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finally saw the Avengers tonight

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It was okay. I thought the constant stream of action to be a bit overwhelming and I missed more of the comedy in Thor. I found Thor to be more entertaining. The Avengers was more a fast moving roller coaster.


The previews of coming movies though were a bit "much." They were all dark and violent and loud. I guess I forgot how loud movies are :)


I was surprised by how few kids were in the theater. Guess they have all seen it. Mine were the only teens there as well. Everyone else was older. Now I need to watch Iron Man and Capt. America. Anyone else have any thoughts on the Avengers??

Edited by HollyDay
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It was really loud.


I thought it was like two 10 year olds playing match-ups with their superhero action figures and arguing about who was the strongest. I was tired by the time they actually got to fight the aliens.


But I enjoyed it, mostly.


Anyone know what kind of food they had at Shwarmas?

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It was really loud.


I thought it was like two 10 year olds playing match-ups with their superhero action figures and arguing about who was the strongest. I was tired by the time they actually got to fight the aliens. I


But I enjoyed it, mostly.


Anyone know what kind of food they had at Shwarmas?

Looked a lot like donar kebabs to DH and I. They are the Turkish parallel to the Greek gyros. Traditionally made with goat meat roasted on a spit, but often turkey these days. Served as street food all over Europe. Really yummy!

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We're big Marvel comic book geeks here. :D I would highly suggest you watch the following in order before seeing the Avengers:


Iron Man (2008 film)

Incredible Hulk (2008)

Iron Man 2


Captain America

The Avengers


They do tie in with each other. Like for example, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and why Loki is bent on destroying Earth (and his brother). And a movie is not enough time to develop how complex the characters and backstories are.


Plus coming soon are:

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Thor 2

Captain America 2

The Avengers 2

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We're big Marvel comic book geeks here. :D I would highly suggest you watch the following in order before seeing the Avengers:


Iron Man (2008 film)

Incredible Hulk (2008)

Iron Man 2


Captain America

The Avengers


They do tie in with each other. Like for example, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and why Loki is bent on destroying Earth (and his brother). And a movie is not enough time to develop how complex the characters and backstories are.


Plus coming soon are:

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Thor 2

Captain America 2

The Avengers 2



Out of context or if you are not a fan per se, I can see how you wouldn't be an geekily thrilled as I was. :D

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We saw it this weekend and all loved it! FTR, dds had only watched Thor (multiple times :D) and Iron Man 2. They saw the beginning of Captain America, but grew bored with it. They didn't feel lost at all and really enjoyed it. They did say they were surprised that they liked the Hulk better than Thor in this movie.

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I have only seen Thor. My dds have seen Iron Man 2. I wasn't terribly lost. I didn't quite get the backstore of Hawkeye and Natasha. Of course, I've seen the Hulk TV show (tells you how old I am!) so I understand the Hulk pretense. Didn't quite follow all of Capt America but it wasn't a distraction.


I also agree with the other poster that it was a long build up to the epic battle. It was almost like 2 different movies put together. Hulk was funny in the epic battle though. Smash..... :)

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Anyone know what kind of food they had at Shwarmas?


They had shwarma.


We like Mediterranean food and there is a restaurant near us that has chicken shwarma. Very good. At this place it's marinated chicken, french fries and pickles and some kind of sauce on a pita. We usually get a side of hummus and more pitas. Good stuff!

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We're big Marvel comic book geeks here. :D I would highly suggest you watch the following in order before seeing the Avengers:


Iron Man (2008 film)

Incredible Hulk (2008)

Iron Man 2


Captain America

The Avengers


They do tie in with each other. Like for example, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and why Loki is bent on destroying Earth (and his brother). And a movie is not enough time to develop how complex the characters and backstories are.



We had friends come over an borrow our movies this weekend. They plan to see The Avengers next weekend. The only one we don't own is Incredible Hulk. And now the kids want to see it!

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We're big Marvel comic book geeks here. :D I would highly suggest you watch the following in order before seeing the Avengers:


Iron Man (2008 film)

Incredible Hulk (2008)

Iron Man 2


Captain America

The Avengers


They do tie in with each other. Like for example, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and why Loki is bent on destroying Earth (and his brother). And a movie is not enough time to develop how complex the characters and backstories are.



Thanks for this. I will start requesting the above through inter-library loan.

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We're big Marvel comic book geeks here. :D I would highly suggest you watch the following in order before seeing the Avengers:


Iron Man (2008 film)

Incredible Hulk (2008)

Iron Man 2


Captain America

The Avengers


They do tie in with each other. Like for example, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and why Loki is bent on destroying Earth (and his brother). And a movie is not enough time to develop how complex the characters and backstories are.


Plus coming soon are:

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Thor 2

Captain America 2

The Avengers 2



That probably would have made it all make sense. I went into it thinking it was going to be a lot different.

