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This is getting old.

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I came home from a lovely scrapbooking weekend on Sunday evening, and when I walked in the door, dh said, "I have some bad news. The refrigerator died." By the time he had realized it, the food was all wasted. He didn't bother to clean out the fridge, so I came home to a rotting, stinking mess.


I called dh's step mom, because she is a property manager for a company that handles several apartment buildings, and has connections for appliances and furniture. She has spent the last few days trying to hook me up with a cheap, but nice fridge. I feel so bad, but alas, my cupboard height is a bit too short for most of today's refrigerators. I've also discovered that they don't really make almond appliances anymore, so I'm going to have to go with black, I guess, since my built in oven, stove top and built in microwave are all black. The dishwasher and fridge are almond, but I can live with the black. So, I still don't have a fridge. I looked online, and Lowe's has one I like that is short enough, but says it won't be available for shipping until June 8th! I can't wait that long!!! Dh's friend said we could have the fridge at his mom's condo (she passed away in December and he's getting the place ready to sell), so I went over there last night to look at it. It's also too tall! I don't want to cut out the cabinet above the fridge because I use it for all my mixing bowls, and I don't really have another spot for them.


I have so many events and other things going on that I can't seem to get to an actual appliance store. Maybe I can drag the kids and the baby I watch to the store this afternoon. That should be fun. :glare:


We've been going out for brunch every morning and running out to the store and getting prepared foods every evening. This is really not good for my diet!


Thanks for listening to me complain. I know it's not the end of the world, but it is driving me a little crazy.

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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the rotting stinking mess would make me LIVID. But sorry about the trouble you are having.


Yeah, that's my dh for you. He even asked me what was for dinner about 15 minutes after he told me about the fridge. He's not too bright about women, but luckily for him he has some good qualities that have kept me from strangling him on many occasions. :tongue_smilie:

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Did you try Sears ? I have always had good luck there when I needed an appliance quickly. Also instead of eating out, if you have a large cooler you can fill it with ice and keep some chilled food in there and replace the ice once per day. Another food option for having no fridge is canned soups over rice - just cook enough rice for each meal - no leftovers.

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:grouphug: These things always happen at the worst possible time.


Many years ago, our fridge died while dd was admitted to the hospital. My mom had come to our house to check on things and clean out our refrigerator because dd was coming home on a pic line and the med bags/packets had to be refrigerated. Well surprise...everything in it was warm and bad!

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Did you try Sears ? I have always had good luck there when I needed an appliance quickly. Also instead of eating out, if you have a large cooler you can fill it with ice and keep some chilled food in there and replace the ice once per day. Another food option for having no fridge is canned soups over rice - just cook enough rice for each meal - no leftovers.


The same fridge at Sears was $100.00 more than at Lowes. I didn't ask about the availability, but it might be worth the $100.00 not to have to wait.

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Borrow the fridge from the condo. Put it on the porch if you have to. Order the one that will fit from Lowes. When it arrives, give back the borrowed fridge or purchase it for a secondary fridge in the garage.


Don't forget to beat dh about the head and shoulders with a wet noodle for leaving all that rotted/wasted food in the fridge.

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I came home from a lovely scrapbooking weekend on Sunday evening, and when I walked in the door, dh said, "I have some bad news. The refrigerator died." By the time he had realized it, the food was all wasted. He didn't bother to clean out the fridge, so I came home to a rotting, stinking mess.


I called dh's step mom, because she is a property manager for a company that handles several apartment buildings, and has connections for appliances and furniture. She has spent the last few days trying to hook me up with a cheap, but nice fridge. I feel so bad, but alas, my cupboard height is a bit to short for most of today's refrigerators. I've also discovered that they don't really make almond appliances anymore, so I'm going to have to go with black, I guess, since my built in oven, stove top and built in microwave are all black. The dishwasher and fridge are almond, but I can live with the black. So, I still don't have a fridge. I looked online, and Lowe's has one I like that is short enough, but says it won't be available for shipping until June 8th! I can't wait that long!!! Dh's friend said we could have the fridge at his mom's condo (she passed away in December and he's getting the place ready to sell), so I went over there last night to look at it. It's also too tall! I don't want to cut out the cabinet above the fridge because I use it for all my mixing bowls, and I don't really have another spot for them.


I have so many events and other things going on that I can't seem to get to an actual appliance store. Maybe I can drag the kids and the baby I watch to the store this afternoon. That should be fun. :glare:


We've been going out for brunch every morning and running out to the store and getting prepared foods every evening. This is really not good for my diet!


Thanks for listening to me complain. I know it's not the end of the world, but it is driving me a little crazy.


Get a big ice chest or plastic bin to keep a few things cold while you search for a new frig.

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Is there a scratch and dent type place near you? What about craigslist or newspaper listing? Can you send someone with a measuring tape on a yardsale quest this weekend? ....just some passing thoughts.


