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I'm pregnant with our 6th!

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I just got a BFP a couple days ago and don't want to tell the countryside (IRL) yet, so I'm announcing all over the forums I'm on instead. (Meanwhile my SILs probably lurk on here and are thinking "WHAT?!")


Anyway, this wasn't exactly "planned" but we knew we were risking it, and here we are. We wanted to have more, but preferred to wait a while. But at least my youngest will be almost 2 when this baby is born. I'm due March 10.


One of my biggest worries is that I will soon be sick, and then exhausted, and will be unable to do a good job homeschooling this year. Not to mention I have a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old. yipe yipe!


Should I flush this year's school plans down the toilet now, or later? :lol:

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I just got a BFP a couple days ago and don't want to tell the countryside (IRL) yet, so I'm announcing all over the forums I'm on instead. (Meanwhile my SILs probably lurk on here and are thinking "WHAT?!")


Anyway, this wasn't exactly "planned" but we knew we were risking it, and here we are. We wanted to have more, but preferred to wait a while. But at least my youngest will be almost 2 when this baby is born. I'm due March 10.


One of my biggest worries is that I will soon be sick, and then exhausted, and will be unable to do a good job homeschooling this year. Not to mention I have a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old. yipe yipe!


Should I flush this year's school plans down the toilet now, or later? :lol:


Congrats! :party:


Maybe this will be the pregnancy where you won't be even a bit sick. :)

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Congratulations! :)


I'm expecting #5 in the fall, so we've started our new school year already. I figure that between morning sickness, late pregnancy exhaustion, and newborn exhaustion, that we'll need the extra time to get everything in. (And a dose of realizing that there's only so much that one can do with this full a plate is a good thing too!)

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I vote for starting early and spreading out those plans a little thinner as needed. I'm due in Dec, and I plan on taking a break from Thanksgiving to February. (We'll do math/reading/and a bit of writing as we are able...but not the whole schedule.)



The 3yo and 1yo might stump me though...:grouphug:...I chased a 3yo and 1yo when pregnant with my 3rd child. I'm not sure I could hack it trying to HS too.

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Congratulations! You'll manage.


I'd suggest trying to plan a homeschooling year filled with lots of reading and some video watching. I can manage a lot even when I feel terrible, as long as I avoid hands on stuff that requires a lot out of me. Things like Teaching Textbooks have also helped.

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Congratulations! You'll manage.


I'd suggest trying to plan a homeschooling year filled with lots of reading and some video watching. I can manage a lot even when I feel terrible, as long as I avoid hands on stuff that requires a lot out of me. Things like Teaching Textbooks have also helped.


We just started Teaching Textbooks at the end of last year, thank goodness!


Maybe I will use this new curriculum I heard about called Netflix Science. :tongue_smilie: j/k (er, sorta).

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