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Teaching _____ Makes Me Want to _____.

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Teaching Handwriting makes me want to fall on a fork.


Seriously, just copy the FOUR WORDS and move on--no need for dramatic looks that could kill and blank stares and grumbling like the Israelites in the desert. No need for tears about how you wanted to do something else and don't think it's fair that you should have to write FOUR WORDS in a book that you usually just go get first because you like it so much.



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Teaching Handwriting makes me want to fall on a fork.


Seriously, just copy the FOUR WORDS and move on--no need for dramatic looks that could kill and blank stares and grumbling like the Israelites in the desert. No need for tears about how you wanted to do something else and don't think it's fair that you should have to write FOUR WORDS in a book that you usually just go get first because you like it so much.






Also, teaching math makes me want to tear out my hair. Don't tell me how hard it is before we've begun, don't tell me how you'll never be able to do this before you've even attempted one problem, and DON'T ask why you'll need to know this (trust me - I've actually USED simple multiplication in my life.) :tongue_smilie:

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Teaching poetry makes me want to gnaw off my own arm to escape that trap.


"So what does the rose represent?"

"It's a flower."

"Yes, but what does it mean? What does it stand for?"

"It means it's a rose. It says so right in the poem."

*gnashing of teeth*

"Ok, but what might that rose mean other than being just a rose?"

"It says it's a rose. Right there. Rose."

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There really is nothing that bothers me to teach. What bugs me is the same thing every day. Over and over.


I swear I'd love to go to a semester schedule. Math for 2.5 hours a day for 4.5 months then done. Move on to science in that slot for the rest of the year.


I really am considering it for the last 5 years.

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Teaching poetry makes me want to gnaw off my own arm to escape that trap.


"So what does the rose represent?"

"It's a flower."

"Yes, but what does it mean? What does it stand for?"

"It means it's a rose. It says so right in the poem."

*gnashing of teeth*

"Ok, but what might that rose mean other than being just a rose?"

"It says it's a rose. Right there. Rose."




I loathe poetry. Unfortunately for me, my DS loves poetry, so he never, ever lets me get away with skipping over it.

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Science, science, science.


I hate finding all the little parts and pieces that we need to do our experiments. I hate the prep. I hate that there are so few secular choices that I am willing to use.


My daughter loves science so we do a lot of it. It just seems like a ton of work for me to pull it together. She is going to a Young Explorers science camp and an Engineering camp this summer and I am so happy to let someone else make a weather balloon and do messy experiments with her!

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Teaching poetry makes me want to gnaw off my own arm to escape that trap.


"So what does the rose represent?"

"It's a flower."

"Yes, but what does it mean? What does it stand for?"

"It means it's a rose. It says so right in the poem."

*gnashing of teeth*

"Ok, but what might that rose mean other than being just a rose?"

"It says it's a rose. Right there. Rose."


ha ha, I am this student!

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For the most part, teaching math makes me want to :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:


I love math and only one of my kids seems to share that love.


Teaching reading is also extremely difficult. Every year for 7 years I have to teach reading. I feel like I'm going to explode with the s l o w and laborious sounding out of words over and over and over.

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Teaching algebra to my dd who could care less about how she does in school, or wrangling with Rosetta Stone Spanish CD's makes me want to poke my eyes out. :D


Teaching Sonlight's Cultural Geography or Beautiful Feet's Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation History makes me wish I could travel the world.

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Science, science, science.


I hate finding all the little parts and pieces that we need to do our experiments. I hate the prep. I hate that there are so few secular choices that I am willing to use.


My daughter loves science so we do a lot of it. It just seems like a ton of work for me to pull it together. She is going to a Young Explorers science camp and an Engineering camp this summer and I am so happy to let someone else make a weather balloon and do messy experiments with her!





I *love* experiments and so do the kids. But the prep work is horrendous, even with kits!


The worst for me is Logic. UGH. I get Logic when explained in regular words but the whole P and Q or P and not Q and P --> Q.... :blink::svengo::leaving:


I like teaching everything else... except Logic.

