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Best workouts for stress reduction

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This is my fav yoga/pilates blend workout....http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Crunch_Super_SlimDown/70044451?trkid=2361637 Depending on your fitness level it may/may not be a workout, but always leaves me more relaxed because of the breathing component (although she doesn't stress that as much, I have done pilates & yoga elsewhere and am aware of how important proper breathing is). Anything that has deeper breathing will leave you calmer

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Hiking and rock climbing help me very well with stress.


I enjoy hiking quite a bit. However, it is in the 100s here. I have done some inside rock climbing and that has the opposite affect, I find myself getting more stressed. I think it is the noise level and the echo

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A good hard run up some hills does the trick for me. It's been well over 100 here for what feels like a month now. I've got to get up early.

Lately I've been feeling like breaking out the roller blades and the hockey stick and pounding the garage door with a tennis ball.

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OK, I do not want to be that person. Truly. :tongue_smilie: And I am not a yoga person either. However. ;) In a time of immense personal stress a few years ago, I needed to try anything and everything possible. I tried Candlelight Yoga on a night when I was particularly stressed out (read going completely bonkers :lol:). It was available on Netflix and it was the quickest, most incredible stress-relief experience I have ever had. I did it after the kids were in bed and felt like I had shed every worry I ever had when I was finished with it. I still do it when I am at my most stressed and it still works every time.


Feel free to hate me and roll your eyes at me for suggesting it though. I understand. :D

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I love running. I try to run 3x a week early in the morning around 6:30 to 7:00 before my boys wake up and before it gets too warm. I stop at a beautiful park by our house before heading home to pray and ask for strength for the day. I have only been running consistently for a little over a year and I can't imagine not doing it now :)

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I'm a Yoga and Taebo girl. I'd do Taebo first, you can punch and kick til you're purple without air. Yoga makes me feel peaceful and replenished. Great Yoga DVD I found at Target Aim True Yoga. Good luck!

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Running or any strenuous cardio is good. Kick boxing is even better because it is strenuous cardio, but you get to punch and kick the stuffings out of that poor bag. Ah, the stress relief.


I'm clearly not a yoga person either :lol:

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For me - and it seems to be the general bent of the breadth of replies - it's any workout I can lose myself in: long, hard cardio, a well timed kickboxing class, lifting heavy, a kickass tabata workout, cycling (outdoors only for me), yoga, Pilates... Usually, it is NOT yoga/Pilates, but something I can crank up the music and shut off my brain while I push to complete failure.


Yoga and Pilates (and any combination or spinoff thereof) are more centering to face the day for me, not really effective for working off excess energy when I'm stressed and my adrenals are in overdrive.


That said, iTunes has guided meditations from Meditation Oasis (it's a podcast, non-religious, just breath and topic focused) that I've found very helpful in systematically focusing on relaxation and letting go of stress - mentally and physically - before bed (or during a rest period in the middle of the day, really).

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For me - and it seems to be the general bent of the breadth of replies - it's any workout I can lose myself in: long, hard cardio, a well timed kickboxing class, lifting heavy, a kickass tabata workout, cycling (outdoors only for me), yoga, Pilates... Usually, it is NOT yoga/Pilates, but something I can crank up the music and shut off my brain while I push to complete failure.


Yoga and Pilates (and any combination or spinoff thereof) are more centering to face the day for me, not really effective for working off excess energy when I'm stressed and my adrenals are in overdrive.


This is it exactly. Now, how can I do this when it is over 100 outside?

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I used to workout on an old nordic track skiier - which I love. I could just concentrate on the back and forth motion and my breath - which allowed my brain to shut down. I added yoga for flexibility - and found it so stress relieving, I end up doing it hte most. there are so many different types of yoga - there are some I hate, and one dvd I continually go back to.



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When a particular person was making me stress, I used to go to the driving range and picture said person's face on the golf ball. Man, I got some yardage! :tongue_smilie:


Other than that, anything solitary -- running, biking, etc. does the trick. I like my team sports for when I'm feeling happy!

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I started Couch to 5k (C25k) about a month ago. I am on week 4 and I really love how I feel after my walk/run. It takes all of my physical and mental energy to get through each workout. I love putting on my shoes, heading out the door, and turning my ipod on. No one bothers me and I either listen to an audiobook or my favorite music.


Good luck,

Elise in NC

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