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We're big Marvel comic book geeks here. :D I would highly suggest you watch the following in order before seeing the Avengers:


Iron Man (2008 film)

Incredible Hulk (2008)

Iron Man 2


Captain America

The Avengers


They do tie in with each other. Like for example, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and why Loki is bent on destroying Earth (and his brother). And a movie is not enough time to develop how complex the characters and backstories are.




:iagree: But,


We skipped Hulk, and thought it no great loss.


My kids did NOT like Thor -- they thought it was the silliest of the lot, and older dd constantly makes fun of Chris Hemsworth's acting abilities (even though he was James Kirk's dad in the reboot of Star Trek, so she likes him for that). OTOH, it's one of dh's favorites. It's also the only one (other than Hulk) that we don't own on DVD. I really, really liked Tom Hiddleston in Thor, and also in The Avengers. Wow, what a great villain.


We saw The Avengers last weekend. This weekend we re-watched both Ironman movies on DVD (btw, Ironman 2 was the weaker of those 2 movies -- they tried to cram too much in plotwise). We'll catch up with another viewing of Thor and Captain America sometime soon, then maybe go back to see The Avengers again. Believe it or not, we'd never seen the easter egg scene at the end of Iron Man. We've never made that mistake again, though, and stayed until the very end to see them eating shwarma.


We think these are a ton of fun. I did find the early scene between Black Widow and Bruce Banner incredibly tedious, which gave me a bad prejudice against Mark Ruffalo's acting abilities for the rest of the movie. My absolute favorite scene was between Robert Downey Jr and Tom Hiddleston near the end -- they did a great job with that.


(I have possibly been on theater overload lately, and find myself over-analyzing this stuff in regards to acting, direction, blocking, etc. Normally I'm not like this, and just sort of float along blithely unaware of mechanics.)


Also, I dearly wish my kids had been the only kids in the theater since we had one of those teens who Could Not Shut Up near us, which maybe wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't been so clueless -- like when Captain America was punching the heavy bag he thought it was Ironman -- umm, huh?.


You know, if you never watch the earlier movies, how will you see the tie-in between the screen shot of Iron Man taking the nuclear missile to the other realm with Pepper's picture to the left side of the screen with the same shot from Captain America? Little stuff like that makes the movies even more fun. OTOH, I totally missed the LotR reference, but dd caught it.


Okay, obviously I spend too much time thinking about these things. I need to go get a life.:auto:

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One of my favorite scenes was Hulk throwing Loki around. It was really funny especially after Loki has just ranted about what a god he was!


Dh didn't like it. He said it was too action packed, poorly acted, etc, etc. I enjoyed it for what it was, a comic book come to life.


I wonder if Netflix has any on instant??

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We're big Marvel comic book geeks here. :D I would highly suggest you watch the following in order before seeing the Avengers:


Iron Man (2008 film)

Incredible Hulk (2008)

Iron Man 2


Captain America

The Avengers


They do tie in with each other. Like for example, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and why Loki is bent on destroying Earth (and his brother). And a movie is not enough time to develop how complex the characters and backstories are.


Plus coming soon are:

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Thor 2

Captain America 2

The Avengers 2


:iagree:When DH found out that Avengers was coming to theaters, he started the kids out on the prep list above so they could have the proper sequence. :tongue_smilie:


You know, if you never watch the earlier movies, how will you see the tie-in between the screen shot of Iron Man taking the nuclear missile to the other realm with Pepper's picture to the left side of the screen with the same shot from Captain America? Little stuff like that makes the movies even more fun.


:iagree:And it came full circle with the heated discussion he had with Captain America earlier in the movie about how he could never understand sacrifice.


One of my favorite scenes was Hulk throwing Loki around. It was really funny especially after Loki has just ranted about what a god he was!


This was our whole family's favorite scene. Just too, too funny! One of my boys wants to be the Hulk for Halloween and carry a Loki doll. I'm quite looking forward to it! :lol:


DH is super sad about Phil. Poor Phil. We really liked his character.

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I took DS8 to it on our date yesterday. We really enjoyed it. We don't go see them for the quality of the acting but for the fun and excitement. Yes, if you didn't see Capt America you wouldn't know the whole thing with the teserac (or however that is spelled). The movies definitely all tie in together.


DS was upset that Ant and Wasp and Black Panther weren't in the movie.

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We finally saw it yesterday as well. Agreed, VERY action packed. So much so, when we got home, I was ready for bed. Needed to retreat and detox!


The kids all enjoyed it. They've been on a Thor/Iron Man/Captain America kick lately anyway. The 6 yr old was wound up...on the edge of his seat and chattery the whole time, very excited LOL


I thought it was good. Those types of movies are 'all the same' to me. (sorry comic geeks ;))

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One of my favorite scenes was Hulk throwing Loki around. It was really funny especially after Loki has just ranted about what a god he was!


