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5th grade plans???


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Math: Math Mammoth 5, LOF Fractions & Decimals

Latin: Latin Prep 1

Language Arts: finish MCT Town, begin MCT Voyage

Literature: Read & discuss good books: Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Little Women are on the list so far . . .

Writing: continue WWS

History: finish SOTW 3/begin SOTW along with extra American history. Add some more formal Geography study 1x per week, and Musician/Artist study 1x per week

Science: Continue BFSU & keep studying insects

Drama: Summer Theater camp, participate in 2 main stage productions during the year

Logic: maybe start Art of Argument. Maybe wait.

PE: ???? got to get us some exercise!!!



We've started various 5th grade things already, the only entirely new things we'll start in the fall are MM 5 and Latin Prep. We kind of school year round, though Miss P does theater camp for the month of July, and we'll take a 2 week vacation in August, so that's ~6 weeks when we won't do any "school" besides reading & listening to audiobooks.

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I will be watching this. 5th grade seems like more of a change to me than 4th.


I agree. Its a huge change. We had a long post of plans somewhere. But I will repost mine:


Math: Rod and Staff 6

English: Rod and Staff 5

Spelling: Rod and Staff 6 (maybe. Might drop spelling this year. I will start the year with it, but if something needs to go, this will be it for my natural speller.)

Latin: First Form

Spanish: Spanish for children, beginning level

Logic Stage WTM History, using Kingfisher Encyclopedia as spine: outlining, timelining, writing summaries.

Complete Maps of Geography and Geography Coloring Book

Classical House of Learning Lit Ancients Logic

Logic: something simple from Critical Thinking

Science: Memoria Press 5th grade, the biology book from their 6th grade for plant study and more animal study, and a microscope unit using, World in a Drop of Water. I will plan the year in 4ths for all of this, hoping to leave a month off for science fair. We shall see..

Bible: Memoria Press Christian Studies I

Art: Drawing with Children chp. 5 (people) SOTW1 projects, scouts projects, etc.

Music: Piano

P.E. dance, and various field days, and being active at home


Latin will be full force. Spanish will be less important, more of an intro year. The lit schedule will be picked and chosen from as fits our needs. And she will continue with the Geography workbook we have at will, using the Geography coloring book for history studies.

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
eta bible, art, music, pe
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My 5th grader will be doing:


CLE Math 6

CLE LA 5 (grammar only)

IEW outsourced class/WWE 4 or WWS

Sonlight 6 - History, Read-Alouds, Readers

Sonlight Science 5

Memoria Press' Christian Studies IV - or discussion

Prufrock Press Logic Books/Mindbenders

Reading Detective from CTC

Megawords 2 and 3

Spanish - I'm not sure about this. We've finished La Clase 1 and 2 and will have finished GSWS. I may go ahead with La Clase 3 or Spanish for Children and then have her memorize all the vocab in SYRWTLS 1.



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I am nervous about 5th grade. Some days I see my DS-almost 11 making huge leaps in his thinking and reasoning but other days I think this jump to the Logic Stage is going to be a hot mess. Anyway...our plan.


Math: He is finishing R&S 5 this year, but R&S 6 seems to me a repeat of the same topics (admittedly, I haven't looked closely so this may not be entirely accurate). We will either stick with this since it is working or switch to Saxon but I have no idea. Looking at the placement test it seems he would place into 7/6 which doesn't seem right to me.:bigear: if anyone has faced this dilemma.

Writing: WWS 1 (this scares me to death)

Grammar: Hake Grammar 5 (just the grammar portion)

Spelling: AAS 5 & 6

Reading: we'll read books for the time period and discuss

History: History Odyssey - Ancients Level 2

Science: Elemental Science for the Logic Stage Biology

Logic: Mindbenders and whatever else is in TWTM

Latin: we've not done any yet, so probably Latin For Children, which we will start this summer

PE: organized baseball, soccer and basketball

Art/Music: ?

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I'm on a board break, but I want to contribute to this. We started our 5th grade plans in January, so we are 4 months into this.


Every morning, we cover math, writing and literature. Then, we cycle through the other subjects throughout the week. I give them Friday off.


Writing: PHP's The Creative Writer (this is a HUGE hit here - I love this book) and Writing with Skill. We also went through a phase where I had her write one solid paragraph every morning. Just 3-4 sentences. It was like pulling teeth, but it had a big impact on her writing and her writing seems more mature.


