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Crowds - love 'em or hate 'em?

Crowds - love 'em or hate 'em or just don't care  

  1. 1. Crowds - love 'em or hate 'em or just don't care

    • I love them! I thrive on the energy and the commotion - Where there's a crowd, you'll find me!
    • Neutral - if its someplace I want to be, I don't even notice the crowds.
    • Hate them - will avoid even thinking about anywhere that draws lots of people!

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Dc and I just got back from the farmer's market. I detest crowds of people - but I like the farmer's market. Ds does not enjoy crowds either. In fact, I believe the noise and the constant commotion equals sensory overload for him almost immediately. Dd - well, she doesn't seem to care either way, they don't bother her one bit. Dh doesn't like crowds, but doesn't let them thwart his having fun, either.


Festivals, amusement parks, the public pool, stores at Christmas time - I get crabby just thinking about it. I feel bad for ds because its this strong distaste for crowds has truly limited my ability to enjoy the fun that actually draws the crowds, and I really hope he doesn't end up like me in that regard!


I'm interested to see the results of this poll.

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I don't mind crowds, like you said, if it's someplace I don't mind being. Dh doesn't handle crowds well and he makes me nervous being in them. Ds doesn't care.


Concerts and racetracks are okay.


Shopping malls at Christmas? Ugh, Forget it!

I don't like crowded movie theaters. I want my family to have empty seats beside us and in front of us.

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I couldn't reply, 'cause I sort of wanted to say "yes" to all of them. ;) If I had to pick, I'd say "hate them" -- and there are certainly places and times when I avoid things just due to the crowds. But I also love living in the city, and I wouldn't choose to live elsewhere. And there are times when I *can* draw energy from a really great crowd -- depending on the event, etc...

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Ds does not enjoy crowds either. In fact, I believe the noise and the constant commotion equals sensory overload for him almost immediately. Dd - well, she doesn't seem to care either way, they don't bother her one bit. Dh doesn't like crowds, but doesn't let them thwart his having fun, either.


Festivals, amusement parks, the public pool, stores at Christmas time - I get crabby just thinking about it. I feel bad for ds because its this strong distaste for crowds has truly limited my ability to enjoy the fun that actually draws the crowds, and I really hope he doesn't end up like me in that regard!




I can totally relate. This describes my family.


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For me, it really depends. I LOVE firework shows. So, if there's a crowd and a fireworks show, I'm lovin' it! I LOVE Disney - so I can handle the crowds there. Christmas shopping - LOVE it! It's usually one of my only times spent by myself shopping all year!


I cannot handle crowds if it involves traffic - professional baseball games, etc. I'm stressed by the time I get there and it tends to ruin my time. I get a bit stressed by parties and places I need to make small talk. I'm just not good at it! But, if I'm the hostess, I'm fine. I need something to do, I guess. An escape if a conversation is going south!

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Ever since I was very pregnant with my first child I have had a thing about being crowded and becoming claustrophobic. When I was nearly nine months along I was in a crowded grocery store during Christmas season. I suddenly had panic attack and left my cart in the aisle as I ran out of the store. Ever since that moment I have disliked crowds. I don't panic anymore, but I stay away if at all possible.




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Depends on my mood! If I'm in a hurry or generally stressed I avoid crowds. If I'm feeling perky and lively, I thrive in a crowd. I used to "work a room" really well, but am grossly out of practice unless you consider working a homeschool room from one assignment to the other the same thing :)


I do NOT like shopping in a crowded store ever, though. I like my 18" of personal space.

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I usually dislike crowds, but if I'm somewhere I really want to be... I deal with it. ;)


Same here.


Anyone else see threads like this a pointless? I'm not bashing the OP (or anyone who responds), but I'm just wondering. This is one of many created each day that really have no reason to exist other than to post for the sake of posting.


Now that I have reread my response, I feel that maybe I should have created a poll to get some in-depth answers.:lol:

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I voted "neutral" because there are certain situations where I hate them - 1] zoos/museums/those type of places where the crowd is so dense you can't see what you came to see, and you're being pushed along by the crowd, and 2] waiting rooms of any sort where you can't sit, even if you're juggling kids and bags, etc., b/c there isn't enough seating.


