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Spin off thread from Quivers- Show us your kitchen

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Here is our old kitchen in the farmhouse we moved from three and a half years ago. It will always be special to me because dh and I designed it all and did all the work ourselves including taking out the ceiling, installing a skylight, doing all the wiring and plumbing, making all the cabinets by hand from scratch, and laying the tile counters and the floor. It took six years. Yes, ladies I lived with an unfinished kitchen for six years.






Don't mind the hole in the ceiling. We had carpenter ants to remove. Yuck. They sure do like old farm houses.




No, that is not an incredibly dirty fish tank on the counter. Those were our aquatic frogs.

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Please share how you stencil your quotes! What do you use (paint, stencil, brushes, etc)? Be VERY specific. My 15yo dd wants to do this in her bedroom and I don't know where to begin....


Sharon - I didn't forget.:) The way I put the words on the wall was pretty easy. I picked a font I liked from the computer and sized it and then printed out my quote. Before you type, set your page to the landscape orientation. (I used the Bradley's Hand font in Windows, 200 point size).


Before you print decide how far from the top of the wall or molding you want the words to be and type it in so the spacing from the top of your page to the top of your letters is the right distance.


Next, flip your pages over and outline the letters with a charcoal pencil. When that's all done, page by page place the words where you want them on the wall, charcoal side to the wall, and rub the front of the word (on the right side). When you remove the paper your word should be there in faint charcoal. Do this until your whole quote is up and where you like it. (The charcoal will wipe right off if you don't like where you've put your word.)


When you have everything "charcoal-ed" onto the wall, it's time to paint. I just mixed some acrylic paint to a bluish gray that I liked and used a fine brush. I've done it before with the stencil pencils and a small brush. I just depends on the finish you want.


It's really a pretty quick process once you try it. I hope this makes sense.

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Amy - what is that backsplash? It's really, really pretty!!!


Thanks, Jennifer. I bought a wild variety of plates at thrift stores and smashed them and used them for my "budget" backsplash. Here's a better look at it before I grouted and sealed it. http://www.thefoilhat.com/insidethefoilhatblog.htm?blogentryid=3591804 I am really happy with how it turned out - I've never done anything like it before.

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Thanks, Jennifer. I bought a wild variety of plates at thrift stores and smashed them and used them for my "budget" backsplash. Here's a better look at it before I grouted and sealed it. http://www.thefoilhat.com/insidethefoilhatblog.htm?blogentryid=3591804 I am really happy with how it turned out - I've never done anything like it before.


Amy, your kitchen is amazing! You should be quite proud of that space now. I love the backsplash. You are one talented gal.

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Sharon - I didn't forget.:) The way I put the words on the wall was pretty easy. I picked a font I liked from the computer and sized it and then printed out my quote. Before you type, set your page to the landscape orientation. (I used the Bradley's Hand font in Windows, 200 point size).


Before you print decide how far from the top of the wall or molding you want the words to be and type it in so the spacing from the top of your page to the top of your letters is the right distance.


Next, flip your pages over and outline the letters with a charcoal pencil. When that's all done, page by page place the words where you want them on the wall, charcoal side to the wall, and rub the front of the word (on the right side). When you remove the paper your word should be there in faint charcoal. Do this until your whole quote is up and where you like it. (The charcoal will wipe right off if you don't like where you've put your word.)


When you have everything "charcoal-ed" onto the wall, it's time to paint. I just mixed some acrylic paint to a bluish gray that I liked and used a fine brush. I've done it before with the stencil pencils and a small brush. I just depends on the finish you want.


It's really a pretty quick process once you try it. I hope this makes sense.


So that is how it is done. Very creative!

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Thanks, Jennifer. I bought a wild variety of plates at thrift stores and smashed them and used them for my "budget" backsplash. Here's a better look at it before I grouted and sealed it. http://www.thefoilhat.com/insidethefoilhatblog.htm?blogentryid=3591804 I am really happy with how it turned out - I've never done anything like it before.


That is so cool! What a great job.

