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dd's arm hair woes (suggestions, please?)

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My 11-year-old has been upset by her light brown (blonde) arm hair for a long time. It's rather thick, but certainly nothing horrible. She's made much of it for a couple of years. She came to me tonight crying that she wanted to wax her arms, and showed me where she had cut the hair on her arms. (*rolls eyes*)


I told her that people don't wax their arms, and she needed to learn to accept the arm hair. Or, I guessed we could bleach it, but there just wasn't anything to be done.


She's completely upset by it. It's just. . . weird. I showed her my sparse dark arm hair, but she said mine was barely noticeable.


I told her I'd get a consultation. So. . . here I am :)


Anyone have any suggestions for me?


(I just want her to get over it, but if anyone knows anything else that doesn't cost money, that's great.)

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Two of my girls shave their arms and I am sure that they would be thrilled to wax them. If it bothers her that much and you could afford it, that would be the easiest way to take care of it. Otherwise, she could shave them or at least trim it down with a bikini trimmer or something.

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It's hair. I don't get uptight about hair. I'd buy a home wax kit and rip it off of her if she wants it gone so badly. She just might not ask to have it done again.;) In fact, I'd start in a fairly inconspicuous place in case she decides after the first rip that she didn't want to continue.:D Honestly, if it is bothering her that much, why not let her remove it?

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I would let her wax it. It grows back more naturally than shaving. I used to bleach my arm hair, when I'd have to wear sleeveless or short sleeves in the winter; I have medium amount of medium brown hair on pale skin. My skin is darker now, and the hair may be less, I guess, but my husband laughed at me when I finally said I thought it was ugly. He thought I was being weird.

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I know several women that shave their arms. I do too. It's no big deal. I shave it once or twice a week. Let her try it and see if she thinks it is worth the trouble.


Doesn't hair grow back thicker when shaved? Or is that an old wives tale?If so, I'd probably try to have her wait awhile before deciding something she's going to have to keep up for a lifetime.

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I would suggest Nair for someone that young. That way she can do it herself safely without you having to worry about cutting and/or burning herself.


Now a word of high caution: I'm one of the few it seems that is allergic to Nair. Seriously don't let her do more than a test patch first. B/c if she is allergic it probably won't be pleasant. Not to scare you but I just itch like crazy and break out into rash/spots. I've always had very pale sensitive skin though. If this does happen consult your doctor but mine has always suggested benedryl.

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I'm allergic to every hair removal cream I've tried, but I wax my arms. I buy a kit that has wax and cloth strips-- not the pre-waxed plastic strips. I've tried several brands of those and none of them worked. I'm going to start doing my legs, too, I think. I have to go to a pro to get my facial waxing done, but for the big areas DIY is so easy. And if it makes her feel more confident, I'd say it's worth it.

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My dd16 has lots of arm hair, but hers is blonde, so she leaves it alone. Mine grows in dark and I hate it, so I shave it off. I use a good moisturizer or body oil afterwards. Upside: I had red bumps on my upper arms that went away after I started shaving/moisturizing. I'm thinking it's the exfoliating effect of shaving, but I can't be sure.


Doesn't hair grow back thicker when shaved? Or is that an old wives tale?If so, I'd probably try to have her wait awhile before deciding something she's going to have to keep up for a lifetime.


Old wives' tale. Mine takes forever to grow back in (it grows much slower than leg hair, for instance), and grows back just as fine as it was before. Sometimes I leave it alone, but when the weather is warm and my arms will be bare, I shave it. If I can afford it, someday I'll have it treated with a laser. I had laser hair removal for hair on the back of my neck and was very pleased with the results. Laser hair removal is really painful, though. I wouldn't recommend it for a child. IMO, waxing is also too painful for an 11yo. It's so easy to shave. Let her shave. :001_smile:

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Thanks, everyone.

You've convinced me. We'll find something she can do about it. I like the Nair idea. I tried it a couple of times as a youngster and found it very unpleasant, but it might be better for her. I don't think we can afford waxing right now.


And I didn't realize people depilated their arms! (I did once as a kid--shaved 'em, and my mom said people just didn't do that) :)


Thanks for all the responses.

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It's hair. I don't get uptight about hair. I'd buy a home wax kit and rip it off of her if she wants it gone so badly. She just might not ask to have it done again.;)


I was going to say that too. Arm stubble kind of disturbs me more than leg stubble.


I wouldn't bother saying "people don't ---, so you shouldn't," I can tell some of the male swim teachers and lifeguards remove their arm and chest hair, which to me sounds pretty painful.


I don't shave my arm hair but I did wax it a few times, for no particular reason, and I had part of my arm shaved when I had henna put on my arm. I have never had the desire to do it again.


I have been bothered by excess hair that my mother also didn't see, so I am somewhat sympathetic, but I can also see that sometimes it's easy to fixate on something and spend all your spare time gazing at your hairy arm. I am not entirely sure how to address that.

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I've gone through phases where I waxed mine. I found that the lower arms (all I've done) really don't hurt that much. For me, they hurt much less than legs.


I personally would vote for wax over Nair. I'd worry about the chemicals in the chemical depilatories.

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