They closed the only scratch and dent place that I knew of. We already have lots of plans for this weekend, including me going on a mother's day shopping trip with dh's stepmom and SIL, so perhaps I can get them to look at appliances with me. Not exactly the girl's day out we had planned for ourselves, but hey, it could be worse. :D

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I haven't bought from them but I've heard many good things about them at gardenweb where I always research my appliances (but I've never run into an I must have it now so I've had the luxury of time to research).


Even if you don't buy from them, you could probably research what brands/models would come in the height you need and then maybe you could call places versus trying to tote the kids around.

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I don't think it would be easy to cut out the cabinet above the fridge. I would have to hire someone to do it, since I just don't have the time or energy to try myself and dh is able to change a lightbulb (sometimes), and that's the extent of his ability to do manual labor.


We have these silly laminate cabinets of which I am not too fond:




Maybe tonight I can run to the store and get some milk and eggs and ice to keep in the cooler. Good idea.







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I haven't bought from them but I've heard many good things about them at gardenweb where I always research my appliances (but I've never run into an I must have it now so I've had the luxury of time to research).


Even if you don't buy from them, you could probably research what brands/models would come in the height you need and then maybe you could call places versus trying to tote the kids around.


That is the site that step MIL was emailing pictures of the fridges her sources had. It's a great site! Lots of info. Thanks for mentioning it.

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Borrow the fridge from the condo. Put it on the porch if you have to. Order the one that will fit from Lowes. When it arrives, give back the borrowed fridge or purchase it for a secondary fridge in the garage.


Don't forget to beat dh about the head and shoulders with a wet noodle for leaving all that rotted/wasted food in the fridge.


I'd go with this solution.Once I had an appliance sitting in the middle of a room during a painting project. It's temporary and I could not be without a fridge, especially now that it's getting hot here.

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Instead of cutting the cabinets, have you considered just remounting them higher on the wall? You could either move all the top cabinets up or add some sort of trim or molding on top of the ones you don't move to keep it from looking funny.


If you can see from my pictures above, that would involve quite a bit of work. There is a sofit above the fridge that the cabinets abut.

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I'd go with this solution.Once I had an appliance sitting in the middle of a room during a painting project. It's temporary and I could not be without a fridge, especially now that it's getting hot here.


I literally have no place with a plug to put it! Believe me I considered it. That's the bad part of living in an old house. They didn't plan for lots of electric appliances! :D

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looks like you are getting some good advice. Sorry:grouphug: We had a time last year where our new phrase was "If it's not one thing, it's the washing machine (car, animals, appliances, they all seem to have problems at the same time) It will pass though...and then start again.



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We had a time last year where our new phrase was "If it's not one thing, it's the washing machine (car, animals, appliances, they all seem to have problems at the same time) It will pass though...and then start again.




Ain't that the truth. Besides our refrigerator, the upstairs toilet handle broke two days ago, and our air conditioner hasn't been working. Luckily it hasn't been too hot these past couple of days. I've called three different repair guys, and they all say they'll come when they get a chance to look at it, but so far none of them has shown up. Those things I can live with longer than the fridge situation, though.

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Go buy a bigger "dorm" size refrigerator while you wait for the one from Lowes. That's what we did. I wanted a small one for the garage for water bottles and stuff for the kids to grab on the way to sports events, and ended up getting a 10 cu ft (apt. size actually) from Home Depot to use until our new fridge arrives. Our fridge won't be here until the 21st. :( Walmart has a 5 cu ft (I think) and I know Sears had a decent size one that would hold the essentials like milk, eggs, some veggies. Good luck- trying to find one to fit our house has been hard, so I feel your pain!

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I'm sure you're not around here anywhere, but are you local to NH? I have a smaller refrigerator that's only a couple of years old. It sits in my basement and really needs to go. We use the freezer portion of it, but also have a large freezer down there, and mainly only use it around the holidays when there is a lot of extra food. Now that we have our new Samsung, the extra refrigerator is really a waste. I plan to unplug it after I transfer the freezer contents.


If you could pick it up, or I could meet you within an hour or two away, I would be happy to give it to you. It is either white or almond. You could use it until you get another and then put this one in your basement. Then you'd have two smaller ones.:001_smile:

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I'm sure you're not around here anywhere, but are you local to NH? I have a smaller refrigerator that's only a couple of years old. It sits in my basement and really needs to go. We use the freezer portion of it, but also have a large freezer down there, and mainly only use it around the holidays when there is a lot of extra food. Now that we have our new Samsung, the extra refrigerator is really a waste. I plan to unplug it after I transfer the freezer contents.


If you could pick it up, or I could meet you within an hour or two away, I would be happy to give it to you. It is either white or almond. You could use it until you get another and then put this one in your basement. Then you'd have two smaller ones.:001_smile:


You are so sweet! That is such a nice offer. I live in Ohio, though, but thank you so much for thinking of that!

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Did you actually go in to the store and ask about the fridge delivery date? Our stove died a few weeks ago, and everywhere we looked online, the estimated delivery dates were a month away, which obviously wouldn't work. But when we went in the store, they were able to have it delivered in four days!