English: finishing Paragraph Town level - the writing, grammar, poetry and Caesar's English


Latin: Latin Prep 1 (this is also great, cheap and very user-friendly). Sometimes, you can find the textbook cheap on amazon.


German: Rosetta Stone, Tobi Fibel Readers and some easy readers


Art History: Art: A History (caution - there's nudity) she flips through the book, finds artwork that she is interested in, logs important names/dates/works of art in her notebook and then uses colored pencils to sketch one of the paintings in her notebook


Math: Math Mammoth and Life of Fred Decimals/Percentages


Physics: Real Science 4 Kids Physics Level 1 textbook + Thames & Kosmos Physics Workshop + a workbook/lab book I made on MS Word + some videos on Netflix and DK Visual Encyclopedia of Science as a reference.


History: listening to SOTW 1 with her brother, finding related entry in Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (this is awesome), history notebooking/timelining (per WTM logic stage) and daily history reading. I tried just letting her choose extra reading from the library, but that didn't work out, so I created a booklist. I also found that we can't do the machine gun method with book topics, so I chose to focus on a certain area. Here's her booklist:

Black Ships before Troy (my son loved this book)

The Wanderings of Odysseus

In Search of a Homeland

Archimedes and the Door of Science

D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths (of course - LOL)

The Great Wall of China


Literature: We have one read-aloud and one reader going at all times. We're also reading through the Chronicles of Narnia (before bed) and using ROAR! http://www.amazon.com/Roar-Christian-Family-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B0035JEPAE/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1335379710&sr=1-1-catcorr (but not the kindle version, we have the book).


Here are some of the titles she's reading this year:

The Phantom Tollbooth (very cool play on language)

Lassie, Come Home (awesome story, but the dialect reading was difficult for my kids - I ended up taking over and reading it to them)

The Big Wave by Pearl S Buck (a very fast read and great illustrations)

White Fang

My Side of the Mountain

The Rainbow People

Wolves of Willoughby Chase

Tales of a Korean Grandmother

All the Small Poems

Tales from Shakespeare (Lamb)


Religion: Loyola's Book of Saints (but my kids are losing interest halfway thru this). Going to try Journey through the Bible.


Logic: Red Herring Mysteries (the 3rd grader likes these so much that he gets upset when we stop reading, so we have to read 6 of them in a row and then I have to hide the book, because I'm so tired of telling riddles - alot of them have a sports theme, too - strangely enough)


I hope this helps someone out there in cyberspace. Good luck, Everybody!


Edited to say: sorry my reply is so long-winded

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My ds will be a 5th grader in the fall. We school year round, but he's already done a lot of 5th grade work being combined with my eldest dd. This is our tentative plan:


Math: We are finishing Singapore 5A and 5B and Saxon 65. Probably before fall. After that we will do Singapore 6A and 6B with Intensive Practice, Saxon 76, and AoPS. We will probably finish some LoF books, too. TT7 for review and practice. MEP and Zaccaro for fun together.


Writing: WWE4 and maybe move into WWS. Monthly IEW projects, some Killgalllon Sentence Composing for Elementary school, outlining practice, WTM style reports across the curriculum, The Creative Writer, daily creative writing projects,


Grammar: Finish JAG (probably before fall), Winston Grammar Basic, Grammar Town


Spelling: AAS 3 & 4, finish Apples & Pears book A and B, maybe some LOE work. He is possibly dyslexic.


Reading: Sonlight Core G and into H. Teaching the Classics discussions together. Work on reading aloud and fluency.


Vocabulary/Poetry: Caesar's English Enhanced, MCT Building Poetry, Henry's Words book weekly.


History: Sonlight Cores with SOTW work.


Science: Sonlight Core E: Electricity & Magnetism, RS4K Physics Level 1, finish BFSU level 1 and move into 2. Possibly start MPH science 5A or Milestones in Science kit.


Logic & Philosophy: Assorted Critical Thinking Co. workbooks like Perplexors, Harry Stottlemeier's Discovery.


Latin: Finish Lively Latin 1 and GSWL, maybe move onto LL2 or Wheelock's. SSL with the kids for review.


French: TPR French, Rosetta Stone French.