Dh didn't like it. He said it was too action packed, poorly acted, etc, etc. I enjoyed it for what it was, a comic book come to life.


I wonder if Netflix has any on instant??


As ds said, "That was the best 4 second butt kicking I ever saw!"

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We're big Marvel comic book geeks here. :D I would highly suggest you watch the following in order before seeing the Avengers:


Iron Man (2008 film)

Incredible Hulk (2008)

Iron Man 2


Captain America

The Avengers


They do tie in with each other. Like for example, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and why Loki is bent on destroying Earth (and his brother). And a movie is not enough time to develop how complex the characters and backstories are.


Plus coming soon are:

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Thor 2

Captain America 2

The Avengers 2


We're such geeks here... :D

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As ds said, "That was the best 4 second butt kicking I ever saw!"


We saw the movie Friday night. When that happened, about half the audience broke out into applause. (Including me. :D ) "I am a god, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied..."



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We enjoyed it, but thought it was a little sloppy. I would have preferred more story, less action. It all felt rushed, and despite seeing the other movies, I didn't think Black Widow and Hawkeye were properly introduced.


There were little slips here and there that just made the movie seem less put together than Thor or the 1st Iron Man.

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Out of context or if you are not a fan per se, I can see how you wouldn't be an geekily thrilled as I was. :D



:iagree: I hate it that I'm such a dork, but I absolutely loved it. I couldn't quit smiling the rest of the day - so much ridiculous fun!

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We finally saw it last night! The whole family enjoyed it. My husband is our resident comic book geek and he was more than satisfied with everyone's character. He had minor complaints about Black Widow and Hawkeye ("he needs his mask!"). My son adores Captain America and now he can't wait for the next movie.


I loved Tom Hiddleston as Loki. I came home and saw on IMDB that his first major film, after years of doing indies, TV, and theater, was Thor! He is a great actor (and has cheekbones to die for :001_smile:).


Fun movie!

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DH is super sad about Phil. Poor Phil. We really liked his character.


:iagree: Yes, poor Phil.


I totally missed the LotR reference,


Did I miss this, too? Or do I just not remember it already? :confused:


We enjoyed it, but thought it was a little sloppy. I would have preferred more story, less action. It all felt rushed, and despite seeing the other movies, I didn't think Black Widow and Hawkeye were properly introduced.


There were little slips here and there that just made the movie seem less put together than Thor or the 1st Iron Man.


I agree that Hawkeye should have been better introduced. But Black Widow was in Iron Man 2, so if you have seen that, you should have already "known" her.


I fully enjoyed the movie and I'm sure we'll have to buy it on DVD when it comes out. :D

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Did I miss this, too? Or do I just not remember it already? :confused:


When Iron Man picks up Hawkeye during the battle scene in NYC, preparing to carry him (Hawkeye) up so he can start shooting bad guys, Iron Man tells him, "Clench it, Legolas."



I agree that Hawkeye should have been better introduced. But Black Widow was in Iron Man 2, so if you have seen that, you should have already "known" her.


Hawkeye was in Thor, but they didn't really introduce him. If you aren't a total Marvel nerd (or had a teenager scream, "That's Hawkeye!") you might not have even caught on to who he was since I don't think they even mentioned his name.

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When Iron Man picks up Hawkeye during the battle scene in NYC, preparing to carry him (Hawkeye) up so he can start shooting bad guys, Iron Man tells him, "Clench it, Legolas."



Ah, yes, I do remember that!


Hawkeye was in Thor, but they didn't really introduce him. If you aren't a total Marvel nerd (or had a teenager scream, "That's Hawkeye!") you might not have even caught on to who he was since I don't think they even mentioned his name.


Now I have to go re-watch Thor because I don't remember Hawkeye in it. All these memory problems. Am I getting old?


There's an animated Avengers show that my son watches repeatedly, and throughout the whole show, they only refer to Hawkeye as "The Archer," so we end up calling him that a lot of the time. :lol:


ETA: That red turned out way bigger than I meant for it too....Looks like I'm yelling at you, but I'm really not, I swear.

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Now I have to go re-watch Thor because I don't remember Hawkeye in it. All these memory problems. Am I getting old?




If my dd hadn't been so excited about it I probably wouldn't remember either.


When Thor is going to try to recover the hammer after SHEILD has built an enclosure around it, Hawkeye is watching him, ready to shoot him. I know Hawkeye has at least one line, but I don't really remember how big his role is, how many scenes he was in. I just remember that little bit.

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I agree that Hawkeye should have been better introduced. But Black Widow was in Iron Man 2, so if you have seen that, you should have already "known" her.


I saw her in Iron Man 2, but it wasn't until the end that we knew who she really was. Even then, they didn't give us a whole lot of information about her.

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