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Thanks, Jennifer. I bought a wild variety of plates at thrift stores and smashed them and used them for my "budget" backsplash. Here's a better look at it before I grouted and sealed it. http://www.thefoilhat.com/insidethefoilhatblog.htm?blogentryid=3591804 I am really happy with how it turned out - I've never done anything like it before.



Wow! I am seriously impressed with your work. Way to go!!


Here I sit looking at my kitchen walls wondering if I could pull something like this off . . .

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Only if she comes and does it for me. She described how cut up here fingers were and I don't want to do that!


:tongue_smilie:There was a really steep learning curve in there! I tend to lean to the excessive. A normal person would have started with a stepping stone or something simpler. If anyone does decide to try this, I'll be happy to share what I've learned (and hopefully save your hands).

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Gaaaah! I am so jealous of all these nifty kitchens! What shall I photograph?


  • The Christmas green laminate?

  • The green wallpaper with teeny country houses?

  • The glassy white backsplash with pink flowers and burgundy grout?





You get yours and I will get mine....

Small galley kitchen with no windows with red PLAID wall paper covering every inch. Well, almost every inch. The top 12 inches are covered with a boarder of a replica of a colonial era watermelon painting that repeats every 12 inches. That lovely boarder also goes around our dining room.


Pam can atest to how ugly our kitchen is. Dh won't let me paint any rooms in the house, but he will let me get rid of that wall paper.

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Here's mine. I did no prep. This is exactly how my kitchen looked mid day, after dumping our morning dishes and running out of the door. I didn't even straighten the chairs. I can't take any credit for the decor. We rent and this is how it was decorated- pictures and table included. I liked it well enough, so we just left it.

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I didn't intend for this to be placed under Jenny's, but oh, well.


Also, I meant to add that this photo was taken when we first got this hutch. It was my parent's that I grew up with. They moved last fall and didn't have room for it in their new house so they gave it to me. When I took the photo I hadn't put my china in it yet, but I since done that. Otherwise the kitchen looks the same.


I want to say too, that I also love to look at how others decorate and have enjoyed this thread very much!

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I am simultaneously impressed and depressed.

So many really lovely kitchens.

So many huge kitchens.

So many beautifully decorated kitchens.

And so many clean, uncluttered ones.


Oh well. Some day. I guess I'll just consider this to be my research thread. I'm just here to collect ideas. Yeah, that's it! ;)

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I didn't intend for this to be placed under Jenny's, but oh, well.


Also, I meant to add that this photo was taken when we first got this hutch. It was my parent's that I grew up with. They moved last fall and didn't have room for it in their new house so they gave it to me. When I took the photo I hadn't put my china in it yet, but I since done that. Otherwise the kitchen looks the same.


I want to say too, that I also love to look at how others decorate and have enjoyed this thread very much!



I love the kitchen and the hutch. Doesn't it make it really feel like home to have a significant piece from your childhood? The big stained glass light fixture in my picture was the one that always hung in my home growing up.

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We rent. This is not our furniture, but the kitchen is the same. We just have different barstools and dining table/chairs. :)






We move around quite a bit (military) and although it's kind of smallish, this is my favorite kitchen we've had so far. I just wish the window over the sink faced the back yard instead of the neighbor's stucco.

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It is amazing how one can go from a larger kitchen to a smaller one and be more satisfied, isn't it? :-) My kitchen is "smallish", too, and I love it!! Everything is at my fingertips and it is so well designed I hardly have to move to do all I need to do yet there is storage for everything I need. (Yet, after having 15 people in my home this past holiday weekend, I've also learned that even a smallish kitchen, when it is well-designed, can accomodate many cooks, too! :-D) BTW, I think your kitchen is absolutely beautiful!!

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Okay, here are mine. We just got new countertops, faucet, and a dishwasher. The floor should be done in another month. This is about as decluttered as we get. We want to get rid of the brick and paint the walls, but I need advice. I am not an uber earth tones kind of gal and not that fond of red, so I'll just never be in style;) Any advice?



edited: the pics were too big, so I am resizing them to put back in.

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They are so cool aren't they?! Do yours sing? After we moved I used to still "hear" them even though they didn't move with us.