Also, did you check Best Buy? We were planning on getting our stove at Sears, but found the one we wanted cheaper at Best Buy, with free delivery and haul away, and better financing. I'd recommend looking there, because they were great to work with!

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Did you actually go in to the store and ask about the fridge delivery date? Our stove died a few weeks ago, and everywhere we looked online, the estimated delivery dates were a month away, which obviously wouldn't work. But when we went in the store, they were able to have it delivered in four days!


Also, did you check Best Buy? We were planning on getting our stove at Sears, but found the one we wanted cheaper at Best Buy, with free delivery and haul away, and better financing. I'd recommend looking there, because they were great to work with!


I haven't been able to go anywhere, yet. Maybe later today after the baby I watch goes home. We've had our year end Cub Scout events this week, and other things going on in the evenings, so tonight is really my first free night. Dh has his weekly poker game, so he'll be here and I can go out by myself without dragging the kids along.

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The same fridge at Sears was $100.00 more than at Lowes. I didn't ask about the availability, but it might be worth the $100.00 not to have to wait.


Yes, ask your Sears about price matching. My mom just bought a dryer, and when she went to Sears, the salesman actually looked up the sale prices at other stores for her, found a lower price at Best Buy, and then not only matched it, but went 10% of the difference lower (so, in your case, $10).


Needless to say, she bought the dryer there - cheaper price and good service.

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Sears also charges for delivery and removal of the old fridge, with Lowes it's free. Sears extended warranty is also about 2 x the price of the one at Lowes, and Sears will replace after they have fixed the same problem 4 times, but Lowes replaces after any 4 repairs- even if they are different repairs. Just thought I'd share some info we learned on our search. hth

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I don't know if someone already said this, didn't read all the replies, but I'd be taking out that cabinet. It can be done.


It can be done- but I'd have to hire someone to do it. And the Outside of the adjoining cabinet is not finished, so it would stick out like a sore thumb, and I'd have to get rid of something else in my kitchen for a place to put my mixing bowls. I am a big cook-at-home person, and I use everything in my kitchen frequently. We have an old house with not much storage space. Every square inch of storage is already being used. It just seems like more trouble than trying to find a shorter fridge. I may be changing my tune this evening after I go out to the stores. We'll see. Maybe I can live with a ripped out, ugly looking wall space in order to get a good fridge.

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Yeah, that's my dh for you. He even asked me what was for dinner about 15 minutes after he told me about the fridge. He's not too bright about women, but luckily for him he has some good qualities that have kept me from strangling him on many occasions. :tongue_smilie:

Sorry.....but this (not cleaning it up himself and asking for dinner at such a bad time) would cause a major sit down and hash it out session. His treatment of you is absolutely disrespectful and selfish. It wouldn't happen again in my house, unless he was incapacitated ! Don't let it set a precedent for repeat behavior. Good traits aside, it's unacceptable.

I do hope you can find something else soon- it must be difficult.

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Sorry.....but this (not cleaning it up himself and asking for dinner at such a bad time) would cause a major sit down and hash it out session. His treatment of you is absolutely disrespectful and selfish. It wouldn't happen again in my house, unless he was incapacitated ! Don't let it set a precedent for repeat behavior. Good traits aside, it's unacceptable.

I do hope you can find something else soon- it must be difficult.


Too late. I've posted about his lazy nature. He was 43 yrs. old when we got married and had never done a thing for himself in his life. I went to counseling years ago about this. None of my sisters nor my friends can understand how I manage to put up with him. But, I knew he was like this before I married him, and I still went ahead with it. So, I have to lie in the bed I've made. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, bless your heart, Lynne. You have a good attitude about it, I have to say....and you've equipped yourself to deal with bumps in the road. I respect that. Just in case you haven't heard of it before, the Boundaries book MAY be helpful. I still don't think that late marriage or one being set in their ways is an excuse for completely burdening you with the entire problem. Marriage is supposed to be teamwork. You ought to assess the messages you're transmitting to your children. :grouphug:

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I'm not shy about letting my boys know that their father's behavior is unacceptable and that pretty much no other woman would put up with it. They are already being trained by me to take care of themselves and others. It's kind of sad that I have to do that, but it is how it is. I'm not the only one, either. My mother, my sister who lives with us, dh's step mom, my best friend, etc., are always telling my boys that they will not be able to get away with the same attitude that dh has.


Seriously, he is a good, but utterly lazy and slightly selfish guy. He would give me or anyone else his very last cent if they wanted it. He lets me spend whatever I want on scrapbooking supplies without comment. He encourages me to do what I want to do. He tells the boys elaborate stories that he makes up for them. He is generally easy going and relaxed. He would never comment on the condition of the house, or any of those other things I've heard complaints about here. Just don't ask him to exert himself physically for anything! :D

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Borrow the fridge from the condo. Put it on the porch if you have to. Order the one that will fit from Lowes. When it arrives, give back the borrowed fridge or purchase it for a secondary fridge in the garage.




I literally have no place with a plug to put it! Believe me I considered it. That's the bad part of living in an old house. They didn't plan for lots of electric appliances! :D


That's why they invented extension cords :D

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