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If you are overweight...

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I'm overweight because I don't move. Currently I'm at 174, down from 184. In the past 6 years I've gained about 5 pounds a year. All because I had no major projects from living in a rental house(s). I don't like exercise, but I do like to physically work on something. So while I tried running I quit because I'd rather be cutting an acre of grass with a push mower.

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genetic predisposition. Have to make myself exercise. Love carbs. Thats it in a nutshell. Over the last 3 years I've been gradually working on all of it with Sparkpeople, a biggest loser group at church, etc. and I've lost almost 30 lbs. I still need to lose another 25.

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I am clinically obese. I weigh about 190 right now. Most people are shocked when I tell them I weigh 190 and that I am clinically obese. I don't look it. I look stocky, maybe 160 or so. I am reasonably active and most of the year walk 3 miles a day 4-5 times a week and do strength exercises at home.


Do you have a physiological/medical issue preventing/complicating weight loss? Diagnosed? No. But the reality is I have a slow metabolism. I have logged every calorie that has touched my tongue and have found I have to cut my calories way more than what is on paper to achieve satisfying, motivating weight loss. If I eat the recommended calories for weight loss I will lose 1-2 lbs a month, which translates to seeing NO notable weight loss on the scale for about 3-4 months, since my weight fluctuates by about 5 lbs water weight normally. It is frustrating and most times I get aggravated and eat pie.


Do you overeat? If yes, what does that look like for you? (snacking, large portions, rich foods, etc) Yes, but I eat primarily healthy foods. Chips, cookies, etc, are very rarely even in my house. I don't drink sugary drinks - mostly unsweet iced tea, water, and my vice of Zevia (O calorie) ginger root beer. I eat berries, seeds, fruit, salads, fish, poultry and whole grains like oat bran and sprouted grain breads, whole wheat pasta. My weakness is cheese. I just eat these things in in bigger portions. I am always hungry. I want to shoot daggers at those women on diet programs that look at their portions of healthy foods and go "Wow! I didn't realize I could eat so much if I only gave up the Cheet-os! I can't even finish that plate of food!"


Lady, I can eat that plate of food 3 times over of healthy food, and still be hungry for more.


Are you sedentary? I go through low-activity phases - like right now, we have had thunderstorms almost daily for two weeks, and 109 temps before that - so my walking has dropped dramatically. When I am not shot off course by crummy weather, I walk 3 miles almost nightly. (I still do strength exercises and the elliptical some at home, but it's not the same. A lot of the weight I put on happened during sedentary periods of my life - post-childbirth, and once when I shattered my leg and was on crutches to a greater or lesser extent for 6 months.


Are you genetically predisposed to overweight? I presume so, since both my parents and all four grandparents were overweight or obese.

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If you are overweight, why are you overweight?


The monster thread has me thinking about this. I'm wondering just how complicated the problem has become. Is it complicated for most of us?


Do you have a physiological/medical issue preventing/complicating weight loss?


Do you overeat? If yes, what does that look like for you? (snacking, large portions, rich foods, etc)


Are you sedentary?


Are you genetically predisposed to overweight?


I'm just wondering what this looks like for most folks. Hope I'm not bringing flames down on myself, but as I said, the huge thread really has me thinking.


I am overweight because I was prop bottle fed continuously in foster care

I am overweight because I was raised on Cap'n Crunch and Chef Boyardee

I am overweight because my parents always had me on a diet, so I learned to reward myself with food.

I am overweight because I have Hashimoto's, PCOS, insulin resistance, and fibromyalgia. ( or maybe I have all those things because I was overweight.)

I am overweight genetically. After meeting my biological family, I am actually the least overweight.

I am overweight because I homeschool:D and home work...and am home A LOT, so I eat with the kids....


I work really HARD not to be TOO overweight. I went from 210 lbs down to 135 ( I am 5'2") about 13 years ago....and have kept it off...even through 2 pregnancies. I walk a lot, work out whenever I can, eat As low carb, low fat, non-processed, no-GMO, organic etc....etc...etc.....just to stay one step under obese... I never can seem to get that last 15 lbs. Off.....it is just elusive....


