dh cashed the check and gave me the $$$ to help with groceries and some gifts. I am so happy! I can't go anywhere today and will venture out tomorrow to see what I can find. I am also very glad to be able to have dh home today for the first Black Friday in several years! Unfortunately I have bronchitis and have been suffering at night so I am sleep deprived!


Fortunately, I have already found some awesome gifts ( on Facebook) from some local people ( within 30 minutes) at low prices. We have tons of Birthday's in December. I'm glad to give the update. HTH someone else too.

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