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DH is driving me a bit crazy--bathroom remodel

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We are having a new baby in a couple of weeks and wanted to get some work done on the house before her arrival. We started in July and have remodeled most of the kitchen, the upstairs bathroom, the master bathroom, and now have the half bathroom left to do.


I fell in love with a very expensive wallpaper about three years ago and planned the powder room around that design. I don't want to spend that much money on wallpaper though, so my idea was to stencil the design on the wall. Stenciling also has the added benefit of customizing the design, so I can make it more subtle (instead of white on blue/gray I would make the trellis design the same color as the wall but lightened with 50% white). I found this mirror at a consignment store and got a simple light fixture to not overpower the fancy mirror and wall treatment.


We removed three layers of wallpaper in the half bath and, in the process, significantly damaged the sheetrock. So my husband has spent a lot of hours skim-coating and sanding to get the wall surface smooth enough for me to stencil. He's finally done and it's primed, ready for me to paint this weekend. Last night he casually asked what my plans were for the bathroom, and I explained that this picture was the inspiration but I was doing some different things, and I'm sure the Hive knows what's coming....


he hates it. He actually said, "that would be horrendous." He thinks it's way too modern and way too busy and I will tire of it in a year or two. (In my defense, I do not really have a history of mind-changing--in fact I'm verrrry slow to make decorating decisions because I want to make sure I will love it for a while. His example was that I asked him to repaint the kitchen this summer after 6 1/2 years, which does not seem too unreasonable to me.)


I really need to get the bathroom done this weekend. My sweet MIL is coming in for the purpose of helping us. But now I'm all flustered and feel like I need a completely new design scheme in 24 hrs. My husband doesn't see what the problem is--just paint and do exactly what I would do minus the stencil. But since I've been imagining this particular scheme for 3 years, I'm not sure I will like another without that "special" element.


My husband is amazing. I don't want a room in the house that he "hates." But I really don't think he would hate it (on his annual visit into that bathroom--seriously never goes in there). and it SERIOUSLY irritates me that he decided to ask me 24 hrs before I start what I had planned. I don't mind if he has opinions on how we decorate the house (actually I like for him to have input), but he shouldn't act like he doesn't have opinions when he does! and some of them strong ones!


ughhh--just whining I guess. If you have a spectacular powder room design idea, send it my way.

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I'm kind of surprised that you had this idea in mind for 3 years and never shared it once with your husband.


How often will he use that bathroom? If it isn't much, I would probably still proceed as planned. I do think that stenciling that design will take a lot longer than you think. I would probably just do the one color and forget the design, or find a similar wallpaper design.

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What about this, but in bigger scale?



like this kind of big scale:



and to make it more subtle, do it in different finishes of paint...flat and glossy.... like this: pinterest.com/pin/66498531967394063/


Here are some more ideas: I really like damask designs myself


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It's just PAINT. Tell him how much you love the pattern and how long you've wanted it. Paint the walls this week, and ask him to live with it for a month or so. After that amount of time if he still abhors it, tell him you'll paint over it.


I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to do a project my husband was "meh" about, but later loved. Some people can't envision fabulousness and must see it in reality to appreciate it. ;)



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I feel your pain.

We started doing some work around the house as well - it was supposed to be done by the end of August........still working away & getting frantic that our house will be a disaster when baby comes :glare: sounds like you have gotten lots done so hurray for that!!


As I always say to my DH, it is only paint. If we decide it is truly awful, we can easily change it. It's not as though we are ripping out walls!! I say the same thing about furniture placement. Who cares how many times I change the room around, it is just moving stuff, not buying all new pieces!!!


Anyway, I digress. Back to you. Make a deal that if he really, really hates it once it's done, then you can look at something else down the road but in the interest of time, and baby arriving any day; get it done and you can both put your feet up for a well deserved rest.


IF he really does hate it in the end, browse this site: http://www.houzz.com

I am positive you will find something there that you will BOTH like :001_smile:

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:confused: I am probably old school, but a busy pattern (muted colors, but still busy) in a small space would be a nightmare for my brain.


But with that said, I also remember being pregnant, so grab your paint brush and go to town AND ignore all of the negative comments your MIL/family might make about it. I agree with the others in that you can always paint over it.

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How often will he use that bathroom? If it isn't much, I would probably still proceed as planned. I do think that stenciling that design will take a lot longer than you think. I would probably just do the one color and forget the design, or find a similar wallpaper design.


:iagree: Stenciling is a lot of work. Could you find a simpler pattern?


FWIW, my dh is only allowed to have an opinion about the man cave in the basement, and no where else in the whole rest of the house. If you saw what his condo looked like before we got married, you'd understand.

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It's just PAINT. Tell him how much you love the pattern and how long you've wanted it. Paint the walls this week, and ask him to live with it for a month or so. After that amount of time if he still abhors it, tell him you'll paint over it.


I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to do a project my husband was "meh" about, but later loved. Some people can't envision fabulousness and must see it in reality to appreciate it. ;)





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You could do the accent wall and then stencil a piece of it around the room as a border too? If you get that done and adore it, you could do the rest of the room later. I've done stenciling and it is a ton of work.


I painted and stenciled my daughter's room at 8 1/2 months. No one should be arguing with you! I think that bathroom is adorable myself, especially if you muted the pattern a little more.


We're in the middle of bathroom remodeling right now (2 bathrooms, full gutting of plaster and lath walls). I feel your pain!

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I'm kind of surprised that you had this idea in mind for 3 years and never shared it once with your husband.


Oh it's not like I had a polyvore board or anything made. I just read the design blogs every week and always have a working idea of what I would do in each room when the time came. The powder room was a low priority because it didn't look that bad, so I never mentioned it.

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okay that toilet is insane!! and I thought I splurged on the one-piece toto that is easy to clean! :)


Yes, but does it warm your toes and come with a touch-screen remote?



My first thought, when I saw the video, was, "What do you do when you wake up at 3 AM and realize you are going to barf and can't find the remote?"

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