I am trying again, and don't expect success in the weight part, but would like to increase my strength, flexibility, endurance and hopefully stave off the rotten side effects of PCOS, IR, and Hashi's....and hopefully avoid and future Fibro flares....


Anyway, there are many reasons a person can be overweight. Mine are biological, emotional, behavioral, etc....etc....etc....

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I am overweight at this moment. Basically, I was in a church model that really pushed the Pearls and For Women Only. As a staff wife this was even a bigger deal. I became anorexic. Then I was SA'ed my the Sr. Pastor and awakened to all the bullcarp I was enmeshed in.


I have spent 4 years healing at various paces and to various degrees, but the one area I have struggled the most was weight. I was mad, I didn't want to be sexualized in anyway, I didn't want to force myself to diet and exercise, because it was triggering. (amazingly in all of this dh and I have done very well in teA dept, I guess I can only juggle so many restorative balls at once.)


But, I don't feel well. I don't have the energy I want and my short term memory is getting really sketchy. I am still trying to figure a way out of the particular mess.


As far as medical issues, I just have suspicions at this point.

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What condition do you have if you don't mind my asking? How does being over weight help it?


Being fat offers protection with quite a few health issues. Check out this blog and scroll down until you see the posts in the Obesity Paradox series where the author details the many cases where this is so.


Being fat is also not the killer we've been convinced it is. Here's an excellent post that details and debunks the claims made about the danger of obesity.


It may well be that being fat is not only not terribly unhealthy but actually a good thing for many people.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I have heard iy can be VERY difficult to lose weight with PCOS.


Pcos makes it really difficult to lose weight. The Metformin helps a bit...but the combination of diet, exercise AND Metformin is really helpful. I still can not get those last few lbs off, but, I am no longer morbidly obese.

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I have lupus, and the prednisone is killing my weight issue.


I've only done a few rounds of prednisone - one or two when my Asthma got bad & again a few years ago when I got H1N1 & Pneumonia. Plus, I was on steroids when I was in the hospital on bed rest during my last pregnancy. Those really screw you up! I had a friend when I was in high school who was on prednisone for her Asthma. It has to be so hard to deal with that, knowing that there are no/few other options you can choose instead.

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My DH is the skinny (he doesn't like me calling him that, but he is). It is odd, but no one every say - why is he skinny. You look at his dad, brother, uncle some of the cousins and they have the same tall slender build.


But when you are fat, I think people think of it the same way. I have short legs like my dad's family, small hands and feet like my dad's family. I'm chubby like my dad's family. Genetics. I'll never be willowy. I used to want to be willowy.

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Pcos makes it really difficult to lose weight. The Metformin helps a bit...but the combination of diet, exercise AND Metformin is really helpful.


:iagree: PCOS sucks. When I do exercise regularly, I build muscle really quickly, but it takes forever for the fat to start coming off, so I have a big weight gain initially. Really disheartening. :( I'd like to lose around twenty-five pounds, so I've been thinking of asking my doc for Metformin. I tried the Spironolactone and had a really bad reaction to it.

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I'm overweight, and it will not change. I'll never be thin.


Every two months I have to have my thyroid levels checked. My medication dosage for that increases several times a year. My thyroid barely functions and will probably stop before too long.


Also, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. The medication that I take for RA causes weight gain. Due to my physical limitations I cannot exercise as others do. They are doing additional testing as they suspect there is another autoimmune disease that I have in addition to the RA.


I'm active daily. However, being active may mean being able to go up and down the stairs once or twice (takes awhile to get up those stairs). It could mean being able to walk through a store. On good days I may be able to walk down to the end of the street. On bad days getting out of bed (not too hard as laying down is painful), doing a load of laundry, and taking a shower is all that I can handle (always do my best to get schooling done unless having a massive migraine).


My blood pressure is great. My cholesterol is great. The rest of my body is garbage. :) I have lost 50 pounds and haven't given up hope on losing a little more. No matter what, though, I'm going to be overweight.