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Teaching handwriting to a lefty is like :banghead:


Start the letter at the top


Because that's where you start


Because that's the rule


To make it easier to form the letter

But it's easier to start at the bottom

Just start it at the top

Sigh - ok


That P is backwards

Yes but it's easier

Turn it around or no one can read it

I can read it

You're supposed to write so others can read your ideas

Rewrites the P correctly -writes a B backward


That B is backwards

It's easier that way

We need to follow the rules


So you don't get confused about what you wrote



Don't write capitals in the middle of words -use all lower case


Because that's the rules

But it's easier to write the big letters

Yes but that's not the way you do it

Throws down pencil - I hate Handwriting


Yeah ...so do I :banghead:

Edited by sewingmama
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That was Math last year until we discovered TT and LOF.


For me it is handwriting. It is horrible, and I just don't know what to do about it. Next year I will have two of them, and my dd is a LEFTY! (is there an icon of mom running from the house screaming?)

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Teaching writing makes me want to return to the days when the oral tradition reigned supreme. What's that famous Socrates quote bashing written literature again? :tongue_smilie:


My kids are wonderful oral storytellers. Trying to get them to write it down (even type it!) is like pulling teeth :glare:

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So much to look forward to...


So far, teaching dd to play games makes me want to shout, and unfortunately, sometimes I do. :(


Teaching literature makes me happy because all it means at this age is I get to earbash my daughter with all the kiddie books I loved. :D It's like a family reunion but the only people invited are the ones I like!



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Teaching reading makes me want to cry. Or rage.


The word is "her." You know this word phonetically. You have read this word 100,000,000 times. You read the word five minutes ago and now you are looking at it as if you have never seen the English alphabet before. PLEASE. PLEASE SAY "her." Please demonstrate to me that I'm not just talking to the wind.

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With my dd Teaching Phonics/reading made me want to scoop out my own liver with a dull spoon. If only I'd taken her for a vision screening earlier.


I don't mind teaching anything else. I used to hate writing, but since I found the right program that doesn't scare me anymore.

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Not to derail...but this immediately made me think of what the boys talk about EVERY SINGLE DAY.


"Would you rather be shot in the arm or have it sliced with a knife?":w00t:


"Would you rather have your arm chopped off with a machete or bit off by a shark?":svengo:


OH MY! Every day! The scenarios are endless! And gruesome! And thought out very carefully & answered by the other with the utmost reverence & consideration!!! WHY?




Anyhow. Art. I'd rather scratch my own eyes out than have to teach art. I'm the LEAST arty, creative person alive. Truly. I am special. I suck extra. I go to eleven in the art suckiness department.

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Not to derail...but this immediately made me think of what the boys talk about EVERY SINGLE DAY.


"Would you rather be shot in the arm or have it sliced with a knife?":w00t:


"Would you rather have your arm chopped off with a machete or bit off by a shark?":svengo:


OH MY! Every day! The scenarios are endless! And gruesome! And thought out very carefully & answered by the other with the utmost reverence & consideration!!! WHY?


I guess that's the boy version of Death is Not an Option.

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I guess that's the boy version of Death is Not an Option.


OH MY WORD! I had no idea this was an actual phenomenon with an actual name! I guess I've been under a rock forever! I googled this & there it is! I feel so...enlightened. And less worried. My little boys will do this their entire life. It just is what it is. :lol:

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Teaching creative writing makes me want to just write it myself. :D Last time he wrote "his own" story it was about zombies who are trying to cross the lawn but different vegetables are trying to stop them. (Um, basically he just described Plants vs. Zombies complete with saying "then on the next level...")



Anyway, here is a typical conversation:


me: Okay, now that we've talked about and listed what might be in a fantasy story, you get to write one of your own.


ds: (blank stare)


me: What would you like your main character to be? A person or an animal?


ds: (blank stare)


me: How about an animal since it is a fantasy story. What animal would you like to write about?


ds: I don't know. There are like a billion kinds of animals!


me: It can be any animal. There is no wrong answer.


ds: But there is no *right* answer, either!


me: Well, just pick any animal and let's go from there.


ds: (blank stare)


me: any animal


ds: (blank stare)


me: seriously.


ds: Ok, how about a tiger?


me: (greatly relieved): Ok! A tiger! And where would you like the setting of your story to be?


ds: on the lawn


me: On the lawn? Ok...


ds: with a kid named Calvin.

