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If I could go back in time, I would.

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BIL's dad died in a farming accident yesterday. He wasn't young, but he wasn't old. He was in decent health so his death is a shock. I wish I could go back in time and tell him to stay away from the combine. We just saw him two weeks ago. He has been a family friend for 24 years. And I can do nothing but pray. I can't even give my sister a hug. She has had so much going on right now. I can't imagine how she is dealing with this now.


Death can come so suddenly. Today I'm going to love on my little ones, my Dh, my sister if I can get her on the phone. I'm going to send off some packages I've had ready to mail for awhile and write letters to my grandmothers (I dislike writing letters and put this off indefinitely). I'm going to charge up the camcorders and video my kids.

Edited by Meriwether
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Today I'm going to love on my little ones, my Dh, my sister if I can get her on the phone. I'm going to send off some packages I've had ready to mail for awhile and write letters to my grandmothers (I dislike writing letters and put this off indefinitely). I'm going to charge up the camcorders and video my kids.


:crying: I'm so sorry for your loss. This statement of intention really brings home how it is to lose someone suddenly.

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Thank you. I was able to talk to my sister this morning. The youngest son (in his upper 20's) was driving.:mad: He is taking it very hard. The family in general is coping well this morning. I think it will be harder later as they feel the loss day by day.

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How devestating, yesterday my kids were at a thing learning about farm safety and how quickly a life could be lost with the dangers on the farm. THis really brings home that point


I can not imagine the pain/guilt that son has being the one driving. Praying for all of you as you move towards the funeral. I am sure right not it seems surreal to the family but will hit hard once that day comes.

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Thank you. The funeral is tomorrow. They would have had it yesterday, but one of my BIL's second cousins got married yesterday. Since so many people would want to attend both, they are having the funeral another day.


BIL's brother, a childhood friend of mine, feels awful. We don't know why D was near the tractor. He was run over by a rear wheel and lived for half an hour after the helicopter came. He was only coherent for a little while. B asked if he needed to go to the hospital, and D said he just needed to catch his breath (his ribs were in bad shape). B asked twice and then ran for the car. When he got back, D was incoherent. We'll never know what happed.


The family is doing fairly well. Sis says they are holding it together for B's sake.

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BIL's dad died in a farming accident yesterday. He wasn't young, but he wasn't old. He was in decent health so his death is a shock. I wish I could go back in time and tell him to stay away from the combine. We just saw him two weeks ago. He has been a family friend for 24 years. And I can do nothing but pray. I can't even give my sister a hug. She has had so much going on right now. I can't imagine how she is dealing with this now.


Death can come so suddenly. Today I'm going to love on my little ones, my Dh, my sister if I can get her on the phone. I'm going to send off some packages I've had ready to mail for awhile and write letters to my grandmothers (I dislike writing letters and put this off indefinitely). I'm going to charge up the camcorders and video my kids.


I'm so sorry.


Yes, I often wish I could go back in time and do some things differently. And see and appreciate my family- who are all gone but one - again.

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Thank you. The funeral was today. Dad is the lay preacher, and he spoke at the service. D. always did the announcements. My 7yo keeps asking who is going to control or run the church now. He asked if one of the other monks would do it. :lol: (we're not Catholic) .


Farming is dangerous. BIL would like to get into farming. They have one Dd, 4 sons and a baby one the way. They are super nice kids, but they have no inner caution. We have an old silo on our place. We lived here all summer and my kids didn't even go near it. My nephews were outside less than five minutes before they were climbing up. I can't imagine the trouble they'd get into.

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