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Prayers & good thoughts appreciated!

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My dad just called. My cousin, who is expecting her fourth child in September, has gone into labor. They've tried to stop her labor, but haven't been able to. My parents are on their way to go be with her kids right now. I can't imagine a good outcome from this at this point. So.... appealing to the Hive for your prayers and support. Thanks!!

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Anything can happen! When DD was in the NICU there was a set of twins in there that had been born in March but were due in July. One went home while we were there - the other was doing great, just had to get up to eating good.



Thank you! I knew SOMEONE in the Hive would have a positive story to relate!

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He's breathing!


He was born 2 hours ago, and they had lost his heartbeat on the monitor, so they thought they'd lost him. But he was breathing. He weighs 1 pound and 3 ounces.


I'm not clear on WHY exactly, but it may be that the hospital she's at has no NICU... But the doctors aren't doing anything at this point. They're just letting whatever happens happen.


Which now has me thinking about what a huge difference your geographical region makes in regards to infant mortality... even within the US. She's less than 200 miles away from me, but I can't imagine an infant that size/gestational age not getting NICU care in my area. There are at least 6 major hospitals with well-equipped NICUs within 50 miles of my house. I don't get it. I just..... Don't.

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He's breathing!


He was born 2 hours ago, and they had lost his heartbeat on the monitor, so they thought they'd lost him. But he was breathing. He weighs 1 pound and 3 ounces.


I'm not clear on WHY exactly, but it may be that the hospital she's at has no NICU... But the doctors aren't doing anything at this point. They're just letting whatever happens happen.


Which now has me thinking about what a huge difference your geographical region makes in regards to infant mortality... even within the US. She's less than 200 miles away from me, but I can't imagine an infant that size/gestational age not getting NICU care in my area. There are at least 6 major hospitals with well-equipped NICUs within 50 miles of my house. I don't get it. I just..... Don't.



Any talk or thought of airlifting him?


How many weeks is he? I know when I had preterm labor w/ S (which they were able to stop), the hospital told me that they won't do anything for a baby under 24 weeks, but your nephew is more than a pound and breathing, I would think that they would try something. I'll be praying for him.

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Any talk or thought of airlifting him?


How many weeks is he? I know when I had preterm labor w/ S (which they were able to stop), the hospital told me that they won't do anything for a baby under 24 weeks, but your nephew is more than a pound and breathing, I would think that they would try something. I'll be praying for him.


It's my understanding that many hospitals will not airlift a NICU baby. Most are transported by ambulance. (That's what the case was here, anyway - when DD was in the NICU the nurses would go out on the ambulance to go get a baby. Some of them were a couple of hours away.)

I'm shocked that your hospital said they wouldn't do anything for a baby under 24 weeks. The technologies and advances in medicine have changed so much that babies down to 21 weeks can survive. It's one thing to say it'll be rough, or to say they aren't sure how much can be done - it's something entirely different to say they won't even try. :001_huh:

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22 weeks. They're not talking about moving him at all. My stepmom said that she has the baby in her room, and that her docs pretty much said that they're just waiting on him to die. :crying:



Not cool. That's awful!

It kind of infuriates me (toward the hospital, that is) and I don't even have any personal connection to the circumstance. I can't believe it. I mean, this little boy could make it! He could be fine! Without any assistance, though... I just can't imagine... totally shocked here.


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Call another hospital with an NICU, give them advance warning that you are coming. Bundle up the baby and leave and head over there! That is just crazy that they won't do anything! The baby is strong! The adults (doctors) need to do something!! My niece is 16 months old and she was born at 21.5 weeks, she's home and healthy and a butterball of a baby!


The thought of not doing anything just makes me cry!

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OMG! I read a similar story once. The baby was like a few days before the hospital would consider him viable and the doctors would do nothing even though he was breathing. The mom was begging someone to help.

I think if the little guy is breathing they should give him a chance. This is just horrible. I'm so sorry!!


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Oh my gosh... I just read your recent update. I cannot fathom why the doctors are not trying to get this child help... I don't understand. We do not live in a 3rd world country!!!! :crying::mad:

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I am so very sorry for your family's loss and cannot imagine how heartbreaking it is. However, for the other posters questioning the actions of the drs. and nurses, unless you are a NICU nurse or neonatalogist the anecdotes you have heard about preemies doing so well were extremely unlikely to be 22 weekers. I have incompetent cervix and considered very carefully after tons of research and 2 NICU stays with my kids what to do if my baby had been born at different gestations. I would choose to give as much comfort as possible to a 22-weeker but would follow the course that the medical professionals in the OP's situation did. I would encourage the OP's relative when she is ready to research incompetent cervix and would strongly encourage her to get a cerclage with her next pregnancy.

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