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If your dh could work from home, and you could live wherever you wanted...

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Would you play it safe and stay close to a big city just in case, or would you live where you wanted and worry about moving if you needed to?


Why I'm asking: My dh works as a computer programmer at a fairly small company. He has been working there for a year now and is the only person on his project who comes in to the office at all... everyone else works remotely. We intend to take advantage of that in the next year or so since we already live 40-ish minutes from his office; and separate from that, we are in a position to buy a house as long as it's in a cheaper area. (Currently we are renting a house with a non-ideal layout from fantastic landlords.) We want to live rural anyway, and there are some lovely mountains in our state... :001_wub:


Would you take the risk of moving far outside of town if you were in our shoes? Possibly buying a house that would make a good vacation rental in case of job change?

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I'd buy the rural house. Unless you have some valid reason for thinking he might lose his job in the near future (company not doing well financially, high turnover rates, etc). But maybe I'm a risk taker. I just think, if you *can* do what you want, why not?

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We did exactly what you are talking about. My husband had a full time telecommute job that he needed to be in the SF Bay Area twice a year for about a week at a time. We moved to Arizona, so we could buy a house and be close to my parents.


And then he got laid off and needed to find a new job. This time in Arizona, where the salaries were not nearly as high. He took a job that paid 65% of the old one and we were lucky.


After a few years there, he got bored and wanted something more interesting. He got a new job that raised the salary some (still not back to pre-lay off numbers) and worked there for a year. Then the company closed the Arizona office and we were given the choice to relocate or find a new job. We chose to relocate and are back in the SF Bay area. And he is happily challenged.


In large part the choice was made so that if he did need to find a new job again, we would not have to move. The job market here is so much better than the market in Phoenix right now. I can't imagine moving out of the area again. If just doesn't make sense until he is totally retired to move and even then, this is where we are choosing to put down roots.

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I'd say move to where you want to LIVE if you can. My dh has a job that he can work at from anywhere in the world. I love the freedom of that. (we've moved several times for various reasons, but he's held on to the same job)


If he is secure in his job (as much as you can be these days), then I wouldn't plan my housing choices around the what ifs.

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This is pretty much my dream. We are tied down by my husband's business right now, and the kids are really settled and involved with the community, plus one is taking an important class at a local university so we would not be able to pick up and leave. But believe me I have thought about it!


In your case, once all the kids are preschool to early elementary age, I would want to travel fulltime around the US for a year before buying a place and being tied town. A truck/travel trailer or an RV.


Consider too when they are older, will you want to be near activities/friends for them? In high school will they need access to challenging outside courses? Or will a remote location still be great then? I've read a few horror stories of city-folks getting to the country and realize it is not for them and their kids have nothing to do and/or the only neighbors for miles are methheads. Stuff they do not put in the brochure!


If you think rural might really be the place for you, I'd move but rent somewhere first for a year and make sure you really really love the area before buying.

Edited by RanchGirl
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In your case, once all the kids are preschool to early elementary age, I would want to travel fulltime around the US for a year before buying a place and being tied town. A truck/travel trailer or an RV.




This is what we would do if we could. Unfortunately dh needs a fully equipped pharmaceutical lab to do his work.

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We just moved rural two years ago to fulfill our dream. I will never go back to the city! or even suburban! However, I would second the suggestion that you rent for a year first. We were unable to find a good church anywhere near our new home and now we travel 50 minutes each way to church on Sunday, plus we can't be involved in any other activities because of the cost of the gas. Gas has been our biggest consideration for everything. Going to the store, the library, the doctor... we have to think about doubling and tripling up on errands in order to save gas. It is very stressful. But, again, I LOVE living in the country. Consider the distance to the food store, Costco/Sam's/Etc., doctor, pharmacy (for those inconvenient illnesses), hospital, etc. You may want to investigate homeschool support groups, sports and lessons, etc. Renting for a year is a REALLY good idea.


I guess it goes without saying that I say GO FOR IT!

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I'd move to where we WANT to live and deal with the occasional commute when's it comes up.


We did that, moved to our dream area but with no job. Took a risk. DH finally got a job after 7 months and an hour drive away. We tried to make it work but the drive and gas $$$ were killing us. We finally had to move to where he works. We'll be here for 20 years until he retires. It's not horrible but we do miss and relish dearly the times we had in our dream location.


Life is to short to wait for everything to be perfect. Do it while you can.

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In your case, once all the kids are preschool to early elementary age, I would want to travel fulltime around the US for a year before buying a place and being tied town. A truck/travel trailer or an RV.


This is what we would do. We bought a fifth wheel and truck four years ago with that goal in mind, but DH hasn't been able to switch to telecommuting. We thought he was going to be able to convert his current job at the time we got our rig because his boss thought out was a great idea. It went up the hierarchy several levels with enthusiasm, but in the end, it wasn't approved.


DH has interviewed with a number of companies with good telecommuting policies, but no luck yet.



Huh, why did my sad smiley go up the title bar? That is not where I clicked it. How do I move it?

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We were in a similar situation and did. We moved to a new state into (my idea of) the middle of nowhere, 20 mins. to the nearest town/grocery, pop. 4000, and an hour from a bigger city.


Activities, friends, everything was in the big city. We were tired of driving hours each day many times a week. I began to worry about the lack/slow response of emergency services.


Three years later, we moved back to the suburbs. I appreciate the little things: neighbors, public water, grocery/gas five minutes away. Civilization. :D


We are renting out our other house (thankfully), but we'd sell it if the market allowed.

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