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I weigh 191. I fluctuate between 185 and 191 depending on how much eating out and traveling I've done in the last month or so. Before I had dd I fluctuated between 165 and 185 depending on how serious I was about healthy eating that quarter. A healthy weight for me (at 5'7 1/2) would be around 170 because I have pretty decent muscle tone.


I am overweight because I eat more desserts and have more liquid calories than I should. If I eat right I lose weight relatively easily but I have trouble staying motivated because I feel pretty good, am in good health and exercise regularly. Plus dh has never been a fan of me being skinny. I normally play basketball for 1-2 hours 2 or 3 times a week and tennis another time or two each week.


If I exercise 6 days a week I can pretty much eat anything and still lose a pound a week. If I exercise 3 or 4 times a week I maintain my weight.

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If you are overweight, why are you overweight?


The monster thread has me thinking about this. I'm wondering just how complicated the problem has become. Is it complicated for most of us?


Do you have a physiological/medical issue preventing/complicating weight loss?


Do you overeat? If yes, what does that look like for you? (snacking, large portions, rich foods, etc)


Are you sedentary?


Are you genetically predisposed to overweight?


I'm just wondering what this looks like for most folks. Hope I'm not bringing flames down on myself, but as I said, the huge thread really has me thinking.


I am sedentary and I like ice cream, chocolate, baked goods etc. Junk.

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depending on how much eating out and traveling


The eating out and travel are always tougher on me too. I'm getting better at picking healthier choices on the menu but sometimes you've just got to have that incredible cheesecake or something fried. It's trying to find the balance... long walks on the beach after dinner can balance a little bit of it out.

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What happened? In August, I had a horrible toe injury that had me on crutches for 8 weeks, then a walking boot for two more months. Several rounds of infection and antibiotics, surgery, etc. I couldn't swim or walk, my two forms of exercise.


I went vegan in October and started gaining weight. Turns out it wasn't a good fit for me. I started the Abs Diet, and started C25K program two weeks ago. I also plan to start swimming again later this week.


I'm not thinking in terms of pounds, but sizes. I would like to wear a size 6 again!

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How 'overweight' are we talking?


10 lbs 20? 100?


Do you want to know if health issues are involved with the 10, 20, 100?


What charts/baseline are you using?


Do body types factor in? Muscle weight for those who work out?


I need more info. :)

Edited by LibraryLover
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I'm currently about 40lbs overweight. I'm in the obese range. I don't believe I have any complicating medical issues. I'm a pretty intense stress-eater, so the past two years with twins and a preschooler have not been good. I can lose weight on almost any sensible diet, but any diet that includes a lot of carbs seems to cause me to have intense cravings for things like doughnuts. When I have a bad day, I end up sitting down and eating a box, then wondering where it went. That of course undoes about a month of sensible eating, and with twin toddlers I have a lot more than one bad day a month. I was sure that I was just doomed to get fatter and fatter until the boys got old enough that I didn't spend every day feeling like I was barely treading water. Low carb is working for me, though. It's helping with the cravings, energy levels, and the emotional eating. When I do get totally off track, I find I don't eat as much and I get back on track faster and easier.


I'm not overly concerned about weight in general. The weight I'd like to get back to is a range of about 20lbs. However I'm currently focusing heavily on weight loss because I feel that losing weight is the best thing I can do for my health right now. I have a strong family history of diabetes (2 grandparents), high blood pressure (3 grandparents and both parents) and heart disease (2 grandparents and 1 parent).


ETA: No I am not sedentary, but I do not formally exercise. I walk a lot over hilly ground, pushing at least 150lbs of kids & stroller. Nearly 200lbs if all three kids ride. I also climb the stairs at least 1000x a day. Several of those times I end up carrying the twins, who weigh 35 lbs (each). I'm hoping when i do lose the weight I'll find that I'm more muscular under there from carrying around 70lbs+ on a regular basis.


I definitely have a genetic predisposition to be heavy. Nearly every woman in my family struggles with weight. The only ones who seem to make any headway on that struggle are eating low-carb.

