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It is 100 degrees....in the shade

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I truly dislike this. We went to Phoenix several summers ago, in July. It was just as (if not more so) hot, but it wasn't so darn humid. It is so flipping sticky here in TN. Ugh. So it must not be the heat that is getting to me, it's the gosh awful humidity. I feel like I need a shower every time I step outside.

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Temps will be 97 here tomorrow. I loathe summer. Really.


I'm pale and burn easily. I get massive mosquito bites (Mosquito Squad has helped some). Humidity make my hair frizzier. I already have rosacea and hyperhidrosis -- like I need more sun and heat!


I also spend it feeling guilty that my husband works out in the heat.

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I truly dislike this. We went to Phoenix several summers ago, in July. It was just as (if not more so) hot, but it wasn't so darn humid. It is so flipping sticky here in TN. Ugh. So it must not be the heat that is getting to me, it's the gosh awful humidity. I feel like I need a shower every time I step outside.

Here too, but not humid. No rain in a month. Everything is tinder-dry.

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Forecast here is 102, 106, 102, 102. Humidity has been around 40%-50% during the day (it was 85% last night) it certainly makes a HUGE difference. Usually our daytime humidity is way higher, it is much more bearable than usual.

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Well, I live in Phoenix now and today it is HUMID for here. Not to mention it's going to be anywhere between 107 and 112 F today. I feel your pain but I will take lower temps with humidity over this desert nonsense any day!




We need some rain already!

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Is it too early to start wishing for SNOW??? It's 101 degrees here right now (which is cooler than it has been the last few days), the bugs are seeking shelter inside our house, kids are going stir crazy 'cause it's too hot to be outside for long periods, and all I want to do is curl up in an ice bath!LOL!! I'm really not complaining, I'm just not ready for it to be this darn hot, this darn early in the summer!! Hoping it's just passing through early, but worried that it's going to be a LONG...DRY...HOT summer!

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Temps will be 97 here tomorrow. I loathe summer. Really.


I'm pale and burn easily. I get massive mosquito bites (Mosquito Squad has helped some). Humidity make my hair frizzier. I already have rosacea and hyperhidrosis -- like I need more sun and heat!


I also spend it feeling guilty that my husband works out in the heat.


What is Mosquito Squad? Our Mosquitos are big enough to drive Mac trucks!! My husband works outside a lot, too. Typically further north though. He will call and say "It is sooo miserable, it's 85." and I try not to laugh ;) I know working hard in 85 is worse than sweating on the porch in 100. But I do hate to sweat.


Come visit me :D


It is sunny and 67.


Seattle! We can go people watching together :D It is a most fabulous place to do so LOL.


Wow 65 in Seattle? Is it always gloomy there? I think I have that seasonal affected disorder or whatever it is, so I need sunlight, but ooooh that sounds good! I really don't mind heat, I just hate feeling sticky.

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The 80 degree weather started showing up here in early April. It has been in the upper 80's-mid 90's for weeks. The forecast won't be changing any time soon either. Supposedly we are having August weather (and fire danger) in June. No rain in almost 7 weeks. Barely any snow/rain this winter. Everything is super dry.


I don't care if it is hot...we just moved up to Idaho from southern AZ...I worry about the fire danger. We were evacuated last year in AZ because of fires and it is scary.


My mom calls it Idazona...and it is fitting.

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Mosquito Squad is a company that sprays ten applications of a barrier spray every 3 weeks to limit mosquitoes in your lawn. It has helped a lot so far. I have seen some in the evening near the back of our lawn next to the "Sanford and Son" property :lol:, but last year, I couldn't even walk to my van without getting bit. Shoot -- I got bit in my own house!


What is Mosquito Squad? Our Mosquitos are big enough to drive Mac trucks!! My husband works outside a lot, too. Typically further north though. He will call and say "It is sooo miserable, it's 85." and I try not to laugh ;) I know working hard in 85 is worse than sweating on the porch in 100. But I do hate to sweat.






Wow 65 in Seattle? Is it always gloomy there? I think I have that seasonal affected disorder or whatever it is, so I need sunlight, but ooooh that sounds good! I really don't mind heat, I just hate feeling sticky.

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We need some rain already!


No kidding! We didn't get any last night, only the dirt.


100 right now in GA. Will be 106 tomorrow and 107 on Saturday!!:glare:


That is insane. I spent a few summers in Florida panhandle when I was a teen. It might have hit 100 once. Usually it was high 90s. Horrible! I can't imagine that humidity at 106. I don't think I would even be able to breathe. Does the humidity at least drop when it is that high? Oh man, I can just feel it now! Ugh!

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No kidding! We didn't get any last night, only the dirt.




That is insane. I spent a few summers in Florida panhandle when I was a teen. It might have hit 100 once. Usually it was high 90s. Horrible! I can't imagine that humidity at 106. I don't think I would even be able to breathe. Does the humidity at least drop when it is that high? Oh man, I can just feel it now! Ugh!


Yes, fortunately(or unfortunately) the humidity is 25% today. However, we are under a fire warning. It's a no win situation.

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