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I just responded to an email from our insurance adjustor thinking it was DH

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So DH has been taking care of our claim since my car accident. He's been dealing with the insurance adjustor (who has taken FOREVER to pull it together). They were going to fix our car (it's at the body shop and has been there for almost a month!) But they decided it was more damaged than originally thought so they are totaling it :(


Anyway, we've been waiting to hear from them and when I got an email this morning (as I was juggling two babies, working on laundry and trying to wrangle kids for school), I opened it because I saw dh's name on it (Insurance guy cc'd DH on it but I just saw dh's name and thought it was from him).


The offer was confusing and I immediately responded (DH and I have a strange sense of humor and we often quote obscure jokes from Saturday Night Live or other off the wall comedies).....Anyway I said "I don't want to eat, drive or have s** with any of those offers (it was a skit from a long time ago http://snltranscripts.jt.org/96/96qfoodsexcars.phtml (I can't find the video).


The worst part is, I didn't realize I responded to insurance guy for at least an hour!!! I called DH to see if he got my email and to talk to him about the offer and he said "What email?" MORTIFIED!!!!


I quick sent insurance guy an apology and tried to humbly explain it was a joke between dh and myself ...but I haven't heard back from him yet.


DH told me he would handle the emails from now on...:blushing:

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I bet your insurance guy will think it is pretty funny, especially when he sees your follow up.


Don't worry, he will probably like you better now anyways. LOL Laughter is a pretty powerful friendship builder.

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Probably made Insurance Guy's day. They deal with lots of (understandably) cranky people, so encountering somebody with a sense of humor likely delighted him.


I still have fond memories of the lawyer I once worked for who left a long, long voicemail for me: he sang at least three verses of Funkytown. Presumably, he meant it for somebody else, and I never asked about it (I do wonder if he ever realized he'd serenaded the wrong person), but I was thoroughly charmed.

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Well it's 3:30 and I still haven't heard back from Insurance man. I would think it would be courteous of him to email me back and acknowledge my faux pas ;)


Dh told me he thinks he might be able to get us some sweet tater skins out of the deal :tongue_smilie:

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You made me laugh!

Here's mine: I once answered the phone, assuming it was DH, and said enthusiastically, "Hi, Cookie boy!"

There was a pause. "Ummmm...."

It was our priest. Whoops.


BTW I do not usually address DH as cookie boy. Just in case you were wondering. :D



:lol::lol::lol: you win!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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You made me laugh!

Here's mine: I once answered the phone, assuming it was DH, and said enthusiastically, "Hi, Cookie boy!"

There was a pause. "Ummmm...."

It was our priest. Whoops.


BTW I do not usually address DH as cookie boy. Just in case you were wondering. :D


Cookie Boy? :lol:


Probably made Insurance Guy's day. They deal with lots of (understandably) cranky people, so encountering somebody with a sense of humor likely delighted him.


I still have fond memories of the lawyer I once worked for who left a long, long voicemail for me: he sang at least three verses of Funkytown. Presumably, he meant it for somebody else, and I never asked about it (I do wonder if he ever realized he'd serenaded the wrong person), but I was thoroughly charmed.


Maybe he did mean the voicemail for you. Which would be odd. But, regardless.....it is funny. Did he sing good? :lol:

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This thread is cracking me up:lol: My story ... back in my prehistoric, before children days, I was working as a programmer analyst in a department that was mostly young, single people. I had a party at my apartment to celebrate a couple promotions. The following Monday, I sent out an email thanking people for coming and mentioned something about having trouble getting the jello out of the carpet (a couple people did shove jello down some people's shirts.) I received a reply ... from the president of the company saying he wanted to "party with me" as I certainly knew how to throw a good one. Apparently, it did not go out on my private email list, but to the whole company.:o

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