Edited by AdventureMoms
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Why am I overweight?


A. My husband is one of the top Schwans salesmen in the nation (haha, yes, shameless brag on dh.) So do I really have a fighting chance?


B. Fine, before you say anything, I KNOW I need to take responsibility for my own love of food. But c'mon, refer back to A!


When it comes down to it, I enjoy eating. That, I cannot change.

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If you are overweight, why are you overweight?


The monster thread has me thinking about this. I'm wondering just how complicated the problem has become. Is it complicated for most of us?


Do you have a physiological/medical issue preventing/complicating weight loss?


Do you overeat? If yes, what does that look like for you? (snacking, large portions, rich foods, etc)


Are you sedentary?


Are you genetically predisposed to overweight?


I'm just wondering what this looks like for most folks. Hope I'm not bringing flames down on myself, but as I said, the huge thread really has me thinking.




I am overweight because of age, undiagnosed thyroid or adrenal or hormone balance issues, and because I believed the low fat/move more model would work for me.


I am not genetically predisposed. It is not psychological. I do not eat too much or binge.


But when I eat carbs, I am not *full* or satieted and I believe that in my body the response to carbs is to crave more carbs.


I have been my heaviest weights while having between 1 to 4 active jobs.

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because I am an amazing cook.


I think it'd be easier if I wasn't


I love to eat, but I have a weakness for baked goods. Bread and pie especially. So in my case it is most likely white flour and sugar that is the issue.




My husband and son blame this on their weight issues so it must be true for me too.


Actually, I was doing well after my first baby. Lost the baby weight and then some. But then after baby two, I got hit with severe depression, and I couldn't figure out how to walk with two babies and no double stroller. Then I had two pregnancies/miscarriages, another baby, another miscarriage, and another baby.


I'm trying to lose the weight now. I've lost 5 pounds in 3 1/2 weeks. It is hard to get enough exercise since I don't feel comfortable leaving the kids home alone and only one of them can walk far enough and fast enough to go along. I've also been hampered by a heel injury (medicine side effect), while better, still hurts every day. So, I'm working on eating more fruits and veggies and less other stuff. I've been literally hungry from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed to lose those 5 pounds but if that's what it takes, I'll do it.

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Why am I overweight?


A. My husband is one of the top Schwans salesmen in the nation (haha, yes, shameless brag on dh.) So do I really have a fighting chance?



You just never stood a chance...:lol:


I am about 60lbs over where I am comfortable being. The reason I am overweight is not because I overeat, binge, eat foods that are high in calories or fat, or am sedentary. I am overweight because I am predisposed to it and I have a thyroid disorder. In order for me to lose weight, it has to become my full time job, and quite frankly, I already have other full time jobs. I just do what I can and try to stay active, but I can't ever exercise or eat less with the intention to lose weight or I'd get discourage and want to hide in a hole.

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You just never stood a chance...:lol:


I am about 60lbs over where I am comfortable being. The reason I am overweight is not because I overeat, binge, eat foods that are high in calories or fat, or am sedentary. I am overweight because I am predisposed to it and I have a thyroid disorder. In order for me to lose weight, it has to become my full time job, and quite frankly, I already have other full time jobs. I just do what I can and try to stay active, but I can't ever exercise or eat less with the intention to lose weight or I'd get discourage and want to hide in a hole.


I get where you're coming from on losing weight being a full-time job! It has to be my sole focus, or I fail. Any diversion adds more pounds.

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I'm currently about 40lbs overweight. I'm in the obese range. I don't believe I have any complicating medical issues. I'm a pretty intense stress-eater, so the past two years with twins and a preschooler have not been good. I can lose weight on almost any sensible diet, but any diet that includes a lot of carbs seems to cause me to have intense cravings for things like doughnuts. When I have a bad day, I end up sitting down and eating a box, then wondering where it went. That of course undoes about a month of sensible eating, and with twin toddlers I have a lot more than one bad day a month. I was sure that I was just doomed to get fatter and fatter until the boys got old enough that I didn't spend every day feeling like I was barely treading water. Low carb is working for me, though. It's helping with the cravings, energy levels, and the emotional eating. When I do get totally off track, I find I don't eat as much and I get back on track faster and easier.