If they sing, they're boys. We have 2 also. 1 sings. We had eggs about a month ago. The kids were very excited to get babies, but the cat knocked over their (the eggs) little tank and no more :(

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I knew I shouldn't have opened up this thread. YIKES! Now I'm jealous and embarrassed. My kitchen? No way - sorry. But it is comforting to know someone out there is enjoying the good life.;)


I am simultaneously impressed and depressed.

So many really lovely kitchens.

So many huge kitchens.

So many beautifully decorated kitchens.

And so many clean, uncluttered ones.


Oh well. Some day. I guess I'll just consider this to be my research thread. I'm just here to collect ideas. Yeah, that's it! ;)


*sigh* Me too. This thread just confirms for me that I was right all along--my kitchen IS the most hideous kitchen ever. Someday...someday!!!


Hmmm, maybe I should start a thread for posting pictures of our most embarrassing kitchens! My 1960s-era kitchen—complete with original appliances, paneling, and lovely stick-on metal "bricks", thank you!—would be a nice way to kick off a little support group :lol:

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*sigh* Me too. This thread just confirms for me that I was right all along--my kitchen IS the most hideous kitchen ever. Someday...someday!!!


Hmmm, maybe I should start a thread for posting pictures of our most embarrassing kitchens! My 1960s-era kitchen—complete with original appliances, paneling, and lovely stick-on metal "bricks", thank you!—would be a nice way to kick off a little support group :lol:


I am betting I'd win! :D LOL I had mine up and then wimped out and took them down. Mine is bad. Very bad. My cabinets are wallpapered plaid, while the walls are wallpapered with flowers and herbs. I kid you not.

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I am betting I'd win! :D LOL I had mine up and then wimped out and took them down. Mine is bad. Very bad. My cabinets are wallpapered plaid, while the walls are wallpapered with flowers and herbs. I kid you not.


:lol: Oh man, really I am not laughing AT you. I am laughing WITH you! Plaid and floral. That is quite something!!

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Ok, that's not true. I lied. We have a fridge. :)


If you're looking at the photo showing the kitchen cabinets, looking to the right of the stove, you'll see the furthest right cabinets (the longer ones). To the right of those cabinets there is a little nook where the fridge is. Or, left of those plates that are hanging on the wall. The doors face the sink.


It's funny you asked because last night I was wondering if anyone would notice that it's not visible - esp. with all the stainless steel fridges that are very noticeable in the other kitchen photos. Way to pay attention to the details! ;)

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*sigh* Me too. This thread just confirms for me that I was right all along--my kitchen IS the most hideous kitchen ever. Someday...someday!!!


Hmmm, maybe I should start a thread for posting pictures of our most embarrassing kitchens! My 1960s-era kitchen—complete with original appliances, paneling, and lovely stick-on metal "bricks", thank you!—would be a nice way to kick off a little support group :lol:

:iagree: I'd be up for that....anyone else?

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Oh my gosh, Lisa. I have serious kitchen envy. I want to somehow keep your photos to use as a reference as my dream kitchen. It's absolutely gorgeous. You're very blessed indeed.


I can just see having women over for coffee and tea using that lovely space with the couches, round table and coffee buffet. I can also see me not getting *anything* done because *I* am in that space drinking coffee and reading. Of course, I don't drink decaffeinated coffee, so actually to think of myself with that coffee "depot" there, I wouldn't be able to sit still to read. I would be getting a *lot* done, LOL. Running helter skelter all over the house, high on caffeine. Ha!


Anyway, I love it. Just love it.

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.I can also see me not getting *anything* done because *I* am in that space drinking coffee and reading.


Hahaha:lol:Janna, our whole house seems to have that effect on people, its inhabitants included. We call our greatroom the cocoon. Everyone who visits and sinks into our leather couches in the greatroom, surrounded by windows and trees, and, zzzzzzz. It happens to them all. Our home is like a little sanctuary from the world. Unfortunately, we are still expected to get stuff done!


Is it nap time yet? No wonder I drink so much tea...


So, when are you all comin' over for coffee?:D

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