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Do your DC have their own computer(s)?

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Or do you all share a computer?


I'm toying with the idea of getting an inexpensive PC (well, inexpensive as a relative term) for DS sometime this year. We have a Mac, and all of the educational stuff I'd like to get seems to be PC only. And everything that DS is interested in is also PC only.


Plus, I get tired of three people always having to negotiate computer time!


So, do your DC have their own computer?

Michelle T

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We have 3 desktops for everyone. I have my own laptop and my 14ds has his own laptop. He saved up his money and bought his own for gaming, video game design, and schoolwork. His is the best computer in the house. He does not get unlimited access to it.

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My dh and I each have a laptop, so the old desktop went to the kids. We moved it into the living room in anticipation of one day needing to have to monitor their access closely.


My kids aren't really big into the computer yet though. Austin likes it to check the Weather Bug. Riley and Reece do Webkinz or Barbie.com, Nick Jr., Playhouse Disney, etc.


The big kids will be using it more this coming school year because I'm going to require a bit more typing. And they also do math drill on the MUS page, as well as the Singapore Primary Math CD-Roms.

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My older girls have a desktop in their bedroom and we have two other desktops - one in my bedroom and the main one in our living area. Everyone shares them all but in reality the girls use the one in their room for fun stuff, schoolwork is done on the one in their room and/or the one in my room (depending on who needs a quiet place to work without distraction), I use the main one and the one in my room about equally and my husband uses the main one and, occasionally, the one in our room.


When my oldest starts college we are planning to get her a laptop, as our younger ones are starting to go on the computer more often and we will probably need a fourth by then!



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Yes they do. It is not hooked up to the internet so it is for their games etc, which they can use anytime without me worrying they are up to something they should not be. My computer is password protected so they can only use it and go online with me being right there with them. I instituted this after catching my son looking up "naked girls" last summer

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I have a Mac, and my girls have a pc (without internet) in their room, but it belongs to mom and dad too. :) I got it, like someone else says, because so many games are for pc, and they already had a bunch from the pc that died before I got the Mac.

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Yes, this one


Asus eepc


And we all like it. It would be a terrible main computer for an adult, but it's fine for a kid. It's nice to be able to grab it and use it anywhere in the house. It is a whole new kind of portable, since it has no hard drive (only flash memory), long battery life, and is tiny.


My son is a lot more interested in writing on his own since we got it. It is terrible for games, and that's a bonus as far as I'm concerned. I don't want a game machine in the school room. It is on the internet, but all of the computers have heavy filters. And it's cheap.

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When the dc turned 16 they were each given their very own computer as a gift. They could pick it out and determine the specifics of what they needed. Dd ended up with a humongous laptop powerful enough to have fifty bazillion windows open at once and Paint Shop Pro, Adobe Photoshop, and three games all running simultaneously. (I wonder why she keeps burning up her power cords :D) Ds decided on a desktop that was very fast for all his various gaming possibilities at LAN parties. They both use them heavily for school: research, paper writing, etc. They communicate via IM and e-mail with friends and their dad when he is traveling for work. Until they were 16 they shared the family desktop. It helped to moderate how much they could use it when they had to share and they knew that mom or dad's needs, like doing financial things, came first before their needs. Now they have full internet access, but their computers are both in the livingroom.

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We generally buy them a decent desktop with internet access sometime during high school. However, when my 20 year old started college she bought herself a laptop so her desktop was passed on to my 13 year old. He does not have internet however. I know him, he would be up all night playing Tribal Wars if he had internet. He will get a new computer with internet when his schoolwork justifies it. The kids share the main internet computer, a desktop in the classroom. Dh and I each have our own laptops.


There you go, more than you ever wanted to know about the computers at our house!:lol:

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Technically, no...but there are enough computers for everyone. Primary family computer is a Mac. We have one desktop and now four laptops. (Most are former work computers.) Eventually we'd like each child to have a Macbook. That will be quite awhile before they're ready--and we're ready for the expenditure.

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My dc are young, oldest is starting 4th grade next year.


We have a main computer (PC) that most of the time only dh and I use.


The dc have our old PC that has been slightly upgraded (video card, memory) so they can play games including the Singapore Math ones(Rainbow Rock, Vroot and Vroom) Typing for Kids, Music Ace, plus several Jump Starts and Reader Rabbits, Blues Clues and then of course Hot Wheels, Lego Star Wars. It has internet access with restrictive software, K9, which was free and AVG Free Edition which is antivirus software. You can use K9 to block all sites except the ones you specifically permit, or vice versa. You can also restrict what time Internet access is permitted. You just have to remember the password. The third software you might need one day would be tracking software if you want to know who's been were on the Internet if you allow that.


DH bought me a PC laptop for just under $500 at Best Buy on one of those limited sales get there in time or they run out.


DH has a work laptop that he will use in other places around the house.


We have been know to use our laptops for viewing DVDs instead of on of the TVs.


We have a Linksys router for Internet access. Any router should allow both MACs and PCs Internet Access.


We will most likely add PCs as the dc get older, but they will get our older ones unless a specific application requires a better PC.

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We have 3 in use right now.


My laptop - MacBook Pro, was just for my stuff, but i have had to put it in use recording our Homesat classes. I'll be attempting to get another Mac for that purpose at some point.


Kids share an eMac that grandma & grandpa bought them 3.5 years ago, it's online but controlled access with Bumper Car.


DD12 uses my old iBook for school. It's on our internal net - but not online. She writes, watches her school videos and does other stuff on it.


I got tired of their games blowing up the XP system and they only run the Mac now. Life is MUCH better :D

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