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Not to derail...but this immediately made me think of what the boys talk about EVERY SINGLE DAY.


"Would you rather be shot in the arm or have it sliced with a knife?":w00t:


"Would you rather have your arm chopped off with a machete or bit off by a shark?":svengo:


OH MY! Every day! The scenarios are endless! And gruesome! And thought out very carefully & answered by the other with the utmost reverence & consideration!!! WHY?




Anyhow. Art. I'd rather scratch my own eyes out than have to teach art. I'm the LEAST arty, creative person alive. Truly. I am special. I suck extra. I go to eleven in the art suckiness department.




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OH MY WORD! I had no idea this was an actual phenomenon with an actual name! I guess I've been under a rock forever! I googled this & there it is! I feel so...enlightened. And less worried. My little boys will do this their entire life. It just is what it is. :lol:



It gets even more... *ahem* ..."interesting" when they hit their teens. My DSs, in all sweet earnestness to include me, now have conversations like this:


DS #2 = "So, Mom, when the Zombie Apocalypse hits, would you rather have a shotgun, a chainsaw, or a machete?"


Me = "Uhhh..."


DS #1 = "You know Mom doesn't do guns."


DS #2 = "Yeah, but if she did..."


Me = "Can't I just have the keys to a hummer with a full tank of gas?"


DS #2 = "But, when you run out of gas, what weapon would you rather have?"


DS #1 = "I'm calling Dad's .22!"


DS #2 = "Then I get Dad's handgun." Turning to me: "No offense, but as soon as you're infected, I'm shooting you."



Bless his heart. :tongue_smilie:

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I guess that's the boy version of Death is Not an Option.


It gets even more... *ahem* ..."interesting" when they hit their teens. My DSs, in all sweet earnestness to include me, now have conversations like this:


DS #2 = "So, Mom, when the Zombie Apocalypse hits, would you rather have a shotgun, a chainsaw, or a machete?"


Me = "Uhhh..."


DS #1 = "You know Mom doesn't do guns."


DS #2 = "Yeah, but if she did..."


Me = "Can't I just have the keys to a hummer with a full tank of gas?"


DS #2 = "But, when you run out of gas, what weapon would you rather have?"


DS #1 = "I'm calling Dad's .22!"


DS #2 = "Then I get Dad's handgun." Turning to me: "No offense, but as soon as you're infected, I'm shooting you."



Bless his heart. :tongue_smilie:


I need a 'like' button.:lol:

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Yes... Algebra! :eek:


Teaching Algebra to a VSL DS who said.every.single.day: "Why do we have to do this? I'm never going to use this? When do you ever do quadratic equations in real life? I hate this!" .... made me want to slam my hand in the car door... repeatedly... to ensure escape via a trip to the urgent care... And then: we repeated Algebra again the next year, because it really hadn't clicked the first time around... :eek:



On the other hand, doing Literature with DSs made me want to homeschool forever. :) What great conversations and relationship building! :)

Edited by Lori D.
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Doing science experiments makes me want to run screaming. They never work for me. I can't seem to get a seed to sprout. I can't get water to freeze. I can't even freaking grow bacteria in a petri dish. I'm am a total science experiment flunky. :tongue_smilie:



I can soooooooo relate. Not even compost works for me!

~~Faithe...who bought a microscope for her kids last Christmas, and keeps it next to my bed...because I am terrified.....very, very terrified.

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It gets even more... *ahem* ..."interesting" when they hit their teens. My DSs, in all sweet earnestness to include me, now have conversations like this:


DS #2 = "So, Mom, when the Zombie Apocalypse hits, would you rather have a shotgun, a chainsaw, or a machete?"


Me = "Uhhh..."


DS #1 = "You know Mom doesn't do guns."


DS #2 = "Yeah, but if she did..."


Me = "Can't I just have the keys to a hummer with a full tank of gas?"


DS #2 = "But, when you run out of gas, what weapon would you rather have?"


DS #1 = "I'm calling Dad's .22!"


DS #2 = "Then I get Dad's handgun." Turning to me: "No offense, but as soon as you're infected, I'm shooting you."



Bless his heart. :tongue_smilie:



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