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My son was in an accident today

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He was riding his bike home from work and ran into the back of a buick, flew over the trunk and somehow punctured his arm badly. The police came to bring me his bike and let me know he was on the way to the hospital in an ambulance.


I flew down to the hospital to find out that he was ok, just bloody and sore. He was cited for not obeying traffic laws (he apparently didn't obey the "don't walk" sign) and the other driver was cited as well, but I'm not sure for what.


There is absolutely nothing worse than seeing an officer at your door with your son's bike in his hands and no son present.


He'll be ok, they put him on an antibiotic for the puncture wound and motrin for pain. I have 450 new gray hairs.

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He was riding his bike home from work and ran into the back of a buick, flew over the trunk and somehow punctured his arm badly. The police came to bring me his bike and let me know he was on the way to the hospital in an ambulance.


I flew down to the hospital to find out that he was ok, just bloody and sore. He was cited for not obeying traffic laws (he apparently didn't obey the "don't walk" sign) and the other driver was cited as well, but I'm not sure for what.


There is absolutely nothing worse than seeing an officer at your door with your son's bike in his hands and no son present.


He'll be ok, they put him on an antibiotic for the puncture wound and motrin for pain. I have 450 new gray hairs.


:grouphug::grouphug:You need several of these hugs!:grouphug::grouphug: I'm so glad he is OK!

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His biggest gripe about this whole thing is that now that he has this medical bill to pay, this may push back his target date for moving out into his own place. I briefly considered paying for this, but he's no longer a minor, has a job and he readily admits this was his fault. So, he gets to fund this one himself. That's hard for me, because as his mom, I want to make it all better, but he's a "growed up" now, he has to make it better for himself.

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He'll be ok, they put him on an antibiotic for the puncture wound and motrin for pain. I have 450 new gray hairs.


Michelle, thank God it was not worse! I remember the adrenaline rush when I was in a similar situation on the receiving end of bad news. His guardian angel should have paid better attention!

An perhaps you miscounted and there are only 449 gray ones??? :001_smile:

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:grouphug: I'm glad he is going to be ok. What a scary thing.

His biggest gripe about this whole thing is that now that he has this medical bill to pay, this may push back his target date for moving out into his own place. I briefly considered paying for this, but he's no longer a minor, has a job and he readily admits this was his fault. So, he gets to fund this one himself. That's hard for me, because as his mom, I want to make it all better, but he's a "growed up" now, he has to make it better for himself.
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His biggest gripe about this whole thing is that now that he has this medical bill to pay, this may push back his target date for moving out into his own place. I briefly considered paying for this, but he's no longer a minor, has a job and he readily admits this was his fault. So, he gets to fund this one himself. That's hard for me, because as his mom, I want to make it all better, but he's a "growed up" now, he has to make it better for himself.


Ah ha, one of those "growed up" kiddoes. I've got one of those. Definitely kill him when he's better.

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