Greek: Hopefully move beyond our year of figuring out the letters. :tongue_smilie: SSL with the little kids for review.


PE: organized baseball and soccer. Aikido weekly.


Art/Music: Artistic Pursuits 4-6 Book 1, maybe Drawing with Children.


Other: Mapping the World with Art (continuing), Executive Functioning Elementary Level, Auditory Sequencing Practice book, HWOT cursive practice.

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Writing: WWS 1 (this scares me to death)


Nah, it's gonna be OK. :D Did you watch SWB's Youtube video about Writing with Skill? Also, make sure you buy the Instructor Text, because she says it's her "brain" in the book.


I think this is the link:

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Nah, it's gonna be OK. :D Did you watch SWB's Youtube video about Writing with Skill? Also, make sure you buy the Instructor Text, because she says it's her "brain" in the book.


I think this is the link:


Thank you, I had seen that before. I always forget about that video and feel so much better after watching that and listening to SWB's lectures. Must remember to do that more often. Breathe in, breathe out.:001_smile:

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My oldest will be in 5th grade this coming year. We plan on starting in June.


Language Arts: Writing With Ease 4, Growing with Grammar 5, Wordly Wise 6, and All About Spelling 2/3 (yeah, I know, she's all over the place :tongue_smilie:)


Math: Teaching Textbook 7 (already started this one) with CWP 4/5 moving into TT Pre-Algebra or Guest Hollow Pre-Algebra (I haven't decided which way to go yet)


History: History Odyssey Level 2 Ancients


Science: Ancient Science & interest led


Latin: Lively Latin 1 (actually we've already started this)


Logic: Logic Liftoff


Extras: Awanas, Classical Kids music & One Hour Mysteries

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I am still tweaking it but this is what I have so far:



AoPS Pre-Algebra

ThinkWell Pre-Algebra

Math Team or Math Club, not sure which yet



Exploration Education

Science Explorer: Physical Science


Latin: Visual Latin



SOTW 1 along with his younger sister

K12 Human Odyssey

Classical House of Learning Logical Stage Ancients



Brave Writer Lifestyle

The Arrow

Killgallons Sentence



Soaring With Spelling 4



KISS Level 1 Grade 6



Star-Spangled State Book



Mind Benders

Balance Benders

Critical Thinking 3



Zaner Bloser Cursive 4


Outside Activities:


Swim Team

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my daughter will be in 5th starting in august. here's our plans.



Bible - Daily Reading

History - Veritas Press: Old Testament & Ancient Egypt

Geography - Global Mania & Seterra

Math - CLE Grade 5

Spelling - Dictation Plus

Science - God's Design for Life: The World of Animals

Latin/Language Arts - Word Roots

Art - Meet the Masters

Writing - IEW SWI-A

Typing - Typing Instructor for Kids

Grammar - Abeka Grade 5 and Editor & Chief A1


she'll also have a reading basket, and we will continue with lots of read alouds with me too :)


for extra stuff, she has church, co-op, upward sports, field trips, etc.

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Bible, History, Science, Dictation, Narration, Copywork - HOD Preparing Hearts for His Glory

Math - CLE 5

Spelling - Studied Dictation

Grammar - Rod and Staff 5

Literature Studies - DITHOR 4/5

Typing - one handed typist instruction

Logic - probably something from critical thinking company

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Here is ours:

Math: continue with AoPS Algebra. Continue with Kumon.

Science: finish BFSU 1 and move into BFSU 2. Toying with adding something else in, not sure what yet.

Writing: finish WWE4 and start WWS

Grammar: continue with Analytical Grammar season 1 and possibly do Season 2

Spelling: finish Spelling Workout F and start G

Reading: free choice

Latin: continue with So You Really Want to Learn Latin Book 1. Hopefully, if she doesn't blow up, we will finish this and start Book 2 :D

History: continue with SOTW2 with younger sister. Start K12 Human Odyssey book 1 - read a chapter a week and summarize.

Art History/Music History once a week

Poetry memorization. I dropped the ball this year, as I didn't like many of the selections in FLL4. I've bought several anthologies for my kindle and plan to pick out mutually agreeable selections over the summer.

I have plenty of logic materials, but I think she may get enough logic from the Latin and the math.

