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Sooooo, what are you going to do with your extra hour???

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My plan is to sleep!

I had a chance to sleep in to 7:30 this morning, but woke up a little before 5. My mind just went crazy stressing out about all kinds of things and then I couldn't get back to sleep. I'm hoping that I get to use my extra hour tonight to sleep in a bit.

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I'm going to cut Dh's and the boy's hair in the morning. What a waste of an extra hour. I hate cutting hair.:001_smile:


You know, after I posted, I started thinking what a waste of my hour it would be to sleep. There are so many other productive things I could do instead. But, I really need some sleep. Cutting hair sounds like a good use of your hour to me.

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Maybe I can keep tomorrow morning a little calmer.

Last year, we renamed Sunday because it was so bad.

At least it isn't THAT bad anymore, but....

I'd like to make it out the door without using an exasperated, frustrated, or angry tone....or bursting into tears!


The boys' totclock won't turn yellow til 7am, but I'm sure they will be fighting to lie still-ish an quiet til it goes off since they worked their way to bed early tonight.

And the baby...I don't expect her to make it past 6:30 (and that may be a dream in and of itself <sigh>.


ETA: just want it known that the baby didn't even make it to 6! I have very purposely been starting our day late, leaving people in bed later (and they *were* sleeping a tad later), until this weekend just so we *could* make it til 6:30 for the rest of fall/winter! My plan has been foiled!

Edited by 2J5M9K
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Sleep. We had a sleep over last night. We added a 9 year old boy and a 6 year old boy to our mix and had 4 completely ramped up little boys, plus our three girls. They didn't fall asleep till late, then the one little boy coughed all night, so I couldn't sleep, and then they were awake and revved up before 6:00am. I can't wait to go to bed tonight.

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Ugh I wish they'd just leave the stupid time alone. It is AWESOME when you look outside at 4:30 in the dark :glare:


This is exactly what I hate. This time of year I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. And, I become a slug and want to get in bed at 6pm.

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Same thing I always do: drink a hot cup of coffee or tea and read before the kids get up. So, I don't even look at it as having an extra hour because it does nothing to change my day.


I just wish they would leave the time alone. Choose one and stop the flip-flopping! :tongue_smilie:

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I wasted 30 minutes changing all the clocks, and I will save the the other half hour to change them all back in April :lol:!!!


Yes, I truly wish they would just change them by 30 minutes and LEAVE IT THERE. Who cares if it is too dark/light/whatever. And I have a hard time believing this saves any energy usage.

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Sleep. Been waiting for it to come back since they stole it in the spring.




I NEVER get used to the change, so I just change my own schedule. Now, I can finally be up at 6, which I like....and be asleep at 10, which is my natural body clock. The time change in the spring knocks me off kilt every.single.time.....

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