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Every parent's nightmare with a driving child

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"Mom someone just hit me."


Thank God she is fine. The car is probably totaled but the accident wasn't her fault.


She left the dentist office to pick up brother in one car while I stayed with sister. It happened right outside the office. The dentist' office was wonderful - "I need a big favor, can I leave all my stuff? DD1 just got hit." Yes! And we'll take care of dd2! Call dh to come and deal with kids.


DD was in the left turn lane, waiting at a red light. It was pouring! Someone turned onto the road she was on, hit water, overcorrected and hit about 3 cars, dd being one of them. DD was looking down and so didn't see it coming but she felt her car get hit twice. (Techmom- this was out in front of Western Wake.)


DH stayed with her and I got the other 2 kids. We're home. Even though I moved the car out of road, it's not drivable - something about the rear tire. DH isn't home yet and I already have an email from our insurance company!


She's fine. I'm just going to keep saying it - she's fine. She's fine.

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