Piano, chess, tennis, ballet


I'm a little nervous as several of these will stretch her. It's going to be a big step up. We are ramping up for the next several weeks to get used to the pacing and difficulty.

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Math: Saxon 7/6, Singapore CWP 5, Hands-On-Equations, various other stuff


English type stuff: Shurley 6, IEW History-Based Writing Lessons, Phonetic Zoo, Vocabulary From Classical Roots, various other stuff


Latin: Finish Latin for Children B and start C, various other stuff


Spanish: GSWS, various other stuff


History: VP Explorers-1850, SOTW 3


Literature: VP 5th grade


Bible: VP The Gospels


Science: Human Anatomy using a combination of Apologia, Winterpromise, and Sonlight Core F resourses


Music: Opal Wheeler Composer Studies, piano (we are going to do this this year:glare:)


Art: Atelier Art Level 2 &3


Logic: Building Thinking Skills 2, logic puzzle books, perhaps Art of Argument


Geography: Beautiful Feet Geography, Mapping the World by Heart (America portion over two years).

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For ds 10


Saxon 65, Hands on Equations, and Khan


Saxon Phonics Intervention

Spelling Plus

Sentence Diagraming practice and free grammar review worksheets

SOTW 1, maybe with Intellego Unit Studies in their 6-8 ancient civ

Elemental Science Physics with T&K Physics Workshop kit and Bill Nye videos. Maybe Mr. Q Physics too for a different angle.

Inquiry in Action Chemistry with real chem equipment

IEW Poetry Memorization

Elementary Spanish for grades 1-2 (he has a language disorder so I'm not expecting much)

Artistic Pursuits


Our schedule is relatively light in math and history, and heavy in L.A. and science.


This also assumes we finish MM 5A, GWG 4, and an Alaska unit study before the fall.

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It is late in the spring to still have so many "maybes" but who doesn't love to post a plan, LOL?


Bible - Maybe God's Great Covenant OT 1 or Greenleaf Guide to O.T. or Grandpa's Box w/ coordinated scriptures ?

Grammar - possibly Hake

Writing - IEW

Spelling - SWO E

Literature - a list of books re. to Ancient (some from CHOLL, some TOG, etc)

History - VP Greece/Rome self-paced online, KF - w/ timeline and notebook?, would love to add in Oxford Greece and Rome, but trying to remind myself to keep it simple and streamlined.

Science - Maybe Exploration Education

Math - CLE 500, probably start 600

Latin - Maybe Great Latin Adventure Vol. 2

Extras - summer swim team, Chess, piano


We ought to find time to add in typing, but it's the least of my worries right now, LOL.

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A year ago I had planned that DD would be a 5th grader this school year, but that involved a grade skip for a child already young for grade level, and I ended up deciding against it. We kept my curriculum plans, but called this year 4th grade, and it has worked out really well.... so now I get to plan 5th grade all over again. Starting in July of this year:


Spelling Workout F (I gave her the option of dropping spelling and just working on words she misspells, but she wants to continue!)

Exercises in English G (we switched to the EIE workbook this year and it has been very efficient and thorough)

Minimus Secundus/Latin Prep

Classical Greek for Beginners

HO Middle Ages 2

Singapore Discovering Mathematics

PHSE -- some of the physical science textbooks, maybe also some chemistry (we are doing one of the life science books now and she is really thriving with this)

I design our own literature and writing

I am planning unit studies on the Olympics and the presidential election

I'm still figuring out something for Spanish that she and DS can do together


I'm hoping to find a good outside class for art

ETA: Continuing with various Prufrock Press books for logic

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We school year round. This summer we plan to concentrate on writing. We'll be working through Writing with Skill daily and possibly a few exercises from The Creative Writer.


We'll start fifth grade in September.


Math - Singapore 5A/5B

Spelling - AAS (hopefully level 5 by then)

History/Lit/Geography/Art - Tapestry of Grace Year 2, units 1 and 2

Writing - Writing Aids with TOG (then back to WWS after co-op ends)

Logic - Orbit with Logic

Science - co-op classes

French - co-op classes

PE - Taekwon-do and various short-term classes (tennis, swimming, etc.)

Music - cello, orchestra, piano


We're involved in an academic co-op where we have a TOG class, science, French, and writing. This runs for 23 weeks.

