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So, you think it's hot where you live.....

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They classify their temps like we do here in central Alberta. Though our smokin' hot is about 8-10 degrees hotter than that but still much less than most of you are talking about. Smoking hot for this part of Alberta would be about 78-80 and it does not often get that hot.

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I love it--Smokin' Hot! :lol:


It's all relative, isn't it? I remember one summer when I was stationed in TX. We had one young woman who was wearing her wool sweater to work. Seems crazy but she had just spent the majority of summer in Saudi Arabia and our 90F weather was a significant drop in temperature for her and she was cold.

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Supposed to be 102 here today. That's not even considered smoking' hot.


The weatherman says we're having a " cool down".


Boy, what I woudn't give for a litte Anchorage weather though!


:iagree: I used to live in the desert where summer average highs were near 110. I remember the weather forecaster saying "cool spell" when it was 95.

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If that's "smokin' hot", I wonder what they call "chilly"?? Probably whatever I call "too flippin' cold to even leave my house"!


The local ski slope won't open if it below minus 20. So, I guess you would call that chilly. My daughter routinely skis with her jacket hanging open when it minus 10 and my son comfortably walks outside in a tshirt when it 20 or 30. Then again, they spend most of their lives in an ice rink where it never get warmer than the low 50s. So, what do they know.


I have no idea how I'm going to manage when we move back to the lower 48.

Alaska is my reward for putting up with Hawaii for 4 years! I LOVE it here.

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Snort. "smoking hot" :lol:


My weather app tells me it's 101F, and "feels like" 108. Oh, and that the high for today is 97. ?? Why on earth would they need to add insult to 101 by telling me it's not only stupid hot, but feels hotter?


I wait for the day it gives the temp and then says "Feels like: ninth circle of hell" (yes, I know that is ice. Does it matter when it's insanely hot?)

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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