That said, I will tell you that we recently spent 3 days in NYC (my first time there), and I LOVED IT! I mean LOVED IT! I told dh I want to live there; I just loved being around all the people. I have been trying to put my finger on why I am so unhappy in the remote, quiet part of MD we've been living for the past 18 months, and I had suspected that part of it was the lack of people, but NYC cemented it for me.


So, truly, you aren't alone. I get edgy if I don't see people on a regular basis. I'm not saying I want to be in a crowd of 5000 all the time, but I love the hustle and people-watching and, to be honest, the friendly interaction that you have (for the most part) when surrounded by lots of people.



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Same here.


Anyone else see threads like this a pointless? I'm not bashing the OP (or anyone who responds), but I'm just wondering. This is one of many created each day that really have no reason to exist other than to post for the sake of posting.



I didn't intend to waste anyone's time - it really bothers me that I have such an aversion to crowds and I guess I was just checking to see how many others felt the same way. It does get in the way, especially when you've got children who want to get out and do things that generally attract a crowd. I guess its more selfish, actually, than pointless ;) .

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Where is the required "Other" category? LOL :D


I like mellow crowds- art museums, farmers markets, downtown areas with small shops...places where people are there to meander and aren't in a hurry.


I don't like crazy crowds- theme parks, fairs, high energy concerts, day after Thanksgiving crowds.....I don't like the "must be first in line" pushing by other people and stressfull attitudes of employees at these types of places.

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Anyone else see threads like this a pointless? I'm not bashing the OP (or anyone who responds), but I'm just wondering. This is one of many created each day that really have no reason to exist other than to post for the sake of posting.


But isn't pointing out the pointlessness rather pointless?

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I didn't intend to waste anyone's time - it really bothers me that I have such an aversion to crowds and I guess I was just checking to see how many others felt the same way. It does get in the way, especially when you've got children who want to get out and do things that generally attract a crowd. I guess its more selfish, actually, than pointless ;) .


A public apology for you. I'm very sorry for being mean. I still feel bad.

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I didn't intend to waste anyone's time - it really bothers me that I have such an aversion to crowds and I guess I was just checking to see how many others felt the same way. It does get in the way, especially when you've got children who want to get out and do things that generally attract a crowd. I guess its more selfish, actually, than pointless ;) .


I think there are plenty of 'selfish' threads, IF you want to look at it that way. I just posted 'help me with ITUNES'. I'm beginning to think all of us should post 'On Topic' when it has to do with hs'ling. :tongue_smilie:


I am not a fan of crowds either....well, I guess it depends, but I can become overwhelmed if the crowd isn't my cup of tea.


I'm not surprised most people on a message board dislike crowds....all the people who LIKE crowds are out there in a crowd somewhere.

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Wow! I'm surprised that so many voted for hate them. I always thought I was kind of strange in that regard, but I guess I'm in the majority. The funny thing is, if so many people hate crowds, why are there crowds? Wouldn't most people stay away from crowd-attracting events, thus making them not crowded (or at least not AS crowded)? I always try to go at 'off' times for shopping, movies and even vacations because crowds ruin anything I do, no matter how fun intended event is.

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Same here.


Anyone else see threads like this a pointless? I'm not bashing the OP (or anyone who responds), but I'm just wondering. This is one of many created each day that really have no reason to exist other than to post for the sake of posting.


Now that I have reread my response, I feel that maybe I should have created a poll to get some in-depth answers.:lol:

I've thought that about some threads, but then I think it makes us more of a community sometimes, to just share our thoughts, likes, dislikes and such. :D Some of the pointless threads turn out to be the most fun ones.

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I'm not surprised most people on a message board dislike crowds....all the people who LIKE crowds are out there in a crowd somewhere.


Probably the case, but I can honestly say I'm shocked at how many people don't like crowds, either! I actually feel a little bit better about things!

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