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Grammar: R&S 5

Spelling: R&S 5

Writing: Apologia Jump In with The Write Stuff Adventure to break things up occasionally. My plan is for it to last for two years.

Reading/Lit: MP 5th grade lit

Latin: First Form

Logic: Orbiting with Logic/Red Herring Mysteries

Math: Still up in the air, lol! Daily Mental Math 5 with either Dolciani Pre-Algebra or R&S 7. We will have completed R&S 4&5 this school year, and R&S 6 looks like a review with little forward movement, so that is why I am considering 7. I would follow R&S 7 with the Dolciani Pre-Algebra. I am just not sure if I want her starting pre-algebra this young, which is why I am considering holding her off for another year (this is assuming it takes her an entire year). R&S 7 would slow things down and make pre-algebra that much easier.

Spanish: continue with the free video series on knowitall.org (until we complete all three levels), at some point we will give SFC another try

Geography: MP States and Capitals

Health: Schoolaid Health 5

Art: Artpac 5

Music: R&S Music 6&7, continue piano lessons and children's choir

Science: finish Apologia Zoology I, start Apologia Botany

History: MP Famous Men of Greece

Bible: MP Christian Studies I

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I won't be buying any books until it's much closer to fall... but I think we'll be doing this:


Math - Finish SM6 then continue with some pre-algebra, but I'm not positive how I'll organize it and what I'll use.


LA - Move from paragraph writing to essay writing (will use some community college ESL writing books I have on hand), Pentime 5, possibly Sadlier-Oxford vocabulary


Science - Continue biology (using Lyrical Life Science, CPO, McHenry Cells, Botany, Brain, Brainpop), continue Story of Science Newton (Read-aloud)


History - I think we'll go with non-European world history (aka all the bits we've skipped since we've only been focusing on Europe) using OUP history. Alternatively, we'll start US History with Hakim.


Latin - Continue Latin Prep 1


Other stuff - Piano (Piano Adventures), art and electives (at PS), French (possibly), also I'd like to include a little bit of set theory and formal logic in math, and a bit of philosophy and rhetoric in writing... but we'll see.

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Bible - Daily Reading

History - Early American (going to combine TQ, AO and BF somehow)

Geography - Seterra and BF Geography.

Math - MM and LOF fractions and maybe decimals

Spelling - AAS finish 5, and 6

Science - Elemental Science

Latin- I think we're going to drop this and just work w/ roots (EFTRU) until he is stronger in grammar.

Logic- Mindbenders

Art - unsure

Music-might be starting piano lessons or homeschool orchestra + ??

Writing - CW not sure if we'll keep on in Aesop or move into Homer yet. I also have WWS, but I don't think he's ready for that yet so might be saving it for 6th

Typing - Typing Instructor for Kids (cont. they love this)

Grammar-unsure. Might try Rod and Staff again or Hake/Saxon

Memory- Awana bible verses, States and capitals, using WTM for more suggestions

Lit.- We'll be using AO year 4 lit, Plutarch, and Shakespeare. Some will be readalouds, some independent reads. I'm making a list of things for him to read independently but not finished yet (things like Black Beauty, Secret Garden, Where the Red Fern Grows etc)

Co-op which is fun stuff, gym and hopefully someone will teach art and music theory so those will be taken care of. ;)


My main planning now is figuring out how to combine what I want to use from AO and from WTM without overkill...

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Trail Guide POE/POS

TT 5 combined with something else but not sure what

Shurley English 4

Tin Bot French Language Reader

Sonlight F (Health & Anatomy)

Zoology - Sea creatures

RSO Chemistry (undecided)


Since Trail Guide is almost a complete program, I don't have to add much but will have to wait to see the program before I know what I want to add/supplement. These are my plans right now.

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Math -- SM5 with IP

Grammar -- R&S 5

Spelling -- R&S 6

Writing -- finish off IEW-SI-A, then WWE4 until I think he is ready for WWS

Bible -- Studying God's Word F and AWANA

History -- SOTW 3

Science -- Elemental Science Biology for Logic Stage

French -- Rosetta Stone and L'art de Lire 5 (I think!)

Latin -- LC Book 1

Logic -- Building Thinking Skills Level 2

Music -- Violin and hopefully orchestra!


This is my plan right now. It's a lot of new things -- new spelling and grammar programs, and adding Latin and logic.


I don't know if it's too much!

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