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Does your husband answer his cell phone?

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Yes, unless he's in a meeting or simply doesn't have it on him. He's much better than me at keeping track of it and usually has it nearby. His cell phone spends the night in our room, but mine is across the house. Family knows to call him if there is a middle of the night emergency.

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He almost always answers it if it's on him, which it is most of the time during the day. I try not to call him during the day unless it's something really important, in case he's in a meeting or otherwise busy. (If I want to talk to him but am not sure if it's a good time, I text him, and he'll call me if it's convenient.) But his clients and coworkers have his cell number and can call him on it if they need him, so he keeps it on him and ready.


At home, it's different; he usually charges it when he gets home, so if he's not right next to it, he often doesn't run to get it.


He's got a better track record than I do. If mine's in my bag, I rarely get it in time, and I don't keep it on me unless I'm expecting a call.

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If he's available, yes.

But I certainly don't expect him to always be available.


If *I* don't answer,he tends to get panicky and calls and texts me repeatedly. :glare: I understand how he might worry, since I'm usually available, but I have been known to do things like go to the bathroom, bathe children, and mix ground beef by hand! :tongue_smilie:


LOL, that happened to me yesterday. DH calls me to let me know he's on his way home, like he always does, and I really try to take that call every day (since I'm the one who requested that he call, so I know when he'll be home), but yesterday I was busy. The kids didn't get to it in time, so they attempted to call him back. The 3yo doesn't quite know the difference between DH and his voicemail message. Of course, when he did reach Daddy, he mostly just wanted to know if Daddy could bring home pizza. ;)

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Yes. We mostly text now because he's so busy and is often in meetings. We had to have an understanding about the purpose of our phones. They need to be working (as in charged up!), handy (as in on our person- pockets are best) and if we can't answer, we text when it's convenient. Not answering or returning a call is disrespectful. He and I agreed on all of that and we've had no issues, really. There have been a handful of times when we couldn't get each other on the phone and in talking about it later, found out it was a bad reception issue.

Now, our boys have been a whole different ballgame. Since we were paying for their cell phones at first, we had to INSIST they answer/return the call. We weren't contacting them to talk about the weather, there was a real purpose to our call. They needed a few reminders, one son in particular, to understand that it was a matter of respect. Now, we all know that if a call does not get returned, it's because of being busy at work or bad reception.

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Depends entirely on what he's doing at the time. With his job, he is not always able to answer the phone. He will call me back when he's able, and if I need something urgently I can text/call a 2nd time and he'll answer. But it is not unusual for me to get his voicemail; just the nature of his job, and not any kind of indication that he doesn't want to talk to me or something.


We use email, skype, texts, and also phone as needed throughout the day. Phone is probably least reliable.

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When he has it with him and it's on, yes, he's 100% on answering. He does forget it somewhere (car or home) or forgets to turn it on a fair amount though. :glare:

:iagree: He won't answer if with a customer or on the business phone, but otherwise will return my call if he sees that I called him. Occassionally he isn't allowed to carry it for work, but I know in advance when those times are. But then we have the days where he leaves the phone at home, or in the car, or in his desk, or forgets to charge it....

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