I'm not overly concerned about weight in general. The weight I'd like to get back to is a range of about 20lbs. However I'm currently focusing heavily on weight loss because I feel that losing weight is the best thing I can do for my health right now. I have a strong family history of diabetes (2 grandparents), high blood pressure (3 grandparents and both parents) and heart disease (2 grandparents and 1 parent).


ETA: No I am not sedentary, but I do not formally exercise. I walk a lot over hilly ground, pushing at least 150lbs of kids & stroller. Nearly 200lbs if all three kids ride. I also climb the stairs at least 1000x a day. Several of those times I end up carrying the twins, who weigh 35 lbs (each). I'm hoping when i do lose the weight I'll find that I'm more muscular under there from carrying around 70lbs+ on a regular basis.


I definitely have a genetic predisposition to be heavy. Nearly every woman in my family struggles with weight. The only ones who seem to make any headway on that struggle are eating low-carb.


Muscles under the fatbis definitely what happened to me....so, there is hope. I had a baby in the stroller...one in the front pack and one on my back for years! Laundry baskets, gardening, digging a foundation for our house, building bluestone walls, scrubbing floors etc., kept me really strong. My dh was stunned when we went to the gym, at what I was able to easily bench press after not "exercising" for 20 years:D


I told him I was on the "bend down, mop it up....exercise program."

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I am 5'6" and holding steady at 195. I lost 60 pounds on WW in 2003 and was at my goal, and I could KICK myself for putting it ALL back on. I do NOT like the new WW points, and even though I'm paying for the online service, I just can't get into it. It's too complicated now. I used to be able to figure the points for something in my head.


If you are overweight, why are you overweight? Pretty much just because I like food. I never say no to pizza or cookies or macaroni & cheese or donuts...


Do you have a physiological/medical issue preventing/complicating weight loss? Not that I know of...however a breast reduction would make actual exercise a lot easier. It's sort of a catch-22....I want to lose the weight before I get a BR, but I never follow through with any exercise program because I hate moving with these things.


Do you overeat? If yes, what does that look like for you? (snacking, large portions, rich foods, etc) I do overeat, and it's not salad. Pasta, basically anything you put in front of me that tastes good, I will eat. I'm a member of the "Happy Plate Generation"...if it's on my plate, I will eat it, even if I'm stuffed. No doggy bags.


Are you sedentary? Mostly. I'm a pharmacy technician, which has me walking around some but I don't do anything outside of work.


Are you genetically predisposed to overweight? Not grossly, I'm a little more "in shape" than my mom and grandma. I'm an only child, so I don't have siblings to compare to. I'm not morbidly obese, and I carry it well, but I'm technically still "obese".

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Everyone in my family is overweight. I think a small part of it is genetic. I eat very healthy food and am moderately active. I'm much heavier than some people I know who eat nothing but junk food and sit around watching TV all the time. That part is only explainable by genetics, in my opinion.


I also like to eat. Unless I'm actively trying to lose weight, I eat until I'm satisfied. Occasionally, when it's something extra delicious, I eat until I'm too full.


Losing weight is very difficult for me and my family members. Like I said in another post, all the health factors they test for have never been a problem for me. I've never had a doctor tell me I need to lose weight. Dh, on the other hand, is only slightly overweight, and has many health issues. He has high triglycerides, high blood pressure and high blood sugar. He has been told to lose 15 lbs. on many occasions. He exercises regularly, but is such a picky eater that his diet is unhealthy.

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I am going to quote Dr. Phil "You are fat because you put stuff in your mouth that doesn't belong there."-----this is why I am overweight. I have no will power to eat better stuff. Plain and simple. I probably have a sugar addiction and lettuce is just not as good as chocolate! (maybe they make chocolate covered lettuce!)

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